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Status Updates posted by WillowDarkling

  1. :help:  Can someone please explain to me why I get so hot and bothered every time Luke Evans posts a topless picture and I can see his nipples!? God damn it!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BronxWench


      I’m a fan of a nice nipple myself, and I will say, he does have superb nipples. :lol:


    3. WillowDarkling


      *sighs* He does have superb nipples… :wub:

    4. WillowDarkling


      And Luke Evans posted a new picture on his Insta, wearing nothing but some swimming trunks… Oooohhhh, to be on that beach… :drool:  not to mention that fucking 12 pack he has… 

  2. ::runs through, screeching like a pterodactyl on a bender, wearing a sparkly tutu and dragon wings….:: :cheerfulcat: :happykitten:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      It’s “Neko’s late with homework...again” sort of an event… Happens more often than some people realise. 

      And I just found out that my birthday is “International Hug Your Cat day” which I find EXTREMELY appropriate… being the resident Neko and all. 

    3. BronxWench
    4. WillowDarkling


      Thanks, love, that reminds me I have to buy some pickled ram’s balls for dinner when I get paid :D 

  3. ::screams happily:: I haz keys!!!! :yahoo::happykitten:

    1. BronxWench


      Many congratulations, Neko-baby! Have tons of fun in the new apartment! :wub: :hug: :licking-cat:

    2. WillowDarkling


      Thank you, love!

      The actual move will be on Saturday, but mum is coming on Thursday, so we can take as many as we can of the boxes, and little stuff, kitchen stuff etc. and I plan to clean the old apartment partially before the big move :D  

  4. ::sing songs off key:: I love red wiiiine… and naked men… :blush:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      Happy new year, Bronxie-pooh, and thank you for the Christmas card… it arrived this morning, hours before I left my folk’s place :D 

    3. BronxWench


      At least it made it! :D The US Postal Service, bless their hearts, aren’t on furlough… :lol:

    4. WillowDarkling


      oh, it’s the postal service up here too… at my folk’s it’s only delivered every other day… so, add in all of the national holidays over the holidays… and yeah, it’s ridiculous. Mum got I think 3 Christmas cards this morning too.  :D But the card made it, and I was trying to sing the cover picture as I read it :D I don’t know “12 nights of Christmas” well enough :D 

  5. ::squeals loud enough to pop eardrums:: YOUNGBLOOD!!!! :happykitten:

  6. 11000 earthquakes since last Wednesday… it’s been… oscillating! 
    …. I’ll see myself out…. :tomato:

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. BronxWench


      Well, everyone’s afraid of Ungoliant…  :lol: 

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Okay, so who turned up the speakers to rock and roll? :)

    4. WillowDarkling


      I think mum had THE best comment today… she got a text message while talking to me on the phone, and checked it… then told me that it was the county police department announcing that because of an “intended volcanic eruption...” such and such preparations had to be made… 

      I asked her “Intended? Are you sure it said intended? You sure it didn’t say possibly imminent?” 

      She then admitted that possibly the message had said Imminent and not Intended volcanic eruption, and that she’d probably just forgot what it said the moment she read it… 

      And that folks, is how I knew that my mother has become one with these earthquakes :D 

  7. AAAAAAND we have eruption number two, in as many years… fun fun fun :D At least it’s stopped shaking now, I guess.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      everyone’s great, trust me, eruption is better than constant earthquakes :D And it’s in a very similar location as the previous eruption, so the town’s safe :D


    3. BronxWench


      You know I worry about your mum and the gas emissions. But yes, I imagine this is better than the thousands of earthquakes they were talking about! :D


    4. WillowDarkling


      Thank you, love. As for the gas emissions mum knows how it affects her so she’ll be more careful this time (I hope :huh: ) so now we’ll just have to hope for “good” wind directions while this lasts :lol:

  8. Alrighty then… Terminology final assignment done, created a terminology list for fan fiction… let’s see how that goes :D 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      I’ll do it once I’ve finished the last assignment I have hanging over my head. But for now, here’s the PDF file of the terms, as they appear in the terminology bank that I had to create for the assignment. It’s a weird format, but maybe you guys can look at it. 

      Orðabanki ÞÝÐ001 Lokaverkefni Helga Björg.pdf

    3. GeorgeGlass


      Nice. Some of these I don’t know; others look like they came straight from the Content Tags menu. :)

    4. WillowDarkling


      I used our tags for some of the terms, but then I used a list of definitions from here: http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/moonbeam/terms.html  to help me with the definitions. For example I used our anime specific terms which aren’t on Moonbeam’s list. I thought that was important, since we deal with so much anime related material. :D 

  9. An archive profile is a requirement for a forum profile, and an active link to the archive profile is mandatory. 

  10. And we have an eruption happening! A volcanic fissure has opened up in a small valley, and is erupting. There have been hardly any quakes in the past couple of days, so hopefully the quakes are done. I can’t wait for the authorities come up with an official name for the fissure and resulting lava.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      Well, yes, it only took the lava over 40 000 earthquakes in the span of 3 weeks to finish buffering, Desi :D 

      The location is sort of in the middle of the Reykjanes peninsula, so it’s kind of midway between the capital where I live, and the little town where my parents and baby sister & family live. But thankfully, the fissure is far enough away from the towns that there is very little danger. Biggest concern at the moment is gas emissions from the fissure going over townships, so authorities are issuing warnings about keeping windows shut, and that the lava might possibly run over the road that’s on the south coast of the peninsula, connecting it to the south coast of the country. But that’s alright, because there are two other roads out of the town where my family live, so there’s no danger of people getting cut off :D 

      But honestly, this is exciting enough that my parents (now officially both in their 60’s) ran out into their car and drove off to try and see the eruption, like about half the damned town :D 

    3. InvidiaRed


      I’m just glad your parents are okay. If my parents did that it’d be

      Just because that’s how luck treats my family.

    4. Desiderius Price
  11. Fasting turns me into a fucking Tinkerbell! I only have space for one emotion at a time, and it’s amplified tenfold because my body wants food!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Rick_Andrew


      Congrats on completing the fast, Willow ! Was Japanese Golden Curry and rice at the end of that rainbow ?

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      So, *THAT’S* the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  Now I know.  :sham:

    4. WillowDarkling


      Yups, had a big plate of Japanese Golden Curry and rice once I got home, and then ate a can of Pringles a little while later :D Hungry is not a flattering state for me. 

  12. Final grade for the fan fiction terminology final assignment is in, and the assignment earned me an 8,5 (out of 10), which resulted in a final grade for the course, of 8. Not too shitty… 

  13. Finally decided to get healthy and start to drink more water… two litres of water and around 10 hours later, the news announces, the cold water is contaminated with soil bacteria, and we shouldn’t drink it… FOR FUCK’S SAKE!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      It just kind of feels so typically me, you know. Lady Luck’s just kind of sitting back and going, “Oh, so you want to get healthy, huh? Let’s see what I can do about that…” 

      What did I do to her, seriously?!

    3. GeorgeGlass


      What a time for a romaine lettuce contamination problem to break out.

    4. Arian-Sinclair


      This is why it pays off to have a water cooler and a supply of water bottles at the ready. Wasn't it only the tap water that the warning was for? I never really drink tap water to begin with, so it's just having to make sure the water doesn't get in my eye, nose, ears, or mouth while showering for me, or rather paying extra care compared to usual.

  14. For sale, one left leg, slightly used, going cheap… gimpy left hip included… :dots:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Melrick


      I’ll trade you my bent spine that doesn’t quite work normally.  I’ll have your left leg because it might be better than my gammy left knee.

    3. WillowDarkling


      But you have to accept the gimpy left hip with the leg, Melrick, so it might be a questionable trade. :D

    4. Melrick


      lol Okay, I guess I’ll stick with what I’ve got.

  15. From the year 2023 Happy New Year, and hope you celebrated responsibly :D   :party::cheers:

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I slept since I figure it’s best to start off well rested :)

    2. BronxWench


      New Year’s Eve was quiet, and I’ve been spending New Year’s Day catching up on laundry and configuring the new computer, which is replacing my 10-year old Dell. (Yes, I finally surrendered and admitted I can’t tweak it anymore without replacing pretty much everything inside it, which led to the realization that it was cheaper to just buy a new computer… :lol:  )

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Sleeping aside, mostly playing the “game” this holiday break – sometimes it’s better to play it through and tire of it (eventually), though this does mean no story updates from me. 

  16. Gaspard Ulliel, may you find rest and peace in the Summerlands. :cry:

  17. Got my first jab today. Been about an hour, and so far no signs of zombie-ism… And I so want to add a joke about my 5G reception right here, but maybe I shouldn’t… :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BronxWench


      I was mildly sore for a day after the first shot, and quite a bit more tender for three days after the second shot, along with being really tired for two days. But I would do it again, honestly, because what I feel now is relief. 

    3. WillowDarkling


      I do have a bit of a needle phobia so I tend to tense up when I get jabs of any kind, so there’s a small chance that might have increased soreness for me. Although the nurse did tell me to relax the shoulder, not sure if it worked :D 

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      First jab, told the lady I needed a distraction… didn’t even notice it.   Second jab, I did notice it, but it was quick.

  18. Happiest of birthdays to my dearest Pooh, @BronxWench . :wub: :bday: :wish: :cheers: Love you, my favourite dragon, and I hope the day will be full of joy and great food, and hilarity, and no more snow :D 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Melrick


      Happy birthday, Bronx!  I hope it was a happy one for you. :) :bday:

    3. BronxWench


      Thank you! It didn’t snow again, I had Klingon Bloodwine and barbeque, and watched an action movie with my daft bugger. It was perfect! :lol: 

    4. InBrightestDay


      That sounds like an awesome birthday. ^_^

  19. Happiest of birthdays to our resident red dragon, @BronxWench
    Hope you have an awesome day and that your daft ones be less daft just this once. 

    May your blessings outnumber
    The Shamrocks that grow
    And may trouble avoid you
    Wherever you go.

    Love you, BronxiePooh :party::cheers::bday:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Melrick


      Happy birthday to you!  I hope it was a good one. :birthday:

    3. BronxWench


      Thank you! It was uneventful, which is always good! :lol: 

    4. Melrick


      That’s always my definition of a good day, and uneventful one!

  20. Happy Holidays to everyone, and hope you have a wonderful time. 

    1. InvidiaRed
    2. CloverReef
    3. BronxWench


      Merry Christmas, my Neko-baby! And I hope everyone’s celebrations, no matter what, have been wonderful, as wonderful as my Yule has been! :hug: 

  21. Happy Holidays, everyone :D 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JayDee
    3. BronxWench


      May whatever you celebrate bring you joy and happiness, and lots of love! :hug:  :wub:

    4. Melrick


      The heat eased off here for Christmas day, so that makes me happy!

  22. Happy Holidays, everyone, however you celebrate the season. Be safe, and may the new year bring you hope, love and joy. :kittenmeow:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      Thank you, baby, and hope your Christmas is the beginning of wonderful times for you and all the family! :wub: :hug: :kittenpurr:

    3. JayDee


      Same to everyone! Have a great holiday period! Uh… I mean, holiday season.

    4. Melrick


      I hope everyone has a happy and safe Christmas. :)

  23. Happy new year, everyone!

    1. CloverReef


      May 2019 be our fiercest yet! Weeerk! <3 Happy New year Willow, and everyone else!

    2. BronxWench


      Happy New Year, and may 2019 bring us all health, happiness, and peace! 

  24. Happy New Year, everyone. Hope 2021 will bring you joy, love and happiness. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pippychick
    3. Melrick


      And the same to you! I’m choosing to be optimistic that this year will be much better than the last. :)

    4. JayDee
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