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Everything posted by LisaT2525

  1. I'm really computer stupid. I did know enough to check my settings on AFF, but there wasn't any that said 'review box' lol. In the MSN settings I would have no idea where to look for something like this. It's just frustrating b/c I use MSN for everything else, and to have to switch back and forth between MSN and Firefox, or Chrome, or IE, whatever, is a pain in the neck. But maybe it's still better than the stupid small review box. lol
  2. I did only b/c I thought it would help. I logged out of the forum thread page also, but when I came back in to log in, it never logged me out! Now that I think about it, why do you need to log into both places? Why can't you just log into one place?
  3. Nope, restarting the computer didn't work either. Maybe it's my browser. I use MSN and the review box is 1/2 X 10. I just went into Firefox and the review box is back to normal at 1 1/2 X 10. I wonder how I fix it on MSN?
  4. Nope, didn't work, Bronx. I logged out of this forum page and logged out of the main page, x'd out of AFF, and deleted the cookies and temporary internet files. Then I went back into AFF but didn't log in. I clicked on any story and went to review it, but I was still logged in. How could that be? It had my name and email address. Anyway, I went into the review box, to the bottom right and there is still just the vertical line, no diagonal lines. Maybe I have to restart the computer since I cleared the cookies?
  5. That's a great idea about writing the review in Word. I didn't log out or delete my cookies and browsing history. I always forget to do that. I'm going to try that now and then log back in. Thanks Bronx!
  6. No, I tried that. That was the first thing I tried, but there is no diagonal line; there is only a vertical line and it doesn't move. I'm so frustrated. I even tried going into the box, right clicking to see if I could change the size, but that wasn't even an option.
  7. Demon, I just went in to review "Loser" and I measured the review box; it's only half an inch, whereas previously it was probably the size of this posting box.
  8. Hey Demon, How are you? Well, my review box used to be a rectangle, large enough to fit at least ten lines or more. Now it's the same rectangle, but it can only fit one line. I do hit enter and it brings me to another line, but I can't see the previous words I wrote. It's a pain in the neck. I've been dealing with it but if there's anything I can do to get it back to the larger box that would be great. =)
  9. Hi, About a month or so ago, I noticed my review box shrunk! I've been dealiing with it, but it's a real pain in the butt. Is it just my computer, or does it have to do with AFF? And how do I get the full-sized box back? Thanks for your help! Lisa
  10. Babette!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We share the same birthday! lol :) Hope you're having a great day!

  11. I know Azela is an author on AFF. Maybe you're thinking about one of her stories. I've read most of her work and your description doesn't ring a bell, but of course I could be wrong. Check out her stories - even if your story is not there, you'll enjoy her writing! Good luck!
  12. LOSER, LOSER, LOSER!!!! (not calling you loser! lol It's the name of the story!) Read "Loser" by SweetSurrender. She's on chapter seventeen now I believe. It's one of the best stories on here!!! Also, ANYTHING by orbitingjupiter, Mahsa's two stories, "Close Protection" by Cordelia Kingsbridge, I could go on and on. God, I need to get a life. lol Oh, Supply and Demand by fusedtwilight (and not just b/c I edit it. It's a really good story) - it's also a complete story.
  13. There was this guy I was seeing (read: shacked up), for seven years. Well, we shacked up 18 mos. after we met only b/c he lost his construction job and couldn't pay his rent. He's from Brazil, is illegal, no documentation, nada, so I let him live with the kids and I. About eight months ago he married someone with a green card so he could get his. Yeah, good luck with that. Anyway, he always claimed there weren't any gay people in Brazil. He's very homophobic, don't know why, although many years ago he did admit to getting a bj from a gay dude. Go figure. lol Anyway, so yeah, no gay boys in Brazil, riiiigghhhtttt. lol So he HATED the fact that I'd be reading gay porn! He couldn't understand it and TOOK OFFENSE that I was reading this smut! Like he was insulted! lol Well, it's not like he ever took me anywhere, he'd go off with his friends and drink in someone's house and I stayed home and read gay porn. What's wrong with that? =) He just HATED it. lol Then my real ex (the divorced one), found out I'm editing for an online publisher and he asked the name of the company and I'm like, oh shit. So I gave it to him and he hangs up. Two minutes later he calls back and goes, this is like soft porn and under my breath I'm saying there's nothing 'soft' about it. lol It's porn all right. haha He goes it says here they just stopped accepting m/f stories, they only take m/m stories now. I hope you're story is an m/m story. (meaning b/c I'll be getting paid for it). I was just surprised he even KNEW what m/m was! I never knew until I found AFF! lol Hmmm, what's HE been up to in his spare time! lol Oh yeah, shacked up with his ho and raising his illegitimate twin girls. How could I forget? Yeah, Crave is such an awesome story, Magic! I really love it. Although much of it makes me cry. It hurts to read about how Jamie sees himself and what low self-esteem he has. I just hope he can get the help he needs to stay alive. Speaking of which, I'm on chapter fourteen now, so I'm almost all caught up!
  14. Wait, Patrick from Spongebob? Or Patrick her son? Is there a Patrick in Spongebo? I used to watch that with my kids, but I don't remember the names of the characters. lol I guess your sister would be against watching Teletubbies also then. lol Why is she so homophobic? Does she know her sister writes gay porn? lol Omg, this reminds me: I told you yesterday I was invited in for wine by my son's friend's mom, right? Well, one of the moms there was asking me what I do and I told her I don't have a full-time paying job yet, (will need to get one since the ex killed me in the divorce, the douchebag), but I do editing for an online publishing company. So she asked about the books b/c she reads a lot on her Kindle. I told her they're like Harleqin romances, sort of. And she said what do you mean and then I explained about the m/m as opposed to the traditional m//f. I told her that this publishing company doesn't even accept m/f stories anymore and she asked why and I said b/c no one is reading them; they're all reading m/m stories. She looked at me with this face and asked why and I said, I don't know, maybe because m/f stories are boring, we live them every day, been there, done that, you know? Then she conceded and said I guess...lol So now my kid's friends' moms know I edit gay porn! lol I told her that if she Googles m/m or slash fiction, tons of sites will come up about it. I told her this one site, meaning AFF, the majority of the authors are female and they write gay erotica for a female readership, not a male one. She was amazed! Her mouth just hung open! I wonder if she actually Googled it when she went home! lol It was funny. Hey, I'm just trying to educate the women of today about reading gay porn!
  15. Oh yeah, I keep forgetting you can listen to those stupid Captcha things. Thanks for reminding me! The other site that I'm on and do 99% of my editing is on GA (GayAuthors.org). I joined them about three years ago. In fact, there have been one or two authors from GA that I convinced to join AFF and post here. They don't still do it though. Well, they don't post there anymore either. But if you're interested in reading the article, I'll send you a link. How was babysitting? lol
  16. Oh man, I wrote this whole response to your post and it didn't post. I don't know why. Ok, Reader's Digest version: My best friend was bulimic throughout high school and part of college. I had no idea that every time we went out to eat and she was running to the bathroom, that she was throwing up! We would buy chocolate bars and I'd eat mine and she'd give me pieces of hers so I can "share" with her. Little did I realize she wasn't eating any of it! She was also an exercise fanatic. Her parents were very controlling and critical of her. I guess she felt this was the only thing in her life she could control. Luckily she started seeing a therapist and that helped a lot. She's fne now, although she still doesn't eat as much as she should. And she was always slim, never heavy. And yes! Of course you can use whatever you like in my reviews! lol I'd be honored, Magic! It's so funny - on another site I was interviewed as being a prolific reviewer. The interviewer asked me if I try to influence the author's writing by what I write in my reviews and I said of course not! I have read chapters where I've said, "Omg, that's exactly what I wrote in my last review!", lol, but I don't purposely do that. But yes, Magic, please feel free to write whatever you want from my review. =) When I was reading Luke's journal, that's all I thought about: how he seems just so 'physical' towards Fico and he sees him more like a sex toy than a real person with feelings, dreams, goals, etc. But then the way you explained it does explain everything - how writing in his journal is Luke's 'safe' place to put down whatever he feels like. Things he knows he can't verbalize with anyone, he can write it all down in the journal and no one is there reading it who is going to judge him. I hope this post goes through! I even did that stupid, asinine (ok, same as stupid, lol), Captcha thingy. That thing is so stupid!!!! I just want the post to go through and the reviews to go through and I have to spend so much time figuring out those stupid Captcha words! I HATE those!!!!
  17. Nope, not complete. I think chapter fifteen was the latest update. She tries to update on Fridays, so I'm hoping she has chapter sixteen this Friday. Of course I'm two chapters behind...lol If you want to read fantastic completed stories, go into Orbiting Jupiter's profile (if she's still on AFF, Idk, haven't seen anything from her in a few years), and read ALL of her stories. They're fantastic. Also, Mahsa's "Muffin". She has a sequel she's writing now also. Oh, and you HAVE TO read "Close Protection" by Cordelia Kingsbridge. FANTASTIC story!!! Well, these should keep you busy for awhile. lol But don't get all wrapped up in reading and forget about writing your own FANTASTIC story! lol
  18. Definitely stick with "Loser" - it only gets better and better. "Bad Rep" is also great. Maybe you should go to chapter two. You can't always tell how good a story will be by the first chapter. That's happened to me before. Ah, Fico's not gonna like news of Luke's ex coming around. Is it a he or a she, hmmmmm? lol
  19. So, idiot that I am, I forgot to sign in! lol So this is Lisa, and thanks again for number one: updating, and number two: passing along my message. =)
  20. Thanks, Pittwitch. I saw on the left-hand side the log-in area that is in the box with the members, etc. I logged in there and it worked. So I guess I'm all set. Thanks for your quick response. =)
  21. Damn, I wrote this long thing and since I didn't sign it, it didn't take. Ok, I am very computer challenged, so please bear with me. I went into my control panel, clicked on internet options, clicked on delete history upon exit and then cleared the cookies. Didn't see anything about caches thought (whatever they are). Told you I was challenged. Then I typed in adult-fanfiction.org, not to be confused with the porn domain, adultfanfiction.org (which of course I typed in first! lol) and logged in. But then the screen changed but the log in and the password sections were clear again. Why didn't it log me in?
  22. Thanks Danyealle!
  23. Hey....I love the new blue background! It's so much cheerier than the brown background. =) I had a question, but I'm not sure if this is the forum section to ask it. If an author was previously registered on AFF but got deleted b/c he/she wasn't eighteen, or started a story when they were underage but during the stories became of age, is this author allowed to come back now that he/she is older than eighteen? Is this author allowed to repost their older stories from before they were deleted? Thanks for all your help! =)
  24. Thanks Rogue. I see her email now. I'll give it a shot. =)
  25. I posted this question last month, but I accidentally posted it in the wrong section. Does anyone know what happened to Allison Moon? She was writing "Complications of the Heart" and updating every week and then in the beginning of October she disappeared. I even inquired about it in her reviewer responses forum, but she never answered.
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