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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2020 in all areas

  1. Final grade for the fan fiction terminology final assignment is in, and the assignment earned me an 8,5 (out of 10), which resulted in a final grade for the course, of 8. Not too shitty…
    2 points
  2. Hey, did you see my title… I’m a Master… lol (runs and hides)
    1 point
  3. Dude buys a house out of town from the family of the old Greek immigrant who had it since like World War 2. “Oh, one thing, she said the spring down the bottom of the yard running to the creek is sacred. Never let us play in it. Funny the stuff from the old country, right?” And he laughs and doesn’t think anything of it and then decides he can save on the water bill by plumbing it in to flush his toilet, and finds out that the old dear didn’t move continents alone… Hey, coulda been worse. She’s got another friend living out in the woods, makes hyper realistic stone sculptures in memory of local missing persons… It’s easy to see why I never went anywhere with this, but good luck if you ever do try it! Though got a few other fics to do first, right?
    1 point
  4. How is it 12 fucking months since last october? I demand something be done about the speeding up of time. Anyway, some ideas I’ll never get to use – A rookie Werewolf Hunter from a long line of ‘em advertises his services and is contacted by a young werewolf looking to get into porn who mistakingly thinks he’s doing a MILF Hunter rip off. ** A man’s toilet cistern becomes inhabited by a water spirit who refuses to flush unless he says nice things to it, and also reads his phone over his shoulder while he’s doing his business. ** A necrophile is just going to town on a corpse when the body’s ghost shows up to criticise his technique. ** Death loses a bet and has to do all the grim reaping wearing a Pink tutu ** A horny gay guy accepts an invite to a “total sausage fest” and finds out it’s actually a totally legitimate Bavarian Wurst Festival. But there’s a lot of guys in tight leather shorts so… ** A ragtag group of misfits team up to put an end to an Emerson Lake and Palmer show. ** And that’s it for this year. Been an idea free zone for me. Except for having a character do a “slutty weeping angel” cosplay that I then searched and discovered about 1000 people already had.
    1 point
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