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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/2019 in all areas

  1. I’m very glad it wasn’t our site used to post stolen work, but if it ever should happen, let us know! We do take it very seriously at AFF.
    1 point
  2. I am honored by how quickly you read the chapter. Good that you seem to think that I have delivered good value for the page count. Nice that you liked the dog cosplay. Feel free to come up with more cosplay examples, I really dig the idea of the cosplaying but I does not have very many ideas for costumes in store for the upcoming chapters. Actually I am not too sure myself about her reaction there. Them adding more hypno triggers to make her slutty kind of makes sense...but so does her using the idea of hypno triggers as excuse when she feel the urge to go dirty. The reason for her succeeding at exam... you actually on an earlier chapter commented how harsh the ghost disregard for her studies was. This made me realize I need to be careful about abusing Ronja so much that she totally fail her studies. It is not like the status of her studies matter very much for the important plot of the story...but if she started to fail things that would by nature be a big thing for Ronja. Would be a shame if I must devote pages to her thoughts about that when I can come up with new ways she is dragged into worse sex. I liked writing Maria’s reaction here considering how the chapter ends. You had be laughing a lot at the Casper part. The ghost growing more powerful…I wonder how that could have happened. ;-) Well I can understand where you are coming from since it is kind of Mikalea style, but it is not like she need more material for the blackmailing so I have something different planned. Without revealing to much I can maybe say that the location for the scene was not randomly chosen...I literally started with the block and started to look for possible ghosts connected to the houses there. I actually saw article some while ago that discussed a survey when they found that quite many women does not react very much on the visuals of a cock even if they are like her how the cock is used during intercourse. On the reverse quite a few straight males needed the visuals of cock to imagine it was them fucking the girl when they were looking at porn. Kind of counter intuitive...but it does give an interesting possible explanation about different attitudes to porn between the sexes.
    1 point
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