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Everything posted by Tempestuous

  1. Ah, thankfully, then. I often deal with people thinking I'm not good at being a beta just because English isn't my first language. It gets quite frustrating, I'm sure you'll agree.
  2. I would have offered to beta your fic, but since you're specifically asking for a native speaker, then I'm guessing you must not consider foreigners like me very fluent in the most important language of the world. Thus I can't offer my services as a beta.
  3. That's true. But building up suspense is also an option if you don't want to hurry to the lemon scenes. Or you could build up from kissing to oral, and the grande finale being a lemon. Anyway, good luck, and I'll give your story a read too!
  4. I adore tension! I don't like to read a sexual story if the author skips over the tension. Whether it be passionate, hateful, or really clumsy, it's always fun. It adds more "sparks" and suspense to the complete picture.
  5. 8041 Totally agreed.
  6. If you're talking chemistry with the lack of romance, then I guess it's like magnets. So I think the fundamentals stay relatively the same. But I think it really differs depending on the characters. Good chemistry is when there's different responses. Frustration, satisfaction, unsure, indifferent, etc. Details, of course, are also welcome. That's just my opinion, though. You should be good if you have the interractions down.
  7. And "knitting" their own little chapters to it if the original is unfinished.
  8. Heard something about the Facebook Killer in Britain too. This is exactly why I don't have Facebook. I like being anon; even if someone were to find a random picture of me, they wouldn't be able to put a name on it and track me down. The problem with profile sites is that more often people care about the number of friends they have rather than checking if those friend requests they're thinking of accepting are suspicious. And, of course, if the predator is convincing enough, some people might just buy the act. Predators are never rude, they're nice and give you compliments so you'll trust them. That's when shit hits the fan. In any case, I'm lucky I had a hovering dad who would secretly follow me in his car if I met up with someone he didn't know/was suspicious of. But a camping trip? That's the ideal situation for a killer. Nobody around to hear screams of help, no safe place to run, and if the phone doesn't work or is taken away from her... I mean, I don't know what camping in Australia is like, but from what I know you guys have a whole lot of land. That poor girl... it gives me the creeps just thinking about it. Just like one of those scenarios in horror movies.
  9. I like that pairing, although I also like Malik x Bakura. Both yami and normal. Then there's Naruto x Sasuke, Itachi x Madara, etc. I know the former is a bit cliché, but they're just so utterly... gay for each other. You don't even need goggles to see it.
  10. You can't really throw darts at one specific fandom. There's pros and cons to every section you delve into. I've read plenty of Harry Potter fics, some of which being a complete eyesore, others that were absolutely amazing. This goes for everything: yaoi, yuri, original, fanfiction. For every ten horrible stories, there's one story that will keep you hooked. But if I find a story that I like despite the author's lack of spelling, structure or punctuation, then I will kindly offer my beta services to the author so that I can help improve that story. And sometimes they decline the offer, but that's their choice. I'm helpful because I used to be so incredibly bad at English, it makes my skin crawl to even think back to those days. If someone had offered to help me improve my writing when I was 14, that would've been amazing and spared me a lot of bullshit stories. But alas, it took a while longer for me to see the light. I used to be a huge fan of smut and yaoi too, but over time I've grown to appreciate stories that focus more on the plot than the sex itself. And I tend to be more fond of femslash now because of my own experiences. Sure, I look forward to the sex, but it's much better to read with the necessary build-up and sexual tension. That's what I've found, anyway. And I completely agree with requesting the author if you really want to read something specific, provided you give them the tools to work with. I've had countless of requests that asked me to write them a one-shot with a certain canon character. Either they gave me a gigantic sheet of information on their OC, or they just didn't provide me with anything at all. And on the matter of English being a second language as an excuse for horrible writing... it really isn't. Blaming your first language for your writing is like blaming your ass for making you eat that 14th hamburger. Nobody banned us from picking up a dictionary.
  11. I voted for cards, mainly because I played strip poker back in the day. Of course, there's also Shogi, but I think Shikamaru would be too good at that and Anko would be down to her underwear in a matter of minutes. Then there's turning on the TV, and for every time a certain word is mentioned, you take a shot. But, really, the possibilities are endless! You could even make a more ninja game out of it by including kunai and shuriken aiming while drunk. I hope this gives you a few ideas, or some inspiration at least.
  12. And this is exactly why I'm hesitant to ever mention abortion in my fics. I have a story and a character who has undergone such, but I figured there would always be types like the one you just mentioned who will start ranting about their pro-life views regardless of the fact that it is and always will be fiction. If it were any crazier, there would be people ranting in reviews about having rape in fics... Though, to review your story like that when there's no relevance whatsoever, that's just a whole new level of nutty and rude.
  13. Same here! I asked another guyfriend while he was right next to me, and he gave me a very simple explanation because my question completely caught him off guard. Of course, he doesn't mind, because I always help him with his lady problems or give him tips. It's all win/win.
  14. I agree! I can't say for sure if I'm in the clear myself, but I try as hard as I can to describe orgasms, expressions, feelings, and even twitches. I even go out of my way to ask my guyfriends what their orgasm feels like exactly and what kind of movements or sounds they make. I guess I'm just shameless, but I take all the information I can get to be accurate. The more you know, the better you can write it, no? And I love how you picture Inuyasha and Sesshy. They do seem like that!
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