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  1. I did get a hint of that, but wasn’t sure if I was reading too much into it. Ah, sorry for the mistake there. If I’d played Dark Souls, it probably would have been a lot more obvious. So does that mean there’s a spider girl in there that everyone feels really sad for? I may not have played the game, but the Fair Lady (and the way players feel for her) is something I’ve definitely heard about. I mean, maybe a little, especially since he was reacting to...you know...grass. Anyway, we’ll find out more about him next time, I presume!
    1 point
  2. Soooo. Might be back earlier than expected. Project is almost certainly on life-support/ DOA due to public health scare. And spring training essentially canceled.
    1 point
  3. From InBrightestDay on March 07, 2020 Alright, more world building, and the plot moves slowly forward. I liked the interaction between Adala and the Harvest Queen. It gives an interesting look at the history of the world, and how, like in Greek mythology, there was a dynasty before the gods, though in this case it was Fae instead of Titans. It's also interesting to hear that things may be different in other solar systems. Contrasting that with the Mother of Angels wore a galaxy as a dress, and that Adala throws immortals who break the sacred rules into stars, one would assume the gods have a wide-ranging sort of authority, but perhaps not. Maybe there are different levels of gods, and the uppermost ones like the MoA have authority over multiple solar systems, but the lower levels are more restricted. MOA isn’t even on the hierarchy in the mortal universes. She’s beyond them altogether but yes. She’s truly a multiversal tier. Mortal universes are destroyed when she attempts to visit them.She’s simply too immense. Think of this world as the local setting. There are definitely others but they are separated not just by distance but by expanses of space time far too large to be quantified. Existence/ reality reacts strange around the gods. Who may or may not be consistent. For a holier than thou goody two shoes goddess healer of the world on one world may also be The merciless murder happy tyrant queen on another. Aka. Might be Sailor Moon on earth. But Führer Von Sauron on the world next door. Or they will always be essentially the same person of the local sapient analogue. Typically, a Galaxy will favor one of the lesser powers over the others. The rules of the reality will favor a type of power above others giving them a immense power boost. But even that isn’t entirely universal. A small difference in space time may mean one world may be ruled exclusively by dragon lords and the world next door ruled only by tentacular lords of ancient evil. Or even five worlds ruled by fae but their moons are the exclusive property of Archangels and Oni Shoguns. There are Small islands in a single galaxy where every lesser power is supreme might be vast expanses of space or just the size of a single solar system or even just a planet/moon. And within those islands even the gods must bow to their decrees. When the gods won the war of creation. An inescapable consequence of their multiversal victory that is stamped on every mortal universe is that should the gods decide a world is of interest. The lesser powers will sooner or later lose that power boost leaving them almost always at the top. Anyway, back to the Harvest Queen. In spite of the Fae being pushed back (and, it's implied, not having been the nicest rulers to begin with, what with Adala having been forced to suffer and bleed as tribute to them), it's nice to see the sense of mutual respect between these two, with Adala coming to Queen for wisdom, and the Queen entrusting her daughter to Adala's tutelage. Old Age’s wisdom is not to be underestimated. Though Spring being assimilated by life at its peak prime. Summer. And Winter vassalizing Autumn. Autumn exclusively has the venerable wisdom of the elderly without the debilitating effects of senility. Its also much more than mutual respect the queen was Adala’s old flame. And even now with her court slowly succumbing to Winter. The Harvest Queen’s wisdom continues to bear fruit. Then we reach a place you've mentioned before, and that I know features in your other stories, but that I don't think I've ever seen before: the Detestable Valley. So, level with me here: how much did Lord of the Rings influence you with this locale? While LOTR will always be near and dear to my heart. The Detestable Valley is more a monument to Blight-town (Dark Souls) And much more Valley of Defilement (Demon’s Souls) But, I cannot deny Mordor is one of its inspirations. If you mix it with Silent Hill. haha.) I only ask because the Detestable Valley is a Place of Evil with a black gate in front of it, and in front of that is a dead marsh. Mordor is a Place of Evil with a black gate in front of it, and in front of the black gate is the Dead Marshes. It could be a coincidence, but I didn't know. Now apparently our new character is in the area, but we don't get to see him yet. Instead, and correct me if I'm wrong because I may not have read this correctly, he or she conjured a sphere of water and turned it into...basically blades, with water being fired out under such high pressure that it cut through the plant's the Witch's aspect, and apparently Adala's aspect as well. For the record, I'm still getting used to the aspect thing, because I freaked out for a moment at the image of Adala getting sliced in half before remembering that that was just a tool. Like I said, I'm still getting used to it She got minced. Adala now knows what it feels like to be thrown into a woodchiper and or thrown into a blender. She was innately powerful enough that her divine power held her together much longer than instantly becoming mincemeat like Beldam. But even divine power cannot heal a vessel that’s been subjected to overkill. And while the deep sea whirling water cutter was excessive. He did manage enough control to trim the grass. While one may think it was an excessively vicious attack. There is however no excuse to have unkempt grass in one’s domain even if one of the intruders was indirectly responsible for its sudden appearance. Adala didn’t bring her divine shield and didn’t bring reinforcements. Now she’s familiar with what being minced alive feels like for her lack of caution. Now she has to be cautious. The Godling in question just casually one upped The Lich King himself by taking out two aspects at the same time. That’s not a paper tiger at all but a definite show of strength. He might be a godling but he’s got access to real power. Even Adala ignored the warnings but do note he didn’t attack until after his taboo was broken. Anyway, presumably next time we'll get to meet this mysterious new godling! Massive spoiler for Ghoulneedle and Winterfell
    1 point
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