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Everything posted by Tempestuous

  1. Doesn't sound like a sue to me. But if you're unsure, you can always run her through this test: http://www.springhole.net/quizzes/marysue.htm That said, I've never read a WoW x Naruto crossover before... this is very intriguing! I hope you can keep her exactly as you specified, as I've seen people spiral into the bad kind of fic after a while by making their character level infinity with powers that could knock Itachi over with a sneeze. Anyway, good luck! I like the idea and I give your character my stamp of approval.
  2. 8002 Must keep spamming this thread.
  3. Ancient Forbidden Final Godly Burning Phoenix Rage Grand 2x Hyper-Energized Ultra Omega Supreme Heavenly Immaculate Righteous Celestial Judgment Magnum Multi-Impact Drive 4 EX Blazing Giga Acidic Hellfire Inferno Double Plasma-Bomb Super Ultimate Perfect Giant Golden Rapid Gatling Twisted Spiral Inter-Dimensional Seismic Radioactive Annihilating Megaton Doom Cannon Red Dragon Blood Diamond Subsonic Shining Inverted Black Aurora Nova Maelstrom Unlimited Star Lightning Maximum Flash Chaotic Alpha Lunar Toxic Crimson Shadow Death Strike Blaster Over-Soul Piercing Break Last Redemption Laser Beam Sacred Iron Fist Infinite Combo Omni Barrage Proton Shooter Darkness Frozen Crystal Comet Killer Wave Blade Rush Uppercut!
  4. Dutchie reporting in! And I agree with you. In comparison to English, Dutch suddenly becomes so... blunt. Not at all fancy. And that is the one word I avoid using at all times. Everything else is fine, especially in a full chain of curses after hitting my foot or something of the sorts. "Tering tyfus graf klote krijg de fucking pleuris van een paardelul." Yup, the swearing is fantastic.
  5. The mysterious ticking noise was hilarious, as was wizard angst. Let's see... I also remember this parody: There's multiple parts to it, but it cracked me up.
  6. I've watched that! Although I'm personally not big on musicals, but that's one of my exceptions. My favourite HP parody has to be Potter Puppet Pals, though. Have you ever watched the episodes of that?
  7. I'm glad I'll always have a handful of great friends who will stick with me through good and bad. (And don't mind hearing my rants about silly plot bunnies! )
  8. 8000 The Infinity Muffin... one bite will sustain you for a whole day.
  9. Hide and seek in my pants One more time in my pants Get it up in my pants
  10. Better late than never, but at least justice is served!
  11. That happened to my friend. She has her works posted partially on FictionPress, and some creep stole it and posted it on her dA, even getting the "featured" stamp and all the glory for being "an amazing writer" which my friend should've gotten. She reported her, of course, and it got the girl banned, but still. There's no pride in being praised for something you didn't create yourself. You'd think people would get that... I myself have gotten my work plagiarized frequently as well. Mostly on other sites where I do not post, and there's also a person on Mibba who stole my identity complete with picture and false biography. I messaged the site about this two times, but I never got a reply. It bothers me, but I've simply taken the precaution of locking my photobucket from public view and putting my username on my ID pics. May karma bite them all in the ass one day.
  12. 7998 Or with sprinkles...hmm...
  13. It is very difficult, but not impossible. My advice to go about writing in present time is by imagining you are directing a movie, and you have to tell your actors exactly what to do. Not later, not in past tense, but right this instant. And remember to be specific! As long as you can keep your head in the "now" then you should get it done just as easily as you would past tense. I wish you good luck!
  14. I've been thinking about it, and I've come to the conclusion that I would really prefer a beta after all. I'm looking for a beta who has no problem with femmeslash, as this is my primary focus. From time to time I may write a het one-shot, or a slash one. It really depends on my mood. Ideally, I'd like a beta who can fix my mistakes and if necessary add to my writing. Don't be afraid to criticize me either, as I don't expect a timid, sugar-coating beta. Tear me a new hole if you must, just make sure it's constructive. As I mentioned, it's mainly original femmeslash, but I may occasionally switch to fanfiction or a different pairing. Don't worry, though, I won't bombard you with fandoms you're not familiar with. As for the erotic part, it's pretty general with the occasional adding of toys or (in my demon story's case) tails. But I doubt you'll find my writing to be uncomfortable or offending in any way. My story is posted on my account, so if you feel the need to see what you're signing up for, feel free to give it a look! And if you're interested, please let me know and we'll work things out from there.
  15. 7996 I love me some cupcakes.
  16. 7994 I've lacked counting!
  17. I've gotten reviews telling me what to do before, which annoyed me. There's a difference between giving someone advice and demanding them to do something. You shouldn't ever have to adjust to such comments, especially if it goes against your story ideas. Quality, quantity, this can all be judged, but never style. Everybody has a unique style of writing, and this shouldn't be questioned. Anyway, whenever you do get around to posting it, I'll gladly read it!
  18. If my parents knew that, when I was 15, I had sex with a girl on their couch while they were away for a few hours, they would foam at the mouth and burn that couch instantly. Also the weird fantasies we tried out which included either a knife, hot candle wax, or just a good ol' strap-on. I'd be at an asylum in an instant.
  19. Satori - Amethystium.
  20. I have a pet T-rex which I ride on the weekends - traffic is so difficult to stomp through on work days.
  21. I don't think there's any limits, but of course I have my personal limits. I'm guessing we've all ventured into the unknown stories that took a turn for the worst. But, even if I don't agree with the content, I wouldn't strike it off as unacceptable. It's fiction, and as long as it stays that way, I'm perfectly okay with it. Adding to Donagothika so it doesn't look like a complete necro post.
  22. Why don't you stick to Third Person's? You don't have to repeatedly switch POVs, which I know irritates a lot of readers, and you can express the feelings and thoughts of every character however you wish. It's a simple switch from "I" to "he/she". That's just my input. In any case, if you want to keep the POVs you have now, make sure they don't switch every time after two pages. Keep it balanced and spread apart. I wanted to read your story to give you more worthwhile advice, but I couldn't find it on your profile, so this is all I got. Hope it helps.
  23. I currently don't have a beta, but if need be, I just turn to my ruthless friend to rip out some mistakes from my chapter. My most common mistakes are when I mix up my native language with English and accidentally write a random Dutch word in there. My spellchecker totally misses it because there's no spelling errors in the Dutch anyway. Oh, and back in the day when my spellchecker was shit, it would correct instead to in stead, prepare to prepair, and so on. I had no idea of this mistake because I just figured my spellchecker was some divine thing that knew things better than me. Way to fail, self.
  24. I could take up the Itachi one, as I have a lot of experience writing him. However, I have to ask, what exactly do you expect Konan to be like? Her personality, for the most part, is just a mystery to me. So I wouldn't know what to do with that.
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