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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2014 in all areas

  1. Not to mention those of us who volunteer our time to try and moderate this site, to make sure it's viable. Unless you're willing to put a considerable amount of money or time where your very big mouth is, then you can feel free to go get stuffed.
    3 points
  2. What an arrogant statement! You do realise that DG doesn't get paid, don't you? I mean... this isn't a business. Lazy? Lazy would mean no AFF at all. The archive exists because DG devotes a huge amount of personal time and effort so that we all have somewhere to post our stories, and to read those of others.
    3 points
  3. As someone who obviously has no clue WHATSOEVER as to what actually happens here, I would just leave it as a suggestion. Calling people lazy is absolutely not acceptable. YOU have no clue what kinds of man hours any one of us actually contribute
    2 points
  4. What an incredibly ignorant statement to make. Perhaps you'd like to give us a huge amount of money so we can hire professionals to do it?
    2 points
  5. wtf do you mean about being lazy? Do you have ANY idea of what is entailed with rewriting this monster?
    2 points
  6. Melrick

    Writing Resources

    This is basically a laundry list of various resources writers might find useful sometimes. Anatomy of the Human Body The 1918 edition of the classic Gray's "Anatomy of the Human Body". Cliche Finder Need to find cliche's involving the word cat, for example? Just type it in and it displays a list of cliches, including things like "not enough room to swing a cat" and "slicker than cat shit on a linoleum floor". RefDesk This site is brilliant and has links to just about any reference you can think of. Elizabethan England Life in Elizabethan England. The Victorian Web Great for finding out about Victorian England. Dictionary of Victorian London Another good resource. Medieval Kingdom Generator This could be very handy for writers of fantasy stories who want to realistically populate their kingdom. Dictonary and Thesaurus An online dictionary and thesaurus. Erotic Quills Extensive info on how to write erotica. Grammar and Writing A guide to grammar and writing. Stabilization of Trauma in the ER This could be handy to anyone wanting to make their character's trip to the emergency room more realistic. Wikipedia Wikipedia is always a good source of info, although it's usually a good idea to double check the info elsewhere, just to make sure its accurate. If anyone has others then feel free to add them.
    1 point
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