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  1. I figured as much. After all, other characters have never called her anything more than curvy. Apparently in spite of never doing 2 player before, he’s pretty good with his Wii. I REGRET NOTHING!!! You got plenty of them! I just didn’t want to quote everything that made me laugh, as the review was kind of long as it was. Depressingly, I don’t think that’s necessary to explain it. Gaming, especially of the competitive variety (multiplayer matches and such), seems to be like a dog whistle to assholes, at least from what I’ve read. I admittedly don’t really do a lot of online play. In fact, I have two Call of Duty games (Black Ops and Black Ops II) and as unthinkable as it may seem, I own those for the single player campaign, meaning that I have handily avoided the bullshit that goes on in stereotypical CoD multiplayer. So, for anyone who understandably didn’t get my hilarious snake identification joke, when I read “red and black and yellow banded,” being from Florida I immediately thought of the eastern coral snake (Micrurus fulvius), which looks like this: It’s an incredibly beautiful animal that uses bright colors to warn potential predators that it’s venomous (a phenomenon called “aposematic coloration”). For the record, it’s also really mellow and nonaggressive. I ran into one of these things in the wild once (my class was out in the woods looking for samples for Mycology class and suddenly I discovered this thing about four feet from me) and it didn’t hiss or curl up or anything; it just lazily slithered past me. Of course, now that I’ve said that, I should add that just because it’s mellow does not mean that its patience is infinite. Inevitably a news story will appear about some idiot who saw how chill this snake is and tried picking it up, at which point it reminded said idiot that it is, in fact, dangerously venomous. For the love of God, do not try the patience of a wild animal. Consider this your snake PSA for the day. What was I talking about? Oh, right! So, since animals learn to recognize the banded colors of the coral snake, several species of harmless snakes have evolved color patterns that look similar in the hopes that potential predators will be fooled (a phenomenon called “Batesian mimicry”). The most famous of these is no doubt the milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum), but I knew that if I said “milk snake” in that review, JayDee was going to make some joke about milking somebody’s snake, so instead I went with the scarlet kingsnake (Lampropeltis elapsoides), which looks like this: So there you go, just in case anybody had forgotten that I was a Bio major. Yeah, I think that has to do with both how it’s easier on the artist and how it kind of evokes lush, tropical vegetation (a lot of these snake monsters tend to be from the jungle). That’s a really cool idea, the cheetah as opposed to the wolf (and wolves are known for being able to run long distances).
    1 point
  2. A Gamer Girl With Bite Huh, looks like we're both writing stories about short, scrawny guys. It does provide a nice contrast with Lupa, though, given her thoughts on her own weight. Firstly, thanks for taking the time to read through and leave a review. I do appreciate you folks coming back time after time for these original short stories. The shorty thing comes from originally Mike was going to be Drew, who is really short in human form (he’s 10’ as a demon, described as nearly twice her height, but as a human he’s described as barely taller than her), but when I went for a using an all new non-rapey character I made changes like removing his glasses, giving him long hair, and a much skinnier build. His problem is that he’s exercising a lot, but not getting his diet quite right, so ending up too skinny. As for Lupa, there isn’t actually anything wrong with her weight, but thanks to various societal bullshit and some past negative comments she’s had, and the like, she’s got some body issues. Covering herself up to avoid the sun as a vampire she felt wasn’t the worst part of it, but she’s getting over them. Support and positivity from her friends is a big help, though. First time I laughed reading the story. There's something about "the Nintendo way" being invoked like the code of chivalry or something. Gotta use that Nintendo Power. Later on, he gets Nintendo Hard. Always good to get a laugh I actually did try for some more jokey jokes throughout, didn’t get as many as I’d have liked. That’s the big part of it really – he didn’t want to seem to be approving or supporting the comment, and it was kind of directed to him about Lupa. She absolutely coulda torn that guy a new asshole (I mean, verbally, but also literally if it came to it). That asshole maybe got corrupted by some Sarsa fanfic… Janet offered the dev team a more diverse perspective to their mostly straight male design process. They weren’t aware that her career highlights included unleashing a rape demon in a convent, or that she was feeling a little pissed about how her half-demon son was barely scraping through college and couldn’t get a girlfriend despite being such a nice guy with his new neckbeard and fedora… Thanks! I guess as a vampire wherever she goes there’s some spooky shit going down, but mostly it’s her happening to people. And somewhere, Kevin and Abdul nod silently. Call it foreshadowing. He does strip later :p Ah, yes, the coral snake demon. A lot of summoners get that wrong, you know; accidentally summon the way less dangerous scarlet kingsnake demon instead. Common rookie mistake. Joking aside, I really liked the creature design here. It kind of reminds me of a Yuan-ti abomination from D&D, but the more human-looking face and the coral snake color pattern helps make it distinct. Something something Shannon’s scarlet kingsnake something something… I honestly just remembered the look of the snake with those bright colors but couldn’t have named it. I’m glad the design works tho’ I’ve seen a lot of Naga looking dudes just have a basic green tail. The way I figure her speed is that she’s really fast in short jumpy bursts, and she can keep it up a while, but she doesn’t have the endurance that Kate would have. Plus, she’s still really young as a vampire, even with a couple years dead at that point, and using her strength and her speed and the rest all together is something she’s still really mastering. The extra training she’s been getting probably helps some with that. Might be interesting to write it from her perspective sometime, something to try at least! Second time the story made me laugh. It makes sense in context, but given that there's a vampire fighting a demon, the fact that she even asks about that is funny. Janet’s used to seeing demon shit going down, but non-cosplay weapons at a gamer convention? Someone goofed! That also made me laugh, in this case because I was thinking "Oh good, it's a vore demon" right before Mike said that. Shannon’s not the only demon that swallows around there. Thanks! There’s some of the regeneration on a smaller scale in You! too – Lupa bites you to heal her burns from blowing out the monitor infused with Sarsa’s demon magic story. She also feeds messier- she probably bit you in the wrong place and had a little too much blood coming out there. Heh, this one made me laugh. When it comes to porn hotness is in the eye of the beholder. If folks say it’s hot to them then that’s fine by me and I can count it a success, but it seemed like it was lacking something to me when it was written even though I found the idea really appealing (the bit I liked best was Mike’s oral on Lupa). Maybe Shannon’s own insecurity free porn loving take was what helped the other one, or it could just be that besides the brief bit in Jude’s Tale I’m out of practice at writing sex stuff – the other recent bits have really been re-writes. I figured Sarsa was a) likely to be establishing different personalities online as part of extending her control through different areas and b) exactly the kind of toxic user who creates sockpuppets to either attack others or have conversations about how great she is, or attack herself so she can get sympathy defences. Janet saw through at least some of ‘em, possibly due to the quality of Sarsa’s writing. I got the Lady part from how I’d had Janet call her my lady, and the Billi part after deciding Sarsa’s original angel name was Dyoel (she got it from Billy Joel)… And on that terrible thought, thank you again for the review. It’s really decent of you to say alla this nice stuff about my story!
    1 point
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