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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2021 in all areas

  1. A few updates: --My Christmas story "Naughty and Nice'' has gone off to beta. It's pretty long (12,000 words), so I'm not sure how long the beta will take. --I expect to post chapter 2 of "Stallion" in the next few days. --The way things are going, I may be able to start posting chapters of my massive Star Vs. story, "Smooshed," shortly after New Year's. I'd like to publicly thank Fairy Slayer for his past and future help with this story. I'm making progress on other things, too, but nothing worthy of mention as yet. Givemecummies, thanks for the kind words. I’m willing to hear suggestions, but I make no guarantee at all that I’ll act on them. Fire away.
    1 point
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