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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2023 in all areas

  1. Don’t be afraid to split the chapters if necessary. (Note, to insert a new chapter out-of-order on AFF, you’ll add it as usual, and nicely ask DG to reorder it for you, or do the more painful replace the text to each chapter, or a bunch of chapter deletes & adds.)
    2 points
  2. Oh, that doesn’t seem as bad as I had imagined. Pretty much envisioning what you had before, and writing it in full. (fyi, my *first* potter fanfic reads much closer to that first example, which is why it’s in need of revision, but I’m limiting my active projects.)
    2 points
  3. Oh I don’t think that it’ll be a necessity to move things around. My issue is more along other issues. Here’s how it looked when I wrote the first few pages: Whereas later pages would be like this Most of chapters 2-7 look like the second quote. Which I only got into detailing like 7 pages into the chapter 1. Mainly because of technological limitations. I don’t want to have to reread the other chapters to really get into how to fix the first 7 pages.
    2 points
  4. I haven’t posted the story yet, but it’s chapter 1 so I have to make sure it works because I want it to the best version, not necessarily perfect. Also worried about not being emotionally connected to the story.
    1 point
  5. For sure, I think it was partly that rewrite is a bad way to describe what I’m doing. I just worry about how to add stuff to it. In later chapters and later in the first chapter, I have paragraphs which are 5 sentences long or more. Whereas most of the stuff in the first 7 pages is literally one line in bullet point form to get the point across. So I’m worried about how much I should add.
    1 point
  6. Forty One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirteen 41713 My oh my this is how it goes even flows to odd and back again as stable as the tides and as permanent as the orbits.
    1 point
  7. Forty One Thousand Seven Hundred and Nine! tis I, the speaker of numeric that ends in nine! For to be odd means to be not even!
    1 point
  8. Hi, Deadman and all. If your writing style is now like your second quote, and not the example in the first quote, you might be making more of a mountain out of rewriting than it really is. I would suggest just doing the rewrite as if the text being rewritten was an outline, and just write it as you would. At the least, the revised text should be better than what it’s replacing, or at least enough better that you can consider the story done. Good luck.
    1 point
  9. Yeah, it’s a bit of a problem in part because in general I write like the second quote. My early writing as more like the first quote, so we have that in common. But I wrote it more bullet point form for what was essentially the first time. I didn’t even have punctuation like periods after sentences because I was thinking “I’ll fix that later.” I’m just only getting back to it now and my head space is much different now. Especially because I finished the rest of the story and it feels complete in my head.
    1 point
  10. On my potter fanfic, I went to reread that first chapter, and now I’m rewriting the whole bloody story. So, it’s definitely a pandora’s box to revisit! However, it’s a much better story now too, so there’s that. In your case, it’s definitely a challenge. Mesh it with chapter two as possible, don’t be afraid to move things around into other chapters as warranted.
    1 point
  11. I’m having a somewhat new problem in the same vein. I finished a story but the opening chapter was written in bullet point form originally for the first few pages, then I got more in depth later. I had it in my head that I would add to the bullet point version of the story. Now I’m going through the first chapter to try and get in shape and I’m trying to figure out how much detail to add. I want it to be consistent with the later chapters which are more detailed. But I don’t know how much to add in.
    1 point
  12. You’re more than welcome to add a link to the relevant post in the Fanart forum to the standard form in your first post Just mark it with something like “Fanart Thread” or something, and then add the link. That way your readers can just jump right to it and don’t need to search. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
    1 point
  13. was so excited for ‘history of the world part 2’ and then i saw it and i want my hour back watching it! no amount of celebs made it work! Edit: so there are 4 more episodes out of the apparently 8 episodes of this and i still might watch the rest. hope it gets better
    0 points
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