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Everything posted by Tempestuous

  1. Tempestuous because it signifies a lot of things - turbulent, tumultuous - but it basically comes down to a storm. And I like pretty words. :]
  2. I hope so! -will be compelled to search now- Oh, by the way, thanks for the points! <3
  3. If there was anything to apologize for... it'd be my old mary sues. You know, back in the day when you were 13 and you stumble upon these intriguing sites filled with fanfiction, horribly written and total wish-fulfillment but you love it anyway? The moment I decided "Hey, I can totally write with shitty grammar and spelling! And I can come up with some superwoman character! Ooooh, and abusive pasts, yesss!" and you end up having a story with a character so utterly typical. (And by typical, I mean there's bath tubs that are deeper than the character.) Then when you look back at it when you're nearing 19 years of age and just feel the need to go back in time and hit your younger self over the head for being such a douche. Yep, that's me. Then I deleted my old accounts and said goodbye to allll my mary sue brainfarts. Other than that... Nope, I am shameless with my writing!
  4. HAHAHAHA! Oh... so much smut and femdom could come from this! I want the crackfic now .___.
  5. 7627
  6. Welll... I read slash written by a guyfriend of mine. He writes more cliché than any girl. Gotta love 'm anyway though.
  7. Mark Sloan from Grey's Anatomy. There's something about his smile >_> & Abby Sciuto from NCIS. So cute <3 Also, Dean Winchester is still on my list too. ;D
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