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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2021 in all areas

  1. If we did this properly, then we’d need to Collect requirements/desires as we examine the codebase. Review the existing codebase, figuring out what we want to change Determine if an overhaul vs rewrite is more appropriate, with long term maintainability and reliability and performance in mind. Create a rough conceptual design Setup source control and a prototype-dev-beta server (maybe even a task-issue-manager/bugzilla), Iterate with some sort of sprint style, where we’d prototype/refine, and have a predefined target for switching the website over (upon approval from the mods/admin). A key question would be whether to combine databases, such that a story could be cross-listed, BUT also maintain backward compatibility with existing URLs. Categories would remain, but could be implemented as, the original poster mentioned, tags, or another mechanism.
    2 points
  2. From JayDee on May 17, 2021 Well that's dark! Dismembered and still defiant there for that prisoner was kinda cool - solid description on the heart pulling there. With the mention of the drowned roosters I was making smutty jokes in my head - "It's an AFF story and cocks get wet" etc but I'm guessing that's completely unintended with the dark tones. Well, fuck them gods right? Down with ragnarok! Those wolves are fun too. Just a badass pack doing wolf stuff for mama. Mama does not fuck around when it comes to family she plays to win. Everyone else at best falls into the category of acceptable losses if they’re even considered at all even Duncan himself isn’t safe. She will deprive Asgard of that fated glorious last stand even if it means she has to kickstart another apocalypse. If her children live it will have all been worth it. The next chapter however, Ahriman is providing a challenge, I’ve never written an utter bastard before so I might PM you to at least look it over. @JayDee you portray evil characters so well.
    1 point
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