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Status Replies posted by BronxWench

  1. Whoever has the Ghost Chance voodoo doll right now, if they could give it a break, that would be nice. I don’t want to share details, lest my family find this site, recognize those details, and realize it’s me—right now, the last thing I need is a mass-shunning because I’m bi in a family of homophobes. But…

    Woozle. Our cat, Woozle. The little bag-obsessed orange garbage-baby. Our sweet, smelly, mouthy, single-braincell-bearing fur-son. That Woozle. We just found out he’s incredibly sick, the kind of sick that creeps in without warning, may not even show, and will eventually end his life. Right now, he’s still healthy and happy enough that his quality of life isn’t in question, but that could change without much notice. It could be a few years, or a few days, or who knows how long, but my little monster is terminally ill, and I’m a fucking mess right now. We’re doing everything we can, but there’s not much we can do to begin with.

    So. Yeah. Give your pets some cuddles for me. I’m probably going to go cry again because this fucking sucks.

  2. So, the corgi who owns me, She Who Is an Agent of Chaos, decided to scare the life out of me this weekend with a marathon of vomiting followed by some bloody stool. She decided to do this at the lake, and only because the daft one was called into work, and left with the car.

    Cue Elderspawn who rode to the rescue on Sunday morning, drove up to collect me, the ailing corgi, and Youngerspawn, so we could camp out at the 24-hour emergency vet for three hours only to be told the vet had to leave, and wouldn’t be able to see us. I am, at this point, in tears.

    We realize our regular vet is now open, because the gods are kind, and so we head there, manage to get seen without an appointment, and head home with meds to await the results of tests today. Of course, we are told not to feed the corgi, which is apparently an Unforgiveable Sin and results in nonstop side-eye and much deep sighing.

    Your kids grow up and are able to do things like drive to your rescue. Your furbabies will be toddlers forever. This morning, I was able to feed the corgi. The bottomless pit cleverly disguised as an adorable fluffbutt picked at her breakfast, a meal normally devoured in 3.7 seconds.

    I’m going to be making chicken and rice for her this afternoon. I know my place.

    1. BronxWench


      Thank you! She’s doing much better now, although I remain mystified that the vet would prescribe an antibiotic for her diarrhea with a common side effect of, yes, diarrhea. :blink: 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. So, the corgi who owns me, She Who Is an Agent of Chaos, decided to scare the life out of me this weekend with a marathon of vomiting followed by some bloody stool. She decided to do this at the lake, and only because the daft one was called into work, and left with the car.

    Cue Elderspawn who rode to the rescue on Sunday morning, drove up to collect me, the ailing corgi, and Youngerspawn, so we could camp out at the 24-hour emergency vet for three hours only to be told the vet had to leave, and wouldn’t be able to see us. I am, at this point, in tears.

    We realize our regular vet is now open, because the gods are kind, and so we head there, manage to get seen without an appointment, and head home with meds to await the results of tests today. Of course, we are told not to feed the corgi, which is apparently an Unforgiveable Sin and results in nonstop side-eye and much deep sighing.

    Your kids grow up and are able to do things like drive to your rescue. Your furbabies will be toddlers forever. This morning, I was able to feed the corgi. The bottomless pit cleverly disguised as an adorable fluffbutt picked at her breakfast, a meal normally devoured in 3.7 seconds.

    I’m going to be making chicken and rice for her this afternoon. I know my place.

    1. BronxWench


      So, it’s not parasites, and the blood work is all fine. She Who Is an Agent of Chaos is now eating grass like she was a prize Hereford. I did remind her that she is supposed to herd cattle, not imitate them, which earned me a fresh round of judgmental side-eye.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Wow… so this post should bump my “rank.”  Lets see if that unlocks anything special. :kilt:

    1. BronxWench


      If you get any, let me know. I could use some super powers myself. :lol: 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. No. No. HAY-ell to the no!  We have had enough fucking tornadoes  here for several lifetimes, and I’m fed the fuck up with them. 🤬

    Yes. Tornado in 2011. Tornado several years ago. Tornado last month, and another last freaking night. Yes. Last night. My family, husband, and I are all safe, and I believe all our friends are safe. We didn’t live within the danger zone this time, but my PTSD was already kicking up over the season and impending trauma-versary. This? This is going to give me night terrors. Again. Can’t have Ghost go more than a month without dreaming about Cold dying a bloody, gruesome, tragic death in her arms, now can we? 😭 It’s a good thing I put everything on hiatus because I’m barely able to function right now, and it’s just gonna get worse.

    If you see this post and you live in the United States, take this as your cue to go buy a weather radio and keep it on and stocked with batteries. The sirens in my hometown didn’t go off, and they weren’t sounded in another nearby town last month. Weather alerts on your phone won’t go off if the cellular network fails, and you can’t count on hearing the sirens, and a tornado can happen anytime of the year, on any continent, given the right conditions. If you’re looking for volunteer opportunities, there are several communities that are going to need help over the next week or so.


    Seriously. Fuck tornadoes.

  6. No. No. HAY-ell to the no!  We have had enough fucking tornadoes  here for several lifetimes, and I’m fed the fuck up with them. 🤬

    Yes. Tornado in 2011. Tornado several years ago. Tornado last month, and another last freaking night. Yes. Last night. My family, husband, and I are all safe, and I believe all our friends are safe. We didn’t live within the danger zone this time, but my PTSD was already kicking up over the season and impending trauma-versary. This? This is going to give me night terrors. Again. Can’t have Ghost go more than a month without dreaming about Cold dying a bloody, gruesome, tragic death in her arms, now can we? 😭 It’s a good thing I put everything on hiatus because I’m barely able to function right now, and it’s just gonna get worse.

    If you see this post and you live in the United States, take this as your cue to go buy a weather radio and keep it on and stocked with batteries. The sirens in my hometown didn’t go off, and they weren’t sounded in another nearby town last month. Weather alerts on your phone won’t go off if the cellular network fails, and you can’t count on hearing the sirens, and a tornado can happen anytime of the year, on any continent, given the right conditions. If you’re looking for volunteer opportunities, there are several communities that are going to need help over the next week or so.


    Seriously. Fuck tornadoes.

  7. No. No. HAY-ell to the no!  We have had enough fucking tornadoes  here for several lifetimes, and I’m fed the fuck up with them. 🤬

    Yes. Tornado in 2011. Tornado several years ago. Tornado last month, and another last freaking night. Yes. Last night. My family, husband, and I are all safe, and I believe all our friends are safe. We didn’t live within the danger zone this time, but my PTSD was already kicking up over the season and impending trauma-versary. This? This is going to give me night terrors. Again. Can’t have Ghost go more than a month without dreaming about Cold dying a bloody, gruesome, tragic death in her arms, now can we? 😭 It’s a good thing I put everything on hiatus because I’m barely able to function right now, and it’s just gonna get worse.

    If you see this post and you live in the United States, take this as your cue to go buy a weather radio and keep it on and stocked with batteries. The sirens in my hometown didn’t go off, and they weren’t sounded in another nearby town last month. Weather alerts on your phone won’t go off if the cellular network fails, and you can’t count on hearing the sirens, and a tornado can happen anytime of the year, on any continent, given the right conditions. If you’re looking for volunteer opportunities, there are several communities that are going to need help over the next week or so.


    Seriously. Fuck tornadoes.

  8. It’s never an easy decision to make, but I’ve had to make it: all my active stories are now officially on hiatus. 

    Nothing (very) bad’s happened – at least, this time around, nobody is dead, dying, or terminally ill. Life’s just thrown us a curveball and Cold and I are even busier than usual. Most days, I barely have the energy to handle day-to-day work, let alone time and energy to write. Heck, I haven’t even gotten anything written on my most recent chapter of my novel in a few months now; that’s how crazy it’s been lately. Since my fanfiction may not be updated anytime soon, I decided to head it off at the pass before readers start deciding I’m dead.

    ...yes. That’s always a possibility, considering how infrequently I can update.

    It sucks, but better to give myself permission to not write than continue to bludgeon the desktop with my head when my brain is too stress-fried to write. On FFN and AO3, I put notes in my current stories, and updated the summaries of the stories that have fallen by the wayside. AFF frowns on author’s notes as chapters, so I’m not sure where to go beyond adding something to the summaries.

    I hope the fanfiction writer’s curse has missed more of y’all than it’s hit, that spring is treating you well, and that this doesn’t last too many months. Now if any of y’all need me, I’ll be in my burrito-blanket muttering there’s no place like home and fuck-this-shit-I’m-out.

    1. BronxWench


      We need a hug in the Like options. :hug:

      I’ve been in a similar place for a while, and it’s both frustrating and (there isn’t a decent word in English) triste. I’m managing tiny bits and pieces, but I can’t seem to find the time or the words for what I really want to be writing, so… I’ve decided to stop stressing and wait for it. It’ll come back.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. And today’s birthday shout-out goes to the amazing Melrick. Happy Birthday, and many more!  :hug::wish:🥧🫖:hug:

    1. BronxWench


      That sounds like my typical birthday schedule as well! :lol: 

      But now, treat yourself to something triple chocolate! 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. Well, that was fun… Anyone else feel the earthquake that just rocked the Northeast area? :blink:

    1. BronxWench


      It wasn’t a tremendously big earthquake as these things go, but for our area, it was enough to be felt. The initial quake felt somewhat like being on a ship, to be honest. Everything moved just enough to make you think you needed to get your sea legs. There was one aftershock, in the evening, that was similar, but most of the aftershocks weren’t noticeable. And fortunately, there was very minor damage closer to the epicenter, and no deaths.

      This was actually my third earthquake in NYC. The first one was in 1985, and that one rattled the glassware. It was only 4.0, but the epicenter was closer to the city. There was one in 2011, and we didn’t even feel that one. We were actually at the pool, and someone saw it on Facebook. :lol: 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. An emotional rollercoaster day:  two losses; two gains.  Cheers to a calmer day tomorrow for everyone.


    1. BronxWench


      I hear you. It’s been surreal here today.

  12. Top temperature today was 42.3c (108.1f), but the top ‘feels like’ temperature was 50.3c (122.5f).  Woo!

    I’m ready for autumn now, thank you.

    1. BronxWench


      My physics professor used to say, when something wasn’t working, that we should hit it. Fifty percent of the time, that would fix whatever was broken, and the other fifty percent of the time? Well, it was broken anyway and giving it a good thumping would make you feel better. :lol: 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. Top temperature today was 42.3c (108.1f), but the top ‘feels like’ temperature was 50.3c (122.5f).  Woo!

    I’m ready for autumn now, thank you.

    1. BronxWench


      And I’m so ready for spring. It’s -1°C (29°F) here and feels like -12°C (10°F). It was bloody 14°C (57°F) yesterday. I hate it when the weather has ADHD.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. How thoughtful that spammers are self-reporting themselves in the “Trolls/Flamers/Spammers” section of the forums… sigh.  Can we hang/draw/quarter them?

  15. well that was a fun birthday! NOT! damn 13 yr old nephew had to throw a fit cuz i wanted to go to a bar for my birthday! I spent the WHOLE DAY with him..ugh! im 39yrs old and im already tired. 

  16. So. Is it colder than a witch’s cunt where y’all are, too? No? Just us? Muh-zurr-uh’s done froze over, folks. 

    1. BronxWench


      *dies laughing*

      I’m a second generation native of NYC, born and raised in Manhattan, and now living in The Bronx. True story here: The OB who delivered my mother also delivered me at the same hospital, and was Chairman Emeritus of the department when I delivered Elderspawn at the same hospital. The secret to NYC? Forget boroughs, and think of us as a rather large collection of small towns all stuck together in a relatively small space. If you wandered into my current neighborhood, you would NOT believe you were in The Bronx, but my zip code begs to differ. :lol: 

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  17. So. Is it colder than a witch’s cunt where y’all are, too? No? Just us? Muh-zurr-uh’s done froze over, folks. 

    1. BronxWench


      Ha! We’re getting up to 27 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow…  :bash:

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  18. So. Is it colder than a witch’s cunt where y’all are, too? No? Just us? Muh-zurr-uh’s done froze over, folks. 

    1. BronxWench


      NYC’s cold but not quite polar vortex cold. We’re getting a light snow mixed with freezing rain, because the gods will not be happy until I wind up sliding across the street, and I keep waiting for the daft one to call and tell me he’s working late, so I can see if my Jeep wants to ski downhill to the train station.

      But aside from that, let’s just say that winter sucks. ❄️🪦

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  19. I want to wish a happiest of birthdays, to our magnificent @BronxWench 

    May the day be wonderful and full of delight. And here’s to another full circle around the sun. :bday:  :cheers:

    All gifts in the form of shimmering gold and very sparsely clothed pretties that we may have in our possession, especially of the impish and the elvish variety, will be happily accepted. Gold will be kept, but pretties will be returned, unscathed and very exhausted. :thankyou:

  20. I want to wish a happiest of birthdays, to our magnificent @BronxWench 

    May the day be wonderful and full of delight. And here’s to another full circle around the sun. :bday:  :cheers:

    All gifts in the form of shimmering gold and very sparsely clothed pretties that we may have in our possession, especially of the impish and the elvish variety, will be happily accepted. Gold will be kept, but pretties will be returned, unscathed and very exhausted. :thankyou:

    1. BronxWench


      Thank you! It was nicely uneventful, which I appreciate no ends! :lol: 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  21. I want to wish a happiest of birthdays, to our magnificent @BronxWench 

    May the day be wonderful and full of delight. And here’s to another full circle around the sun. :bday:  :cheers:

    All gifts in the form of shimmering gold and very sparsely clothed pretties that we may have in our possession, especially of the impish and the elvish variety, will be happily accepted. Gold will be kept, but pretties will be returned, unscathed and very exhausted. :thankyou:

  22. “Len, don’t become a drunk.  Otherwise, stick to ale.  After all, ale will never lock you out of your own house and bust up all of your belongings in the front garden just ‘cause you’ve had another pint!”  Would you expect to read this in a “T” rated fanfiction?

  23. There’s a lot of bad news out there these days. So I’ve decided that every day for the next week, I’ll post one piece of good news.

    To decrease summer heat and improve air quality, New York City’s city council has decided to up NYC’s tree canopy coverage from 22% to 30%. A lidar-based mapping system will be used to identify places where the new trees would do the most good.


    1. BronxWench


      We are already a remarkably green city, but I’m always eager to see less green areas of the city getting new trees. It makes such a tremendous difference!

  24. Happy Turkey Day everybody (though I’m opting for pork loin this year).  🦃

    1. BronxWench


      Happy Thanksgiving to all that are celebrating today! (I’m having a delayed celebration on Sunday so my family can be here, but it’ll be the traditional massive turkey and all the trimmings!)  🍗🥧🍷🍂

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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