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Daye last won the day on December 6 2018

Daye had the most liked content!


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  1. I’m back, baby.

    1. BronxWench
    2. WillowDarkling
    3. Melrick


      And it totally wasn’t my fault that I accidentally blocked you.  That was… Putin!  The utter bastard!

  2. Chrome is telling me my password on the main site is comprised. can’t seem to find the way to change it

    1. BronxWench


      On the forum, it’s under your profile, in Account Settings.

      For the archive, you need to use the password reset link: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/reset.php It will send an email to your registered email address. The new password can’t be less than 8 letters and/or numbers long, but no more than 12, and no punctuation or special characters are allowed.

  3. can’t seem to login into the main site. login box just dissappears before i can use it.

    1. Daye


      i did manage it right after using keyboard instead of mouse  but it was weird. i don’t know if something was up with the site or with my tablet/keyboard device type thing

    2. BronxWench


      I have that happen from time to time when I’m switching between my account and the moderator account. I manage to click the email address, but the popup closes before I can log in. If I click login again and the email address is correct, it will stay open so i can log in. Otherwise, it’s try it again time.

      I have no idea why it happens, but you’re not the only one.

  4. So someone read and reviewed every chapter of a 7 year old fic, individually and then complained it was finished, despite it clearly being very old and plainly marked as abandoned. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. InBrightestDay


      By “complained” do you mean like “I’m sad this was abandoned,” or like “How dare you not finish this?”

    3. JayDee


      Sounds like you need one last chapter to finish off:

      “...as all this was going on Colin opened a forbidden book. The world began to unravel. Everyone died. The End.”

    4. InvidiaRed



      everyone looked up and ceased to be for two words were stamped on the heavens and all was lost.

      The end. 

  5. Well isn’t that just a lovely review. I had every intention of finishing it when I started it, years ago. Things don’t always work out. It’s clearly marked as abandoned and was last updated over seven years ago. So that should have clued you in as to the state of the fic
  6. Happy Holidays to all you porno writers and readers! Hope you’re having a joyous day,

  7. I found the old bubble shooter game! https://www.shooter-bubble.com/

    I still suck at it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      You have NO idea how much I’ve missed this game! :hug:

    3. Daye


      What can I say except you’re welcome?

    4. InvidiaRed


      Wow. That brings back memories of dial up. Haha. Thanks.

  8. Even if it had, it wouldn’t be the same as you doing it. Go for it!
  9. This will show how long it’s been since I logged in but… where did all the games go?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Don’t dismiss the voices, they have some really cool ideas!  :fthrower:

    3. BronxWench


      Welcome back anyway, even though the place feels a bit too grown up without the games. And shoutbox. And pet rocks.


    4. Daye


      Shout box! And the procrastination station! Good times.

  10. Just the other day. I got three reviews on It's Not Just Sex despite its long dormant state. All from Bob. Thanks for these reviews! Especially on such an old fic. I'm not totally sure if you liked it or not though. Certainly I can believe my characterisation of Hermione is contentious as she's very much the source of tension and antagonism for some chapters. Though she appears stupid; issues of angst, insecurity do have a powerful effect on people, especially teenagers and especially when under the influence of the Horcrux. (Like Ron in canon) So I hope she is at least understandably stupid. Harry canonically is unwilling to kill. My version is a bit more pragmatic. He ignites one guy, and blasts another with a body full of splinters just after Bill & Fleur's wedding, he's willing to do potential lethal damage to people while in a fight but the point of the last chapter is he does not want to kill or murder people who are defenceless and already defeated. For moral reasons basically. Again perhaps not practical but still fitting his character and the need for the hero to be better than the villain. These reviews come while I'm listening to the Deathly Hallows audiobook and am remembering ideas I had for finishing this fic... so long ago. But at this point it might take bone of the father, flesh of a servant and blood of an enemy to get it going again,
  11. just got PMed on livejournal about a fic from here that i deleted years ago and no longer have. just goes to show you never can tell...

    1. Daye


      the wayback machine may have it. i just can't get past the stored age check

    2. GeorgeGlass


      Sometimes your stories end up being archived on weird sites for random reasons. I discovered one of mine on an Indian site because my story included a character named Ajay.

  12. woah. new look? change is bad guys. Don't you know?

    1. BronxWench


      Change is inevitable. Change is inexorable. Change is insidious.

      (I can keep this up a while longer.. :P)

    2. DemonGoddess


      Change is of the good! Especially when it means that the site moves further away from the inevitability of a crash, which is where we were.

    3. BronxWench


      Change is incredible! :D

  13. when you've been so long the forum logs you out...

    1. JayDee


      What do you mean you only slept for half an hour Mr Van Winkle?

    2. BronxWench


      Hey, there, stranger! :D

  14. Fucking Halloween Party I really enjoyed this fic, JayDee. The characters are fun and well described and the sex is awesome. I really liked how each time Shannon's expectations about the killer were proved wrong. 'oh its the nerdy guy! oh its an angry jock!' Turns out not to be either. And she saves the day through understanding and seduction. Not say pulling off limbs or sexing people to death. The redemption and helping people arc on all parts was great. All in all, a very enjoyable well written fic.
  15. One month till my fic is due for an LJ Fest... I should maybe start writing?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JayDee


      Wait, they timed an LJ fest to coincide with NaNo? Those sadistic evil twisted.... I gotta see if they'll let me write a story about them.

    3. BronxWench


      It'll be a perfect NaNo entry... :P

    4. Daye


      it's actually a christmas themed fest. the writing period runs sept 24th to nov 24th

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