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Everything posted by LisaT2525

  1. LisaT2525

    Werewolf Stories

    You could read Moon Lust by fusedtwilight. It's not completed yet but it is a werewolf story. In fact, he just updated this week. It should be either on the first page or second page of the latest stories.
  2. LisaT2525

    lost story:(

    Hey Sess' Babe, I believe "Honky Tonk", by 2rainsong2, was taken down because the author published it. I think she's working on publishing all her stories. That was a great story, though. You can try Amazon under her username, or just check out her AFF profile. She may have updates on it for her various stories. Good luck. Lisa
  3. LisaT2525

    Story m/m

    I just searched for "Dally and the Doctor" and it wasn't there. I know for certain Dally was the kid's name. Maybe she took the story down...
  4. LisaT2525

    Story m/m

    Hey Quulyn, You're thinking of "Dally and the Doctor". I believe that's the name of the story. Dally starts going to the this particular doctor when he's eleven or twelve I think. Eventually the good ole pedo doc finds another young boy, younger than Dally and the doc invites his adult pedo friends to come over and watch Dally and the boy together. I can't remember the author though. She wrote quite a few stories on here. Lisa Oh, and you might want to fix your typo at the end: it's 'people' not 'peoples'.
  5. Which is also on GA, btw.
  6. They do have two biker friends who I think are married & they babysit their kids. I want to say one boy is named Ethan but I don't remember the other one. They live in Boston.
  7. Hey Squirrel, The first story I don't know about b/c I don't read those types of stories, but the second story sounds just like a story I read on GA by Naptowngirl. The man w/amnesia is named Christian & I think his husband is David. Christian is an architect & I think something fell & hit him in the head. The name of the story is "Hello, My Name Is..." Lisa
  8. LisaT2525


    Check out 2rainsong2's stories; she has quite a few stories w/3-way relationships.
  9. LisaT2525

    Penny Lane

    I think Penny Lane was written by 2rainsong2. I think she's publishing all her stories. You might find her email address on her profile if you wanted to ask her where you could read it. It was a great story.
  10. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107310 "The Devils Beside You" by KageKiri is the story. It was last updated on October 11th and it's on the eleventh page of the latest stories.
  11. Oh, Dragon, I know exactly which story you're talking about. In fact, it was updated not too long ago. Jay has two friends from the office and he's this big VP or something's assistant and one of the cities billionaires comes to the office for a meeting with Jay's boss and this guy is all over Jay and wants to take him to dinner...then his friends take him to a club where he gets attacked in the bathroom by this psycho guy and that's where he sees the Asian guy but he doesn't realize the Asian guy owns the place. I just wish I could remember the name and/or the author. If you go into the latest stories and go back four or five pages, it might be there. As I said, it was updated recently.
  12. He definitely is! I just wish he would write a new story!
  13. I was just going to say it sounds like a Laevi story! Lol
  14. LisaT2525


    I think it's called "A Different Path" but it's not the same as the story with the same title that's posted now. I believe that was the name. I don't know if the author ever finished it. I think her username was something like Gr, damn, now I can't remember.
  15. YES! Jaci_Peet! Omg, it was so funny - this was driving me NUTS trying to remember the author, so I went into the member directory and for some reason I thought her first name started with a 'P', Paige, or Page, or Peyton, something like that...I went through every single 'P' and then I saw 'Peet' and I'm like: "That's it!!! Peet, but what's her first name? lol Destroying Angel - now I remember. Thank you, Guest!
  16. Nope - not Paige_Turner; she wrote Opportunities, which is an awesome story, btw, if you want to read that instead. lol
  17. I know, I double-checked after I posted that but nothing came up under that username or story title. I remember the author had changed her username when she re-wrote the story. I thought it was Peyton_List, but maybe that's just the name of a soap star, now that I think of it! lol Hmm, maybe it was Paige_Turner...let me check.
  18. I know the exact story you're talking about. I think the author is Peyton_List, but I'm not certain. She had taken it down once and reposted it but I haven't seen an update in months and months. I think it was called Shep and Shep was the name of the biker/boxer. I forgot what Shep was short for; it may have been just a nickname. I don't remember the doctor's name, for some reason Peter rings a bell...
  19. LisaT2525


    Are you talking about "Tears of the Neko"? I think that's the name of it. By Oh2BWriting (I think that's her username). I haven't read it but I know it's a completed story.
  20. Halp, try "Untamed West" by DedicatedQuill. The story is complete & it's really good. At one point she was talking about rewriting it, but I think it's great the way it is.
  21. Oh! I thought of another amazing author: orbiting jupiter - read anything she has written; all her stories are terrific.
  22. Lol, Bronx! Thanks. I try my best.
  23. Hey Mrowr, Before you do anything, you need to read "Loser" by DedicatedQuill. It's one of the best stories on here. It is a WIP, but she has about 38 chapters for you to sink your teeth into while you wait for an update. Then you can read "Close Protection" by Cordelia Kingsbridge; that's another awesome story and it's complete. I'm reading "Untitled" now by thegreatwhitewolf (I think that's the username), and it's really good also. You can read Mahsa's "Muffin", which is fantastic, and the sequel "Matthew" which is a WIP. If you like threesomes, etc. you can read "Supply and Demand" by fusedtwilight; that's a really good story but maybe I'm biased b/c I edited it. Although I'm not a huge fan of any story out of the norm, I did love London Lampy's "Exit" series. They're all excellent stories. Oh, a new story on here "All In" by Oh2bewriting (I think her name is), is a great story also. She has eight or nine chapters so far. Oh, and there's another story that was just completed: "Now See Here!" which is a sequel to "See if I Care" (I could be getting the titles mixed up as to which came first! ). They are by Wynja and she is such aa funny writer; each chapter had so many funny parts in it. Then there's "Black Star Cross" by Young Sage; it's a really good high school and beyond story. I can't think of anymore right now. I'm sure I'll think of others as soon as I hit "Post". lol I really need to get a life, eh? Lisa
  24. LisaT2525


    Hi Justine, She's not on here anymore; I believe she was underage when she first starting posting her stories.
  25. It's called Desert Wind by Udunie. I tried to copy and paste the address but for some reason it wouldn't let me. It's an unfinished story. There are only eighteen chapters.
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