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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2021 in all areas

  1. So, lots to talk about: --I expect to post “Dogsitting” tomorrow. --I turned off anonymous reviews for a couple of days because of a spambot trying to sell pills through my reviews. I just turned them back on in the hope that the spambot has moved on. --My laptop is on its last legs and is really slow, so I’ve been posting some stuff (not stories, but forum posts and such) from my phone, which I find a bit cumbersome. Fortunately, my new laptop is supposed to arrive tomorrow. --Finishing “Big Sister” created an opening on the List of Twenty, so last night I started a new story -- and got so into it that before I knew it, I'd written almost 3,000 words! That hasn’t happened to me since I wrote “Excuses” and “Impulse” in 2015. This will be the first story I've ever written in the first person from the perspective of a female character. In fact, it's from the perspective of two female characters -- a mother and daughter -- who are separately telling the story of what happened on the day when their relationship went from normal to very, very sexual. I think I'm going to call it "Can't Resist Her."
    1 point
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