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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2023 in all areas

  1. Yahegai, you are an animal! An extremely literate animal. Here are my responses to your many reviews: Re: "Satisfaction" Thank you! Originally, chapter 1 was going to be the whole story (this is also true of "The Interview"), but then I realized there was a lot more I wanted to do. Re: "Side Effects (COMPLETE)" Especially Greg, who wasn't even under the influence like Melanie was. Re: "The Playground" Thanks! Re: "The AngelPlay Winter Catalog" Glad you liked it. Re: "Keene's Really Good Week" Thanks! Re: "Keene's College Weekend" Isn't he, though? FYI, I've been kicking around ideas for a third and final story in this series, but nothing has really gelled yet. Re: "Daddy's Rules" Yeah, Ianu is a completely bad apple. Re: "The Single Mothers' Support Group" Thanks! It was a fun change of pace to write an all-dialogue story like this. Re: "Snow" Thank you! Re: "Darla" Why, thank you. Re: "Twins: An Incest Poem" Thanks! I'm only rarely inspired to do poetry, so I appreciate your appreciation. Re: "Darla's Dad" Oh, indeed. Re: "Darla's Dad" As an author of both fan fiction and original fiction, I was quite flattered that someone wanted to write a fanfic of my original fics. And I agree that she did a great job. Re: "The Small Hours" Thanks! I'm usually very concerned with plot and setup, but this time I was like, "Dang it, this time I'm going to write a PWP story." Re: "Wish List" Thank you! The trickiest part of writing this story was not making it too similar to the "Wild Side" stories. Re: "Some Days, You Get the Bear" Thanks! I wrote this one for a story contest that had a 500-word limit, and I did not have an easy time making it that short, so I appreciate the compliment. Re: "Backward Glance: A Multi-temporal Romance" Thanks! I'm very happy with how this one turned out. Now, I see that you’ve left another batch of reviews, which I’ll respond to soon.
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