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Posts posted by ApolloImperium

  1. We are actually in the middle of a complete code rewrite which will see features being added in over the next year or so until such time as we transition completely to the new code. The issue that we have is that our archive is too large for ANY of the current archiving software to be able to handle it, believe you me, we've checked! Right now we are holding steady at about 8GBs for our database which incorporates 10 years worth of story data, user data, reviews etc. Since we use a database system, new software wouldn't involve user transfers, just how the software accesses it, however like I said, our archive is just too large of any of the software currently in use. The only other archive that is larger than us is FanFiction.net and they have their own custom coded software as well. It's just been a long process as new software costs money and until recently we were only bringing in enough to cover our hosting costs.

    I suggest keeping an eye out on our news posts, which are posted the 1st Sunday of every month here in the forums, assuming my life doesn't negatively impact it (and even then I'm normally only a day or two late) and then cross linked to the main page of the archive and in each sub-domain for updates on what is coming and when.

  2. *waves* Hi! I be TPTB!!

    Anyway, to add onto what Willow has already said, you can add it to your recommended reading in your profile as a way to remember to look at them or any of the other ways that was suggested. Otherwise, I would refer you to the following News Post from earlier this year :)http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/19504-site-news-1-22-11/

    Hope that helps!

  3. *shrugs* You are looking at it from your upbringing. I was raised in a very fundamentalist Christian household myself, yet here I am, running an adult fiction archive that by biblical standards is wrong and evil, as one should not think of anything other than your spouse in a sexual manner, as it diminishes a relationship. Yet, to date, I've never had an issue in that stand by They also teach that masturbating is evil. I simply don't subscribe to it.

    Our background impacts our views as adults, it's up to us if we continue to subscribe to those beliefs or move past them. I have my own fetishes that most likely wouldn't be condoned by the Church. They aren't right or wrong, they just are.

  4. Everyone has their own fetishes, kinks, likes and dislikes - These things do not inherently make one evil or good. Daydreaming about something definitely doesn't make one evil, otherwise I think we could all fall under that umbrella - I can't tell you how many times I've dreamed of killing an ex, a boss, that person that just cut me off as I was running late etc etc etc.

    When it comes to fetishes, it's all about how it's practiced. If you were to go out, kidnap a person and subject them to your fantasies without their permission, then yes, you might have a problem. If you were on the other hand, to find a consenting adult that shares the same interests as you and willingly agrees to participate with in boundaries that are predetermined and legal, then you are just human.

  5. A few posts back I believe. I would make a suggestion for the future... Instead of posting just a picture, post what you are looking for in terms of a fic, pairings, kinks, etc. It tends to generate a sincere response instead of tongue in cheek replies.

  6. Okay... Just to clarify for other people reading this topic: You are looking for Metroid fan fiction here on AFF that involved Samus so you can work on your own fiction posted on an unrelated site?

  7. IP checks complete - 1 vote DQ'd due to being a registered user and voting in both topic and poll.

    Guest Votes:

    Logo 1: 1

    Logo 2: 4

    Logo 3:

    Logo 4: 1

    Logo 5: 2

    Poll Votes:

    Logo 1: 11

    Logo 2: 27

    Logo 3: 3

    Logo 4: 8

    Logo 5: 12

    Combined Votes:

    Logo 1: 12

    Logo 2: 31

    Logo 3: 3

    Logo 4: 9

    Logo 5: 14

  8. We appreciate all the suggestions that you have submitted and will take them as well as Google's information about how to allow this into consideration. As time allows, it may be something that we do in the future, however at this point, our focus is getting the site coding up to date and fixing the word order issues from the last crash. Thank you for the time spent on this and we will take it from here.

  9. Thank you to the smartalec’s out there who voted “Wait, I should actually be reading the news?” as it gave me a good giggle! Since out of the overwhelming 17 people who voted, 70.59% of the people who voted like the new format, we shall continue on with it!

    What a mouthful!! I hope you have a wonderful holiday no matter how you celebrate! Take a look below at the last news post of 2011! (Wait, 2011 is almost done? When did that happen...)

    A quick summary of what is included in this month’s edition:

    • Repeat & Update: A fellow Fan Fiction Site needs help! Donate to TheSilverSnitch!
    • We currently have a PayPal balance of $400.03 after December’s hosting costs have been paid.
    • Calendar Contest voting has closed! Store is revamped for 2012!
    • Important changes to the Archive Registration and Log-in. If you read nothing else, please read this post.
    • Duplicate Accounts
    • Underage users
    • Archive Moderation and Clean-up status

    AFF has long been dedicated to ensuring Fan Fiction freedom. It was brought to our attention that a much loved archive TheSilverSnitch.Net has gone down. The Harry Potter community seems to be extremely saddened by the loss; however it is not due to the owner, but due to the lack of support. The poor owner has been deluged in email asking why the site isn’t up, where everything went etc. People have been yelling at her even!

    Most Fan Fiction Archives need donations and TheSilverSnitch is no different. Believe me, I don’t run this for the money (I make none) and I don’t have the money to do it alone. AFF has been extremely lucky to have fans that have contributed in the past before we became able to cover our costs with advertising revenue. So before you get on your high horse about the site being down right now, remember that us Owner’s do this for you guys and often can’t afford to pay for it on our own. On behalf of TheSilverSnitch, please if you can spare any money; donate to TheSilverSnitch by sending money through PayPal to the following address: arwenelve13@yahoo.com

    Update: While TSS has gotten a fair amount of donations, don’t forget that money is key. We have it on good authority that it shall be rising from the ashes (pun intended), but keep the money coming and don’t forget to donate to not just TSS but any Fan Fiction site that is run via donations that you love to read on!

    Speaking of support, our PayPal balance is currently at $400.03 after we paid December’s hosting costs. As mentioned above, donations are always appreciated! We are slowly diminishing our reserve as we pay for the upgrades, so please if you have any spare money and would like to support us and the upgrade, we would appreciate it!

    Did you see all the wonderful entries into our Calendar Contest this year? The top three entries have been added to our CafePress store. While there are some edits still to be made, the photos have been uploaded, the calendars have been put together and products have been picturefied! If there is something you’d like to see with one of the pictures on it and you don’t see it, just let me know and I’ll add it! I’ll be adding things periodically, but asking can always make it come up faster! All items have a $3 markup on the base cost, so we do make a small amount of money off it.

    Because this topic is so important, it has its own topic here! A basic overview is that as part of the upgrades we in the midst of making, our registration is being made more secure and log in procedures are changing. Registration and login will be governed by email address. Registration will REQUIRE self-validation. This also means you MUST use a valid, WORKING email address. Users registering with disposable email addresses will be rejected and/or deleted when found. As the email is hidden in the profile, unless the user CHOOSES to display it, there's no real concern for spam and other issues. Please make sure you read this topic before the changed are put in place in mid-December – It’ll help save all of us a lot of headaches!!

    Because again, it’s so important, despite it’s already being in the topic listed above, let’s talk about this again! With the upcoming changes to registration, this will also be affected. If you think you've registered before, but aren't sure, please email. If you know you've registered before, but no longer have access to the email account you registered with, please email. I'll be happy to assist you in regaining access to your account.

    If you want to have more than one archive account, be aware that it's only allowed in rare circumstances. You do need to contact us so we can tell you whether or not it will be allowed.

    If you have a joint account with someone else, or want to have a joint account with someone else, be sure to contact staff with the individual user details. We do need to have that on file.

    I'm revisiting this because with the changes to registration, if you have duplicate accounts, they will be locked until I merge them. The software will do this locking, not me. If there are a great many like this, and I suspect there will be, as I have to do the merging in the database itself, it'll take some time to work through them all. I won't be able to do this in a week or two, if the numbers are as I expect. So, as you can see, it's very important that we know about multiple accounts belonging to one user, as I don't want to see any of you unable to access your data because of it when these changes do occur.

    I'm stating the obvious here. You MUST be 18 or OLDER to use any part of this site. Regardless of where you live in the world. We are governed by U.S. age laws, so if you're from overseas and not yet 18, we'll be happy to see you here when you are 18 years old.

    I'm going to revisit the old minor problem. If you were under 18 at the time of registration, up through approximately fall of 2008, if you have data you posted before you turned 18, it will be deleted. Understand that I have to do this. I CAN'T grandfather this in, due to the type of material on the site itself, and the age restrictions we must operate by.

    If the user is inactive, and all data is pre age 18, user and data are deleted. You are welcome to repost your data as you're now over that age, but, I do have to do this. You can always make this easier on yourself, make sure the data is backed up, and contact staff. It'll be modified from there. Unfortunately, when I process this, this also means the reviews attached to the stories, the reviews left by the underage users, and etc. It's all deleted.

    We are still working on moderating the archive and cleaning up from the crash, you can always review our progress at the following links: Monthly Moderation Update & Clean Up Update

    Thank you so much for taking the time to review the news and of course if you have any questions, please let us know!

    Happy writing,

    Apollo & DemonGoddess061

  10. IP checks complete - 1 vote DQ'd as voter was a registered user and did not use poll, 1 vote DQ'd due to being a registered user and voting in both topic and poll.

    Guest votes:

    Image 1

    Image 2

    Image 3

    Image 4 - 2

    Image 5

    Image 6 - 1

    Image 7

    Image 8 - 2

    Image 9 - 2

    Poll votes:

    Image 1 - 5

    Image 2 - 2

    Image 3 - 1

    Image 4 - 14

    Image 5 - 0

    Image 6 - 3

    Image 7 - 2

    Image 8 - 2

    Image 9 - 19

    Combined votes:

    Image 1 - 5 - Luminari Lillium

    Image 2 - 2

    Image 3 - 1

    Image 4 - 16 - Luminari Lillium

    Image 5 - 0

    Image 6 - 4

    Image 7 - 2

    Image 8 - 4

    Image 9 - 21 - Anie Knipping/Adelphus

  11. What may have happened is that the person who left the review was either a minor at the time of the review and all underage content including the review was removed, or they committed some other ToS violation that resulted in their removal from the site which also includes all related reviews.

  12. Everything has been posted for the contests!

    We decided to put up the images for the Calendar contest and the top 3 images will have specific one sheet wall calendars created and their images used on the store items this year. Please review the topic here.

    We received 5 entries into the 10th Anniversary Logo contest, as such the image with the highest number of votes will be unveiled on January 1st! The topic can be found here.

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