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Everything posted by RogueMudblood

  1. If the author was dynonugget all sites are wiped. See the profile info. It sounds like one of hers - I think "How You Need It" ? Or maybe "Something Missing"...
  2. Kim Possible 15-11 In Darkness We Found otheother... - delete 61441 (not a review); ch 1 is AN only The Dark Side of Life - delete 89539 (del user, klicnkeo0098); not a flame, but 190790 reviewer was warned in AN ch 1. Underground Heat - delete 229037 (not a review of this story); 2035311146 (minor) Party at Rons - delete 2035338125, 3000012277 (flame); 2035618939, 2035642461 (not a review) Lenses - delete 2035143302 (dup); 2035200382 (del user - Stephanie) Surprise - delete 2035257830 (self) Corrupting Kim - delete 2035240279, 2035249490 (del user: Serpent King); modify 2035241150 (advert in review); combine 2035265994/2035266065; AN bottom ch 1 borders on whoring; ch 4 AN only By The Moonlight - delete 272766 (request); 2035435752 (dup) Payback - delete 2035102686/2035102687 (story issue only-fixed) Island Hopping - delete 2035356753 (request); 2035605852 (personal email info only) Happy Birthday Ron Stoppable - RID 2035403211 (flamish) The Ahproditie Effect - delete 2035218653, 2035435541 (request); 2035335142, 2035368206, 2035426223, 2035451089, 2035535038, 2035596798 (demand); 2035337725 (beta offer); 2035337052 (minor); 2035348438 (dup); 3000016394 (flamish demand); RID 3000029346-check ANs Let's Do It Again - delete 2035306445 (demand); 2035595497 (request) College Years - delete 2035369586 (demand); 2035469131 (!!!-I am not amused) Screams in the Dark - delete 2035267708 (poss minor); 2035335844 (demand); 3000029123 (minor) // combine 2035559148/2035559187; ch 3 AN is far too long-most of it has been moved to author's profile. Bonnie ballerina - delete 2035427756 (flamish); 2035435798 (request-check for poll); 2035471745 (not a review) Security Issues - 2035467923 (unauth ad for another KP site) Ferra Moans - delete 2035473308 (blink. blink. minor); 2035488203 (del user: CaptainSolo) Beautiful - 2035473481 (unauth ad for another KP site) Kim joins the Titans - delete 2035473764 (poss minor); 3000011557 (not a review) Kim Possible: Hellraiser - delete 2035466546 (demand); 2035484154 (!!!-minor, still not amused); 2035484159; 3000015506 (not a review) Going Down - delete 2035474618 (not a review); 2035484023 (flame) Going Beyond Bonding - delete 2035594257 (minor); 2035595649 (not a review); 2035615576/2035618131 (dup reviews-email) Shaving Shego - delete 3000015593 (demand) One Bad Day - delete 3000016184 (flame) Sweet Captivity - delete 2035579976 (minor) moving up moving on - delete 2035507535 (self); 3000020028 (dup) Shego's Revenge - delete 2035521058 (del user: Tsu); 2035501554 (see other forum on this user) Fan Fiction - delete 2035537866 (see other forum on this user) Night School Cheerleaders - delete 3000014560, 3000014676, 3000014735, 3000014977, 3000016076, 3000016846 (spam demands) 2 For 1 - delete 2035604507 (del user: BlackRose23) Destiny Delayed - delete 3000019030 (convo); 3000019987 (req for email of del story) Mind Rape - delete 3000013708 (not a review) Tokugawa Sunset - delete 3000031582 (demand) moving up moving on chapter 18 - delete 3000014185, 3000014186, 3000014187, 3000014188, 3000014189 (dup); 3000034425 (demand) Restitution's A (Green) Bitch - delete 3000016047, 3000018085, 3000032021 (demand) Cheerleaders Peak - delete 300000222 (flamish); 300000571 (dup); 3000011481, 3000035970 (demand) Restitution's A (Green) Bitch - dup story Freaky Ferret - delete 3000034383 (demand) Big Road Trip - Extended Scene - delete 3000016154 (convo) Tales of Recovery - delete 3000015783 (request only) Lord of the Pompons - delete 3000015777, 3000016844, 3000016974 (demand) The Game - delete 95028, 141872 (del user: lilchicka911, TheReaderisNowBlind); 95321, 102525, 102645, 104258, 120279, 122012, 148758, 166466, 208269, 229033, 230710, 286201, 2035207239, 2035216538, 2035272720, 2035278773, 2035307979, 2035399487, 2035526725, 2035526730, 2035526732, 2035526745 (demand); 171507, 2035302950, 2035422944, 2035495392 (non-rev); 197163, 235788 (dup); 251923, 2035316278 (minor) 2035539980 (challenge) // combine 2035290489/2035290513 Captive delights. - delete 3000013826, 3000014226, 3000014971, 3000015131, 3000015386, 3000016077, 3000016393, 3000016960, 3000020549, 3000020707 (demand); 3000013841 (flamish); 3000013852 (flame); 3000014440 (request); 3000026037 (convo) ... check Taming A Slave for plag. of this story (RID 3000027918); delete 3000020585 (asks someone else to write the story) Just until I wake up... - delete 3000011891, 3000011905 (unauth advert); 3000011956, 3000013731 (non-rev) Love - delete 3000016344 (blank) - check tags on this one - all 3 valid reviews complain about it Fortieth Birthday Surprise - delete 3000016816 (dup by email)
  3. Kim Possible 15-11 In Darkness We Found otheother... - small-window stretchy Tags needed: Rapefic, Fingering, AU/AR wordord: otheother = Each Other (title) ch 2: bananaets ets = banana. "Let's of of = full of the the = saw the gettiloseloser = getting closer astrietried = as he tried "Shit." R." Ron = "Shit," Ron hisice.ice. = his choice. e, te, = phone, plea..~ ..~ = please...~ sin since = "And since a fea = had a Ron's . Ro. = Ron's ??? (foot, leg, thigh?) s nis = Ron's openurthurther, = opened further, dvoicvoice. = dark voice. (dark could be dead, dry... any 3-4 letter d-adjective.) lng ang = looking n exn = to an lng bng = looking Ino ino = I dunno looklooked = He looked gwas = girl botack ack = both black sittin thn = sitting on watc.. b.. = watched... *s* Us* = ??? (It's in the AN, you could probably scrap it) doesn'unt}unt}) = doesn't count}) The Dark Side of Life wordord: RID 65183: telentriteriter = talented writer anotheapteapter = another chapter RID 89683 first line needs to be deleted - is a dup of the second line RID 94855 butust ust = but I must RID 192455 watnna nna = what's gonna summary: summaux, ux, = summary sux, Tags needed: Rapefic, Minor1, Minor2, WIP ch 1: thotheothers = that bothers om, am, = of him, encoed hed = encouraged cacroscross = came across osedosed = supposed howld hld = how could ch 2: tha" R" = that," "Ther som some = "There's some cloto hto = closer to sincey cey = since they shoul ont = shoulders despr to to = desperately to was goingoing = was going doer cer = down her read shd = realized Foundations Laid Tags needed: Rapefic, Maledom, Femdom, Minor2, MC, COMPLETE Need to modify disclaimer to include Marvel Comics - specifically Cable and the original X-Men 'verse. (They don't make an appearance as characters but concepts (and titles) from the comics do.) wordord: RID 89247: bullets t. Ca. Can't = bullets that. Can't RID 98034: andpi lpi = and epilogue RID 107055 squishy; stiood ood = still good RID 110486 squishy ch 1: s wea = still somrt ort = some sort chrouhrough = cut through aps ths = appears the bef before = the girl before sensationslingling = sensations tingling againgain, = and again, ch 2: hep = her squeg thg = squeezing dentdent! = accident! con.[line break]. = control. andnd hnd = and round a p a = give a ugh ugh = through r to to a = return o a Dobe sbe = Don't be rapinr. r. = raping her. ch 3: ms eys= mind's bldevidevice = black device witcwitch = to twitch fenefened = stiffened hif ouf = himself mof tof = mass of ch 4: a inc inched = as he inched that that = that derailhat hat = derailed that ch 5: Sto Stoppable = Ron Stoppbale sin tin = skin in Well,s lis = Well, this ch 7: so hso = And so blushhis = blush on noThe The = now. The ch 8: perhthatthat = perhaps that ignored's p's = ignored Uno's attentif thf = attention of wou would = they would thorldorld. = the world. Guardia amu = Guardian an otiootion = in motion shortlyAlloAllow = shortly. "Allow ch 9: Everyneedneeds = Everyone needs ackedgeedge = acknowledge Un Uno = Uno. Uno Possiblke Ike = Possible like h't t't = haven't qui as as = quietly as otherms, ms, = others arms. holdhold = her hold wod," d," = wounded," wou wounded = any wounded fitriktriking = fire striking shi shields and strnearnear the = the shields and ??? near calcuons.ons. = calculations. Foreraleral = For several strug to to = struggled to andlingling = and ??? ch 10: bloodoth oth = bloody cloth of Shf = out of skgaingainst = skin against notng tng = not going ccurccurately = to accurately fo lyi = forms Ink Ink = I think Underground Heat wordord: Tags: Yuri needs to come out - this is not anime. Oral, Fingering, COMPLETE should be added. bth ath = be with crawcrawled = and crawled for out = force out risind fnd = rising and Sango and = Shego and Party at Rons wordord: Alide ide = Alongside justartyarty = just a party hep, Kp, = her top, wyou?you? = with you? theythey = and they im: im: = [line break]Kim: sherts rts = she starts To Tell The Truth Tags needed: Minor2, Fingering saith ith = said with h."h." = hot." ber aer = but her Friends Forever - stretchy summary: epic.t cot = epic. Hot Tags needed: AI ch 1: Theher her = The other open end tag: "past school year. >" - but there's tons of text after it. Still, missing anything? ch 2 has open end tag: Shego then blurts out, "What the hell happened ?"We >We ... So there's practically nothing here. wordord: ten, en, = the den, ch 3: "missed.o:p>" and "an>" missing text. & stretchy. wia ta = wiped a knowknow = you know hells hes = hell does sao ho = said to soo doo = soon, so about t. It. I = about it. I ficrimcrime = fight crime bygo. go. = by Shego. abull tll = bull all ch 4: open tag: "pan>pan>" so there's practically no data ch 5: "pan>" there's data though - stretchy on this one. thathat = all that besidu thu = beside you ch 6: "an>"an>"Ah."; "Thanks Eddie.">"; "Aro>Around"; "Ron." p>" & stretchy someood ood = someone good wan mak make = want to make nitynity = eternity eneeenee. = at Renee. ch 7: stretchy knowknow = you know Alknowknow = All I know bad.bad. = and bad. consuthe = consumed theny ony = the agony Un. Li. = ??? Oned thd = One good E hea hears = Eddro hears and apparently open at the end because it stops in the middle of a word. Lenses - need add tags: Minor2 Shegos Trap - ch 2 orphan; need add tags: Fingering, WD Another Average Day - Tags: remove Yuri; add oral, Minor2 Corrupting Kim - Tags add: Rapefic; Bond; Oral; FemDom Payback - wordord: RID 269758: chter ter = character RID 275171: doesm thm = doesn't seem Island Hopping - Yuri tag needs to be removed; add Fingering, oral Happy Birthday Ron Stoppable - RID 2035610669 made review board page 3 stretchy The Ahproditie Effect - stretchy(all) Let's Do It Again - space draw at the top of all 11 ch. Screams in the Dark - wordord: I'm warning you right now, major squick factor on this one, so if I missed something, that's why. Even my stomach can only handle so much. ch 1: bru bruises. = the bruises. c.” H.” = cheat." wellhersherself, = well as herself, ch 2: abo fao face = about to face criese bee = cries were ouldould = as could ch 5 orphan Bonnie ballerina - all of the tags internal need to be moved to summary: FemDom, Oral, Anal, Toys, and Food Fet The disclaimer needs to be modified to include all of the movies that author says he is borrowing ideas from (like Bring It On) Beautiful - small-window stretchy Kim joins the Titans - needs a B-mod tag. ch 1 AN bottom: whoring ch 2 orphan ch 3: small-window stretchy Kim Possible: Hellraiser - ch 1 has ":" three lines after byline and then "-::Eighteen years and Six months later::-", then ":" four lines ... is there any text in the database that isn't showing? ch 1, 2, 3, 4 small-window stretchy Tags: Take the word "None" out - this thing needs some damn tags! Inc, MC, Death, Minor1 ... is demon sex beast or xeno ? And is there some way to denote "possession" that I overlooked? Or would that fall under MC? (now I don't blame those reviewers for getting a little pissy-I'd be upset if I hadn't been expecting it myself!) Shego's Revenge - squishy! Sweet Captivity - tag needed: Bond, Slave; TransG needs to come off - it should be Herm Dr. Possible MILF - (see below); again, TransG needs to come out and Herm needs to be on the story Portrait - again, TransG needs to come out and Herm needs to be on the story Love is the best medicine - do hymns fall under public domain? "Farther Along" by J.R.Baxter and W.B.Stevens used but not cited. Going Beyond Bonding - small-window stretchy Muri Tempe Et Intervalia! - needs MCD tag. Restitution's A (Green) Bitch - needs a citation in ch 3 for Superman's appearance Cheerleaders Peak - squished line: "they pressed [line break]against the" squished paragraph: starts at "Brick began" ends at "in the room." squished line: "can we try [line break]this in moving up moving on - needs specific song citations This is what the author has: "Also if there is any music involved all Music is in fact owned by the respective musicians and or groups" --Needs "peg" tag Tokugawa Sunset - needs celebrity disclaimer (Bill and Hillary Clinton) Mind Rape - needs tags: Rapefic, GB Mothers knows best! - needs tag: peg Centurion's Revenge - tag needed: D/s, MC Just until I wake up... - needs a death tag Love ... I wasn't prepared for that. Rapefic, Death, Tort needed on this. (I-yi...) Lord of the Pompons - ch 2 has weirdness with the "" in the text. The Game - wordord: RID 95180 - pairlatelater = pairing later RID 106817 - caps lock typist - can you fix? RID 115581 - small window stretchy RID 145462 - rinow.now. = right now RID 195957 - wto kto = want to RID 231991 - he ghe = up the ch 1: t. Dr. = to Dr. hegohego = as Shego gaspthe = gasp as ch 2: askflasflashing = asked, flashing onlse, se, = only lose, lng tng = feeling unbutng hng = unbuttoning smd, ad, = smirked, ch bef = chance Rerkeerked = Ron jerked lut aut = let out tht hht = thought je har = jerked The following are part of the same story, and should be a chaptered fic: Sweet Captivity , Dr. Possible MILF moving up moving on , moving up moving on chapter 18 Mind Rape , Mothers knows best!
  4. Kryptonite Lovin' belongs in comic 'verse - references the "Superman is dead" arc that I have not been able to find a corresponding line for in the cartoons. Gotham Lovin' will also need to be moved (and see glitches on this one) JLA The Longest One 544199281 - comic 'verse The Crush 544193913 - comic 'verse (this is also dup in other sections) The Arboretum 34310 - comic 'verse (per AN)
  5. Justice League Batman: Therapist? (JLU) and Batman: Therapist? (BM) by batman_wolverine The second one should be deleted as the dup. finished
  6. The Potions Master's Baby by Snapes_Goddess
  7. RAGE by InLoveWithLove
  8. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600017525 - nothing there, by author admission was deleted...And three days was up over 2 years ago....
  9. Okay, the only thing I could get to work was in the search field typing "mod*" (take off the quotes for the search) and check the SQL box then click search. Then you'll have to use CTRL+F in your browser and type "b-mod" (In anime I got two returns in the list when I did this) Other than that, I couldn't come up with a way to make it search for this. Sorry. Like DG said, the "-" only hurts your search parameter.
  10. It's top-leveled under anime 2 archive: Fullmetal Alchemist
  11. Josie and the Pussycats - Kappa Mikey The Uncensored Jungle Book - (hoo boy) delete 2035114485, 2035220707 (not a review); 2035244413, 2035245842, 2035317427, 2035461096, 3000032172 (flames) Pink Wee Beasty (Juniper Lee) ch 3 - AN Accidents Happen - delete 3000025933 (not a review) The Shower (Version 3) - delete 3000030499 (flamish) The Locker Room at Wayne Manor - delete 275370 (flame) Hereafter - delete 2035436642 (non-mod disclaimer warn-and it's been fixed) Drawn & Quartered - delete 288029 (del user - meimei) Diana's Big Fat Cunt - delete 2035101417, 2035104249, 2035110371, 2035149246, 2035156935, 2035254291, 2035403342, 2035488294, 2035589108, 2035641659, 2035641664 (flame) I left the ones that were just comments and not vitriol. And 108 is special in its own right. The Revelation - delete 2035436650 (non-mod disclaimer warn-and it's been fixed) Trashy Romance Plot Number Four - delete 2035339259, 2035340995 (self); combine 2035525727/2035525731 The Interloper - delete 2035436649 (non-mod disclaimer warn-and it's been fixed) Rich Kid with Issues - delete 2035436647 (non-mod disclaimer warn-and it's been fixed) It Ain't Just a River in Egypt - combine 3000015817/3000015818/3000015819/3000015820/3000015828/3000015829 Good boy - ch 2 is AN review whoring only Frail - delete 2035480132 (instant-gratification reader); 2035506995, 2035554853, 2035554861 (self); 3000034605 (spam) Gotham Lovin' - delete 3000030444 (not a review-request only) “She Kidnapped me for Christmas!” - delete 3000036485 (not a review)
  12. Josie and the Pussycats - Kappa Mikey The Uncensored Jungle Book- wordord: RID 135291: wite bae = with the RID 161532: tholehole = the whole Sh sto = Shanti d 'd = said rockelloolloons = rocket balloons g, an, = grass Sleepless in Tokyo - disclaimer needs to be specific - it's the "cartoons misc" one. Needs to name Kappa Mikey The Shower (Version 3) wordord: fullntalntal = full frontal theriverivering = there shivering steppndernder = stepped under trying to trying to---delete duplicated text thatnd?"[linebreak] = that sound?" naon ion it. = naked on it. b to to = began to Flash Point Decision: Condition Green (m/m) RID 9392 squishy! wordord: do , yo, = do this, woupen pen = would open May I Make You... wordord: ignoignored = She ignored thbe ibe = the lobe invoary ary = involuntary "Tel," ," = "Tell me," Makinre tre = Making sure The Locker Room at Wayne Manor wordord: ometomething = up something fallinghis = falling by alcothrothrough = alcohol through The Arboretum wordord: Starcrossec alc = Starcrossed thesengs?ngs? = these things? aithaith = of Wraith use use = my muse tcoracorate = to decorate cree coe = creature themysemysciran = the Themysciran expecte[line break]D[line break] = expected.[line break] hiice ice = his voice star to = startled essiessional = professional on you your = one of your dn'tdn't = I didn't pu his his = pulled his engorge its its = engorged on its drd hid his = guided his Hereafter wordord: att tot to = attempt to bodybody = Her body quarters,ch wch = quarters, which "Why is th[line break][line break] = "Why is that?"[line break] er oer = either ch 2: fouome ome = found some e yoe = "Take eforefore, = As before, seout out = ??? out (spread?) "Hun"Hungry?" = "Hungry?" oe ane = of the elf elf = herself Leag. Gi. = Leaguers. impassiv[line break][line break] = impassively.[line break] winkat hat = winking at ch 3: h a n a = hours a stolstolen = had stolen s. A. = surface. andughtught = and brought restin the the = resting in the ...song disclaimer/citation needed. (Batman credits it, sorta) png hng = playing convulsionsen aen = convulsions, then won "G "Good = wonder. "Good savorine moe = savoring the he she signal - of the signal trk ork = to work panelruceruce = panels. Bruce cwas = cave anng, ng, = anything, ses nes = species are are = Why are Myers ers = My powers comeoss oss = come across Drawn & Quartered wordord: aignsigns = any signs ignher = ignore nor war = not our inumbnumber = in a number Diana's Diary stretchy! Batman's Diary wordord: opponshoushould = opponent should Diany any = Diana? My tshe she = that she she she's = she's Watchtowence nce = Watchtower once ce to to = ceases to s eas = I was The Compromise wordord: braibrain = his brain ta in in = ??? in Peeping Bats wordord: a but but = a bit but oppo dir = opposite cauf thf = cause of whippff hff = whipped off iggedgged = it begged in own own = in its own ed hed her = pulled her kingking = striking ed, ed, = replied, Physical Therapy, Themysciran Style wordord: tto pto perfoonitonitor = time to perform Monitor Tandrestrestaurant = Tandori restaurant an re gre gym = an indoor gym oo exo = own to she she = sure she cha wal walls = chasm's walls coity ity = City a moa = car a wouldss tss = would guess healinghniqhnique = healing technique whiol lol = whirlpool ownds.nds. = own hands. a-dow-down = a rub-down squaron hon = square on tuen gen = tub then weariothiothing = wearing nothing locata paa pair = located a pair persperson = the person he ed oed = he pulled thrst rst = the first wtingtingle = wet tingle lats anaps,aps, = ??? and traps, Bruce.e whe = Bruce," she owlitilition. = own volition. workd spd = work he'd thele ule under hismachmach = the table under his stomach insty rey = instantly be,e ine = be," she he d sed see = he could see dingding = ??? Slowllowly = She slowly hengerngertipsr thr the = her fingertips over the fitipstips = fingertips cl[line break]" = clit. i man many = in many allthesthese = all of these Tempest Island wordord: instin The The = instincts. The ch 2: y any = ready painpain = the pain ed wed = loaded willt ast = will just m ope = modus homeleinceince = homeless since somes wes = sometimes oniaonian = Themysciran held leg legend = held the legend thunchunch = the launch hourt lot = hours. It p The The = ??? The tes tes = pirates redd sid = redhead mnd, nd, = my mind, likee kne = like I've plant ser = planted a Brset = Bruce heill ill = her still hand Bru Bruce = handle," Bruce fd smd = forced applaurom rom = applause from **Is there a chapter missing here? ch 3: tw-boo-book = twelve-book hserlf = herself sis = his ch 4: shouldnry. ry. = shouldn't try. ch 5: Yo rig right = You're right whatwhatever = and whatever wa bef = waist replaceden ten = replaced, then warougrough = way through ttiontional = traditional glanat tat = glanced at Dianalizalized = Diana realized Inal, al, = In total, read thd = realized theirs wes = their legs Middasteastern = Middle Eastern governms des = government's Hddeddded = He nodded teou wou = tell you we and and = warhead and Indonesia'vernvernment = Indonesia's government osiblsible = of visible nschescheduled = next scheduled attentio heo = attention to packpackage = one package concs ons = consensus ten ben = the men vre ore = endeavor giou 1ou = give you me."The The = me." The operatio[line break]He [line break]He = operation.[line break]He leralerated = accelerated s of of = sort of WonWomaWoman = Wonder Woman wal walked = and walked bur bursts = the bursts ch 6: darkenowarowards = darkened towards trrs srs = trousers That Temporary Kind - Squishy! The Revelation -small-window stretchy (all 7 chapters) Slowing Down - needs D/A tag Stuffing the Bird - squishy! It Ain't Just a River in Egypt - OK, the whole story is based on one episode, which is not really odd, but, I'm not entirely certain that this is the story that goes with this entry. The "Ancient Egypt" aspect is consistent with episode 37, but I don't have character names for their Egyptian incarnations, so I'm really not certain exactly who is whom. Can you check to see if there is any missing data on this one? The summary says Green Lantern/Hawkgirl, and the reviews agree with that, but I didn't notice their names anywhere in the fic. Good boy - squishy and spacing issues. M/F/F tag needs to come off. Frail - ch 3 is all ital. should stop after “I will kill you if you touch her.” -Is there a missing end tag? ch 4 also: after "Alerra laughed." it should be normal text. Warworld Aftermath - RID 94013 - squishy and wordord: ty cty = pretty anthother = another starstarted! = had started! RID 2035389849 wordord: 'ard ard = ??? I NEEDS SOME SMUT - this one is special. It was a RR. It's not now. But since the first chapter is a request only and is the only thing by the original poster, it needs to be deleted. I don't know what this would do to credit of the fic to the actual author. So.... SyntheticDreams should have the fic listed under their profile - I think "Untitled" would be OK. Summary: "Challenge response. A crater appears near Gotham with no explanation. When Green Lantern and Flash are sent to investigate, will the mission help them recognize their feelings? M/M" Not Fast Enough - ch 3 & 4 squishy! and both have "É" all the way through every time there should be a "-" Justice League Drabbles - missing "no profit" disclaimer The following posts are part of the same story and should be a chaptered fic: Diana's Diary , Batman's Diary Physical Therapy, Themysciran Style , The Compromise Kryptonite Lovin' , Gotham Lovin'
  13. Jackie Chan's Adventures No Remorse and No Remorse both by Firefly4000 finished
  14. What you're looking for...is it under Evangelion?
  15. Jackie Chan - Jonny Quest The Jetsons - wordord: read likelike = read him like sf shf = see if sas bas = she was Hothe = How's ae aue = at the wae sie = was the ch 2 : beenbeen = had been James' reward - wordord: allows unt until = allows her until from Jaw[line break]Ja[line break]James = from Jaws."[line break]James Intrigue at Warfield - RID 103596 wordord: gone.one. = get done. ch 1: I caI = All I fingfinger = her finger ch 3: my fi."[line break]." = my figure." thek ofk = the look themwaitwait = them to wait ch 4: fsomesome = find some fsomesome = hours to the ctedcted = expected tarniarnish = the varnish y's y's = Tracy's 've 've = they've daysyou = days, if won won't = she won't ch 5: immediatelyn hen = immediately when unnatuy pay = unnatrually y spy spy's = young spy's ugh ugh = through istingting = is getting gg thg = giving ch 6 - squishy! tndonndon - to London sa"Onl"Onl= says, "Only wheregoesgoes = where he goes ch 7 - squishy! showem tem = shows them hhroahroat = her throat cotelytely = completely miendiends = my friends wor"I b"I = words. "I slimilimited = some limited infoion ion = information bas has = bath as assayssays = as he says respo she = response: Althoit oit = Although it nicenice. = be nice. ch 8 - squishy! tbasebasement = the basement cy scy = Tracy ce soo = class G sai said = Gordo said girlshesshes = girl blushes he nhe = as she unbearable.at mat = unbearable. What foe mae = for the ch 9 - squishy! hihroahroat = his throat thinu cau = think you bon ion = bourbon m sta = man's Goand = Gordo ks aks = looks You Did Love Me! wordord: Nmoanmoaned = Nick moaned Picnic Love - spacedraw issues at the top and triple-spacing between paragraphs wordord: flaed aed = flattened frownokinokingly. = frowned knowingly and 's l's laughs = and Jade's laughs rummagedlaw law = rummaged ??? fine ine denims, = fine denims, thatcsparsparking = thatchhair sparking (yes, I know it's not a word, but I'm certain that's what the author intended) Rg mag = Raging poif lif = point of re wre = ??? -I think the author meant 'resent' (which doesn't make sense, but it doesn't earlier in the story either) pull , Ja, = pull away, playplay = foreplay Wu gWu gripped = Wu gripped onselfself = on herself Off The Clock wordord: studimlyimly = study: dimly resed ced = responded ing ing = chasing sligh Jac Jackie = slightly. Jackie ki art = kissed fag ing = falling nike ike = not like Ensnared wordord: inson son = in season ciatciated = castigated Valmoad sad = Valmont had the the = and the Jac's c's = Jackie's betwees cas = between his Childs Play - wordord: RID 14671: as aas = it was RID 96324: j cha= jackie Women's Lib - bad formatting - bad! squishy with line spacing (and this looks awful on half screen!) - It's gonna be a one-para too, I can tell. In the Heat of Things - review board stretchy - RID 230614 '+' line, and when that one's fixed, 2035156852 may also cause a problem, then 2035281419, and definitely 3000033880 wordord: regularis, is, = regular basis, a clo = about Franci [double line break] = Francisco. gel shl = general ded ded = decided so-fso-far-off = not-so-far-off anrengrength = and strength or tor - can delete absolutellighlightful! = absolutely delightful! tasShe She = taste. She . Hi. His = grin. His felsligslight = felt a slight thanget get = than to get magie pue = magic. He hiroatroat. = his throat. falhe she = fall," he skedsked = he asked stayedone = stayed in reactfromfrom = reaction from firscediceding = first receding fris cos = friends' gentlked ked = gently flicked wen asn = went on wasng tng = was doing No Remorse - as is dup, this is the later load (no wordord) Disclaimer needs to be modified to include GIJoe and Firefly (XO fandoms) Devil Inside - the song is cited - wouldn't normally think of it, but since the song is used in the fic and the story is named after the song, does there need to be anything more in regards to the title? One Night - disclaimer missing no profit clause Moonlight Shadow - disclaimer missing no profit clause and needs to be modified to include other fandoms: Avatar the Last Airbender, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Mummy (series) The Unforgiven Series wordord: summary: whhe ihe is = where he is llllllll = all ch1: continuedh a h = continued with los Hss - loss is ng ong = flying ausanusand = a thousand reckless headng nng - reckless, headlong cle tle = ??? ch 2: hod shd she = how old she somethins wrong ong = something was wrong bse sse = because grewghteghter = grew brighter lettletting = sky letting eplieplied = he replied thising ing = this taking drg usg us = driving us st~ Fi~ = story ~ ch 3: ththe = threw extne = extra headinr her = heading to witholothlothes = without clothes screscreamed = she screamed wipup tup = wiped up unceunced = announced thougs shs = thought as ch 4: ged ged = managed concer see = concern-it anyt lik = anything ch 5 - orphan ch 7 - orphan The Misadventures of Jonny Quest ch 10 and ch 11 are the same
  16. Jackie Chan - Jonny Quest The Jetsons - delete RID 3000032883 (not a review) The Pants Affair - delete RID 2035159935 (self) Treehouse - delete 3000011422, 3000011491, 3000012465 (flame); 3000026900 (del user) Picnic Love - delete 52950 (not a review); 1920270851 (del user) Ensnared - delete RID 15828 (flame) Childs Play - delete RID 16894, 48181 (flame); 52946, 239303, 2035216021, 2035524267, 3000013432 (not a review); 180580, 1920270846 (del user) Women's Lib - del RID 2035247912 (flame) In the Heat of Things - combine 7045/7046, 3000033879/3000033880; delete RID 2035200365 (del user) No Remorse - delete 2035428752 (not a review) The Unforgiven Series - combine 2035328639/2035329094/2035329152, 2035345804/2035345834; delete 2035575336 (minor) Innocent Passions - either 2035442475 or 2035485888 needs to be deleted - both by same user, and do comment on this story, but are really requests for author to finish other fic; delete 3000036601 tasteless demand for sex; AN ch 1 bottom not story related after "FM aka Galen here" and should be on profile, not here. Jade Moves - delete 3000019576 (convo); 3000019701/3000019702 (flame) The Sky's the Limit-Pimped Up - combine 2035236670/2035236672/2035236673/2035236674
  17. Thank you
  18. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600026009 - challenge (marked) posted by Illiandyandra
  19. LJ -deleted dA - wiped FFNet-wiped No longer has a twitter account link on slashtheverse - Don't know if it works. harrypotterfanfiction - story deleted, assume profile wiped - just had the story link from another site Try here according to this forum
  20. http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600021686 elisa_rubin http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600021684 elisa_rubin http://anime2.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600021685 elisa_rubin all are fic searches
  21. Even on half screen? because if I max the window it's all there, no scroll bar.
  22. It's not stretchy if your window is maximized, and it may not even be an issue, but on a few stories I noticed if I didn't have my window max'd - if I only had it on half-screen, then it doesn't wordwrap. Ex: (pretend you're looking at half screen) The Tallest came toward Zim with mailicious intent in their e he would have known. It was not something they had prepa and their actions had made it clear. The rest of the words are there - there's a scrollbar at the bottom of the screen. but the document isn't 'wrapping'. It wasn't something I noticed before now because I was always on full-screen windows. I started noticing it when I began using half screen windows to alt-tab b/c ctrl-tab just wasn't cutting it on noting review board issues. I do max the window when it looks funky to make sure it isn't squishy or stretchy. Does that make sense?
  23. IZ 2-1 The Happy Smiley Dib Show! - delete 2035499327, 20355002421, 2035576585 (del user: Dancin_in_the_rain, Tamagoakura) Dib and Gaz - delete 291310, 2035318239 (flame: Daet, N. Fasciitis (anon)) delete 2035343739 (del user: Orion) Experimental Experiment - delete 3000033562 (del user: AshWings) Seeing Red - delete 2035432418, 2035433512, 2035435331, 2035439998, 2035441835, 2035442449, 2035447289, 2035448934, 2035448985, 2035452136, 2035480075, 2035489904, 2035489916, 2035492250, 2035493674, 2035494661, 2035500413, 2035519127, 2035519189 (poss minor) delete 2035434380, 2035435760, 2035444977, 2035447696, 2035449111, 2035452632, 2035471049, 2035483906, 2035493764, 20354962476, 2035500552, 2035518780, 3000012340, 3000020193, 3000020194 (del acct) delete 2035640260 (convo) delete 2035642405 - there's a poem ? but nothing else ? Zim against the world - combine 3000012253/3000012254, 3000012726/3000012727/3000012728/3000012729/3000012730/3000012731/3000012732/3000012733/3000012734/3000012735, 3000014017/3000014018/3000014020/3000014021/3000014023/3000014024/3000014025/3000014026/3000014027/3000014028/3000014029/3000014030/3000014031/3000014032/3000014033/3000014036/3000014038/3000014039/3000014041; delete 3000012492, 3000012585, 3000012725, 3000013419, 3000014019, 3000014022, 3000014035, 3000014040, 3000014217, 3000014451 (convo); 3000012814/3000013036/3000013037/3000013038/3000013039/3000013331/3000013332/3000013333, 3000032641 (poss minor) ch 4 - review whoring, bottom AN ch 19 - AN bottom says "not a real chapter" - teaser? ch 27 is AN only VINDICATION - combine 2035323107/2035323108, 2035378014/2035378029, 2035507963/2035507971, 2035508135/2035508138, 2035608797/2035608854, 2035609466/2035609467, 3000011533/3000011534/3000011542, 3000013079/3000013080, 3000013159/3000013160, 3000013172/3000013174; delete 2035323897, 2035327441, 2035337579 [check author], 2035363234, 2035366330, 2035400834, 2035401289, 2035460150, 2035463050, 2035468122, 2035476324, 2035504501, 2035535971, 2035569914, 3000012053, 3000012178, 3000012938, 3000013125, 3000013137, 300014810, 3000026439, 3000034158 (not a review); delete 2035340940, 2035341036, 2035337345, 2035334205, 2035332891, 2035331664, 2035341476, 2035356072, 2035359275, 2035400323, 2035406521, 2035408613, 2035409184, 2035409345, 2035418139, 2035418804, 2035427059, 2035428999, 2035430841, 2035431461, 2035443692, 2035444192, 2035459265, 2035460022, 2035461874, 2035462348, 2035467051, 2035467890, 2035469899, 2035469900, 2035470920, 2035476282, 2035478427, 2035488329, 2035496285, 2035496839, 2035498750, 2035499170, 2035500695, 2035501648, 2035502654, 2035502488, 2035506397, 2035508020, 2035511304, 2035347207, 2035525010, 2035531908, 2035534880, 2035535265, 2035536050, 2035537703, 2035613651, 2035614968, 3000014065, 3000014963 (del user: Tama-sama, RainingFire, Tamagoakura, Kiya, gundam06serenity, Green Moonlight - not all of these were 'signed in' as some of the users figured out that they had been deleted and came back and left reviews on stories anyway); delete 2035344075, 2035347538, 2035539500 (unauth advert - check age); delete 2035360177, 2035357179, 2035354471, 2035353711, 2035346907, 2035344226, 2035342751, 2035341464, 2035339251, 2035336970, 2035338369, 2035335733, 2035332083, 2035333120, 2035330061, 2035364406, 2035374770, 2035377206, 2035377263, 2035380596, 2035381599, 2035387135, 2035389978, 2035389967, 2035392919, 2035393067, 2035395459, 2035395701, 2035398032, 2035398846, 2035402165, 2035406581, 2035405462, 2035391911, 205398289, 2035409277, 2035411434, 2035414951, 2035418368, 2035418372, 2035418503, 2035423723, 2035423724, 2035426919, 2035428791, 2035428855, 2035429822, 2035431144, 2035431729, 2035434150, 2035436740, 2035443162, 2035447670, 2035447894, 2035459468, 2035467758, 2035470443, 2035476792, 2035477940, 2035492579, 2035499058, 2035499891, 2035500103, 2035501354, 2035501819, 2035503680, 2035506657, 2035506779, 2035535052, 2035535255, 2035550220, 2035610238, 2035610824, 2035612197, 2035614229, 3000013074, 3000014376, 3000014685, 3000014686, 3000014739, 3000018264 (poss minor - not all of these were 'signed in') anyway to check age on 2035561547 - posting his real name? ...I leave you to decide 3000011862 delete 2035434087, 2035582452, 2035602899, 3000014940 (dup) (remind me and I'll go back through this review board after you've wiped the bad data to make sure it's all gone) Vindication ch 70 - excessive AN - 788 words (top and bottom added) ch 73 - excessive AN - 923 words ch 74 - excessive AN - 1421 words ch 75 - excessive AN - 741 words ch 76 - excessive AN - 1637 words ch 77 - excessive AN - 1838 words (and that's just the bottom) Home Is Where You Are - ch 1 is a preview; ch 4 AN top (pissy author) borders on review whoring
  24. Invader Zim 2-1 Every Kiss Begins with Kay - should the title be disclaimed for being a trademarked slogan? Bribary - no wordwrap on smaller windows. Goddess Risen - check disclaimer The Irken Anatomy - check disclaimer Vindication - ch 18, ch 22 - does author in some way need to state that they are not a member of the Associate Press since they have written this to appear as a news article and signed it "The Associated Press" ? ch 60, ch 61, ch 75 - need disclaimer (in chapter) modified to say author does not know Anubis Five (Anubis5) or Exit Theme (the group) and all the other celeb goodies - and I'd love a birthdate on this guy - spent 10 minutes looking and I've got nil (except that he may or may not be dating Nicky Hilton - I can find that but not how old he is...) ch 76 - needs celeb disclaim for Metallica ch 65 - advert for another author in chapter ch 81 - bottom AN - advert for dA artists ch 26, ch 31, ch 33, ch 39, ch 40, ch 43, ch 47, ch 48, ch 55, ch 56, ch 60 - orphan
  25. A Moment of Hesitation is in LJ Smith/Night World The summary says it's from "The Forbidden Game" - it's by the same author, but it's a different series. A Child's Wish Tom's Nightmare Requisition Afterwards It's No Good All I refuse and thee I chuse And there are also Vampire Diaries fics in this subcat: The Covenant The Initiation Bring Your Own Blood Wings To Fly - wordord in summary: ire ire = Vampire Contingencies It only caught my eye because of the one on the front page. Neither of these has its own subcat. (Wow. S-Z looks really empty now that you've top-leveled Twilight. )
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