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Posts posted by InvidiaRed

  1. I did mange to find a back up copy so I'm back on track :)

    not only am I'm going to publish when I find time

    but I'm going to lengthen it

    and sadly it won't be today

    schoolwork and all

    so consider it a very late Xmas gift when it is finished :)

  2. Hi

    I'm looking for a Beta for my first story

    Surviving Lust

    what happens when a Succubus falls for a vampire slayer? All sorts of things

    This story is a slash with M/F as well Action/ Violence

    I need

    An openminded Beta to proof read my stories and someone with great grammar and punctuation usages and( maybe spelling I'm not perfect)

    as well as someone to converse on ideas and such

    My email is available upon request


  3. The 'present' being a particularly nasty case of T-virus infection? Perhaps localised entirely in her genitals... "Curse of the Zombie Pussy! Eat it before it eats you!"

    I think RE2 was the only RE game I ever played all the way through. :huh:

    :spit: I sprayed hot chocolate from reading that

  4. Oh, god, i read one fic where the dialogue included a character referring to his penis, as penis, five times in one paragraph. I don't think i say penis five times in a month.

    Then again, do you need to say penis, or any euphemism? If you're not comfortable with 'she grabbed his cock' maybe the scene works with 'she grabbed him?' I mean, if they're naked and in bed, in shower, in the grassy field together, it's not likely that she'll grab him by the ear and guide his ear into her no-no place.

    um... I hate to break it to you

    but one of my friends has an ear fetish. She once told me she liked how it felt down there :P

  5. Fandom: Orginial

    Name of character: Bloodwing Silvershine

    Race of character: Shifter ( think of humans with a secondary form)

    Age of character: 18 summers

    Height of character: 5'4

    Weight of character: 185

    Brief background of character: he's an inhabitant of the Hive islands and is sent on quest personally by the queen herself. To see if anyone survived mankind's civilization's collapse as well as gather information on the outside world

    Character's position or job: Knight of silverswarm

    Strengths/Skills: Swarm shifting and surivival training

    Are these skills typical of the fandom? If not, why?: yes and no while there are other shifters around. Swarm shifting isn't changing into one other form it's a transformation into dozens or even hundreds of the same creature mostly likely insects

    Weaknesses/Bad habits: eating things most people find disgusting and being a scholar. He also trusts everyone (growing up without deception will do that to you)

    Distinctive features, if any: flies are always around him

    Are these features unique in the fandom? If so, why?: not really every shifter has a trait that gives a clue to what thier secondary form is

    Connections to canon characters (if any): The Hive Queen as well as his mentor Albator Ravenwing

    How does your character get on with those around him/her?: He is respectful towards those in postions of power and those of advanced age. And is generally live and let live towards others

    What does the other characters think of your character when they met her/him? Considering he's being allowed to go outside the islands he could be reacted to anywhere from fascination to outright hatred and everything in between.

    I'm new to AFF and this idea poped into my head. :P

  6. the best way to learn about futuristic socities

    would be to read stories set in the future

    like science fiction.

    Exactly, how far into the future is this society in a decade? a century/centuries?

    because it's kinda important

    if its in the far future where nano's help keep you body in shape and diesase is a myth or even has recreational purposes

    then society has to reflect that like (Ex: like getting a newsfeed on your data displayer that someone actully got sick and people start freaking out because its unheard of.)

    setting wise you have free reign from utopia to distopia

    maybe corporations are the true power in your setting maybe the people are just like us ... With better toys

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