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Status Updates posted by InvidiaRed

  1. It finally rained in AZ! the first whisper of fall y‘all

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Rain in Arizona… who’s been praying to the rain gods?  :)

    2. WarrenTheConey


      I live just outside of Pheonix, I went for a walk to one of the fast food places, when the wind had just started.

      Ten minutes later I was having lunch, watching the rain and wondering how I'd get home, without getting wet.

      Luckily it didn't last long. :P

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      When I had lived in So Cal, took a year and a half to realize there was a leak in my apartment roof (simply because it hadn’t rained for so long)

  2. Currently enjoying the forerunners of scifi.

    Have to say Light Envelope of Hp lovecraft is so far my favorite terminology.

  3. How does one find an editor?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. InvidiaRed
    3. BronxWench


      You’re very welcome! It can get a bit complicated, because you need to decide if you want content editing, or just cleaning up grammar and such. Feel free to pick my brain! :lol: 

    4. InvidiaRed


      Lol, just need to bounce ideas off someone.

      Kinda have to rewrite a bit cause I want to add more scifi elements to this dark fantasy ahaha!

  4. Love the dragon! ❤️

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Dragons are fun, and easy to fast-BBQ anything!  :fthrower:

  5. Working till Christmas

    I worry about these youngings, We’re already on a skeleton crew and two got themselves fired for “the message” Like what message is worth that?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wilde_Guess


      Was “the message” an actual message sent by the two ex-employees that was in extraordinarily poor taste?  Or do you just work for a “high-quality” employer sending a message that they’re “high-quality?”

    3. InvidiaRed


      I work in an industry where the college life hasn’t been rubbed off by the real world yet.

    4. Wilde_Guess


      Okay…  So, with the headlines, I’m guessing the little twerps got involved in the “River to the Sea” Blood-Libel, and someone in management really didn’t want to go there.  Oh, well…

      Good luck getting and training the replacements.


    1. InBrightestDay


      Saw this a while back, and absolutely love it.  It’s proof that you can make feathered dinosaurs menacing, so long as you use the right presentation.

  7. Spent a coupled days in Williams. Its touristy place celebrating route 66 but it feels like a small town pearled in time. The gateway to the grand canyon lol.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Grand Canyon eh?  Should fit a bunch of bodies in time for Halloween.  :devil:

    2. Wilde_Guess


      Don’t forget Winona.  And here’s a link for “six degrees of separation” with a degree or two left out.

      “Bonus Points” if you can list the degrees I’ve left out.  Cheers!


  8. So uh, manager got axed but she decided to deadman’s switch and nuke alot of other...enjoyers of group extracurricular activities by sending evidence to HQ directly….

    And I knew none of this and walked straight into the aftermath of the hidenburg.

    There’s burning bridges… And then there’s nuking the thing.

    So the fallout has yet to be determined but on the other hand kinda have to respect going out on your own terms via nuclear fission.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Reaction to manager’s response… hope you’re able to either keep your job or find a good replacement.

    2. BronxWench


      Which is exactly why I follow the sage advice of my father: “Never shit where you eat.”  :lol: 


  9. September 22 is the last day of summer.

    September 23 Is the first of Fall.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      And I’m rushing to see if I can reach 100k for the month before then!

    2. Wilde_Guess


      Please don’t remind me – I don’t like colder weather.  But, that’s also astronomical  autumn.  Meteorological autumn started at the first of the month.


  10. People don’t really grow up they just get better at hiding it. Dear lord, having to explain to a construction worker having a temper tantrum that the only reason he can’t login into an app is because of a user error. When he’s at least 6’5 and over eighty pounds heavier is not a good time.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Peter Pan syndrome, never wanting to grow up?  I sympathize… can I get a do over, reset my biological clock to 18?

  11. Woo! ever since I got inscription out I can write since my brain is de-cluttered lol!

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      An empty mind is a dangerous thing!  😈

  12. Got bitten by plot bunny again and can’t finish cause the half formed idea is drowning out the chapter I’m writing 😅

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @GeorgeGlass Sorry if it came across as anything other than trying to continue the joke, sometimes the effort flops.

    3. GeorgeGlass


      @Desiderius PriceWell, you gave my post the “Sad” reaction, which is generally reserved for “I’m sorry that happened to you” kind of posts.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @GeorgeGlass Aw, I don’t restrict it as such. Though at this point, trying to remember the full point of the intended joke… too much time :(

  13. delightful little earworm lol

  14. back from fanfusion aka con. lol!

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Sounds cool, and like most things I hear about it after the fact.

    2. InvidiaRed


      lmao, Arizona’s con is weird but the cosplay is next level by far.

  15. Finally can got to a point where I can think of my book again.

    I decided to pause in the rewrite and start the 2nd one. Since by being further down the road I know what happens and can foreshadow things in book 1 better. We’ll see if I went supercrazybonkers or that it works.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      You can tell it’s spring, the plot bunnies frolicking and blooming all over the place.

    2. Deadman


      Are you sure that supercrazybonkers and something working are mutually exclusive? Maybe you need to be supercrazybonkers to make it work?

    3. InvidiaRed


      I mean… You aren’t wrong.

  16. Hm… Fun fact if we go by timeline alone.

    The Destruction of Raccoon City ( Resident Evil 1998)

    And Judgement Day (Terminator August 26 1997 or 1995)


    Which means Harry Potter and the wizarding world witnesses the muggles destroy a city instantly or major chance the world ends during the events of order of the phoenix via Judgement Day and the rise of machines or the wizarding world witnesses the downfall of voldermort just in time to watch London vanish in nuclear fire.

    1. Wilde_Guess


      This actually reminded me of an old joke.  A driver’s education teacher is lecturing his class of fifteen year olds.  He told them:  “Over half of all automobile accidents happen within five miles of home.  What do you kids intend to do about that once you earn your driver’s licenses?”  A kid in the back of the classroom raises his hand, and the teacher calls on him.  The kid answers, “Move at least twenty miles away.”

    2. InvidiaRed


      Plot bunnies (unrelated) but its one of those things.

    3. InvidiaRed


      Plot bunny got me the idea of potterverse Vs Skynet was too tempting.

      The more you dig and research the more you realize. The wizarding world pretty much survives alot of scifi without much issue. Canonically, potterverse magic breaks tech and magical pests go after electrical devices even with their 1950’s tech equivalence.

      Terminators have no chance of infiltration, between rapid transit, remote locations and the fact wands don’t run out of bullets and adult wizards can produce explosions pretty much at will and keep at distance, They can pretty much survive by staying hidden and steadily attack Skynet’s resources whenever they so choose.

  17. Not a single day this week has been quiet. Something is in the water or something

    Cause everyday people are acting out of character more than usual, the numerous storms?

    Something else? Holy Cannoli I’m not getting paid enough to babysit grown adults

    Second time where I had to separate people.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      That dihydrogen monoxide slipping into the water again?

    2. InvidiaRed
  18. The silenced ebbed now the word fly ten


  19. I got plot bunnied. :help:

    Had one vague plot bouncing around Posted it just to help clear the brain now I got like three more.

    This isn’t how math is supposed to work.:alien::shark:

    1. BronxWench


      The little ankle-biters are like that. You let one plot bunny in, and next thing you know, your ankles are raw and you can’t stop typing. :lol:


    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Only three?  :)

      Yeah, plot bunnies are very fruitful and they multiply… more like a factorial (or at least the Fibonacci series)

    3. Deadman


      I hate when that happens. I have been playing with a few different plot bunnies because I’ve been dealing with repairs. So instead of actually writing, I end up with little bits and pieces of stories I haven’t written yet.

  20. Everyone is still quite welcome to partake in Halloween 2022!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BronxWench


      You can use the member directory to find InvidiaRed’s profile, or just click his profile link on his forum profile.

      Or try this link:  https://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600110164

    3. GeorgeGlass


      Thank you! I hadn’t noticed the “Add Chapter” button in the top left.

    4. BronxWench


      Alright, mine’s up, such as it is...

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