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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2023 in all areas

  1. Here are my responses to the latest reviews from that reading-and-reviewing machine known as @Yahegai: Re: "Learning a Daughter's Duty" Thanks! I had a lot of fun with that one. Re: "Caitlyn's Punishment" Thank you! Re: "Company Policy" This was another one of those stories where I thought about what is normal, rational, and predictable and then did the opposite. Re: "F**k Perfect" Thanks! That's exactly what I was going for. Re: "A Beach Like No Other" Thanks! This story was inspired by the artwork of Glassfish, who likes to portray cute young boys getting it on with busty adult women. I thought it would be fun to write about an entire world of that. Re: "A Beach Like No Other" Hmmm, I like that thought. Thank you! Re: "A Beach Like No Other" Thanks! I tried to think of what kind of movie they would make in a world like this, and Captain Cassie and the Boy Pirates was the result. Re: "Father's Love" Thanks. When I wrote this story, I didn't expect many people to like it, given the whole in utero sex angle. But it turned out to be a lot more popular than I expected--especially on Inkbunny, where it is far and away the most popular story I've ever posted there. Re: "A Little Goes a Long Way" Thanks! Re: "Unbidden" Thank you. This one was particularly fun for me to write because I could use a lot of the rape-fantasy scenarios that I had come up with previously but that I didn't think could carry a whole story on their own.
    2 points
  2. So, a few bits of news: --I hope to have chapter 5 of “Out of Hand” off to beta this week. --I’ve started mulling ideas and outlining a sequel to my Big Hero 6 story, “Augmented.” Like the upcoming movie Twisters, this is a sequel no one asked for , but I just like the idea and am going for it nonetheless. --I have nearly finished an original short story, which I expect to post this week. It’s called “The Worst,” and it’s about a 12-year-old girl who likes to take her younger sister to an isolated beach where boys can take advantage of her. Yes, it’s one of my sick ones. --Even though only a few episodes of the new Disney toon Kiff have come out so far, I already have an idea for a fic that I want to write--a non-porny one, believe it or not.
    1 point
  3. Yahegai, you are an animal! An extremely literate animal. Here are my responses to your many reviews: Re: "Satisfaction" Thank you! Originally, chapter 1 was going to be the whole story (this is also true of "The Interview"), but then I realized there was a lot more I wanted to do. Re: "Side Effects (COMPLETE)" Especially Greg, who wasn't even under the influence like Melanie was. Re: "The Playground" Thanks! Re: "The AngelPlay Winter Catalog" Glad you liked it. Re: "Keene's Really Good Week" Thanks! Re: "Keene's College Weekend" Isn't he, though? FYI, I've been kicking around ideas for a third and final story in this series, but nothing has really gelled yet. Re: "Daddy's Rules" Yeah, Ianu is a completely bad apple. Re: "The Single Mothers' Support Group" Thanks! It was a fun change of pace to write an all-dialogue story like this. Re: "Snow" Thank you! Re: "Darla" Why, thank you. Re: "Twins: An Incest Poem" Thanks! I'm only rarely inspired to do poetry, so I appreciate your appreciation. Re: "Darla's Dad" Oh, indeed. Re: "Darla's Dad" As an author of both fan fiction and original fiction, I was quite flattered that someone wanted to write a fanfic of my original fics. And I agree that she did a great job. Re: "The Small Hours" Thanks! I'm usually very concerned with plot and setup, but this time I was like, "Dang it, this time I'm going to write a PWP story." Re: "Wish List" Thank you! The trickiest part of writing this story was not making it too similar to the "Wild Side" stories. Re: "Some Days, You Get the Bear" Thanks! I wrote this one for a story contest that had a 500-word limit, and I did not have an easy time making it that short, so I appreciate the compliment. Re: "Backward Glance: A Multi-temporal Romance" Thanks! I'm very happy with how this one turned out. Now, I see that you’ve left another batch of reviews, which I’ll respond to soon.
    1 point
  4. Yahegai, you are one heck of a voracious reader! (Not to mention a fast reader.) Here are my responses to all of your recent reviews. Re: “Firelight” Thank you! In this story, I was kind of trying to turn the prostitute/john trope on its head by (a) making the man the prostitute and (b) making their interaction respectful instead of degrading. I’m glad you liked the result. Re: "Wild Side" Thanks! This started as a simple one-shot story but, as you’ve seen, it grew into a lot more because I became so fond of the characters. Re: "Everything She Needs" Thank you! Re: "Make It All Better" Thanks! This story was meant to be a character study in addition to being pornographic. I really enjoyed showing the contrast between Dad and Angela’s very normal life together versus Daddy and Angie’s wild one. I felt that the story needed a twist at the end, and Gloria knowing about everything her husband and daughter had been doing seemed like the perfect thing. It also gave credence to Dad/Daddy’s statement at the beginning that his wild sex life with Angie was not about hurting Gloria. Re: "Leilaya's Evening" I’m glad. Like “Firelight,” this was a story in which I tried to subvert the prostitution trope by making the experience about fun instead of money and degradation. Re: "The Last Toy" Re: "The Interview" Thanks for the comment! This story was another effort to turn tropes on their heads: The corporation turns out to be benevolent instead of evil, and life as a human animal is pleasant and not horrific. Re: "Cruel Nature" Glad you liked it, considering that this is one of my nastier ones. Re: "A Day at the Beach" Glad you enjoyed! Once again, this was me taking what seems logical and expected and doing the opposite. My original idea was that the MCs would go to a secluded beach where they could have their incestuous fun alone, but then I decided to put them on a beach full of like-minded people instead. Thanks so much for all the comments!
    1 point
  5. Re: “There's a New Seraph in Town” From Yahegai on March 04, 2023 Thank you! I originally wrote this for a Halloween story contest on Hentai Foundry, and I decided at the time that it would be a nice change of pace to do a feel-good piece instead of a horror story. I’ve always been proud of the result.
    1 point
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