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  1. @pippychick returns to review Part Six! Thank you! The torture and mocking line about her going back to Heaven was indeed meant to call back to WoH (even to a specific line of Eparlegna’s), as were the students set up like an audience. When the barrier draws back in WoH, there’s a line about how some of the corpses are posed in grotesque parodies of life, which is what I was going for with the lecture hall. Is it possible to catch diabetes from sheer cuteness? Because if it is, then baby sloth compilations on Youtube have to be the leading cause. Having said that, the Wrath creature was definitely meant to be as physically intimidating as possible. I think the image I initially had was of a skinless, eyeless polar bear, but then I saw this picture that managed to make Megatherium look unintentionally terrifying, and I realized that if you took the long, curving claws that sloths have and attached them to something really aggressive, they’re suddenly not so cute anymore… I’m also really glad you liked the way it’s defeated. I couldn’t think of anything as clever as the way Abdul and Calista blow up the Charnel Spider, but thought that since anger is often self-defeating, maybe there was a way for the monster to kill itself, and that even if Kevin was absolutely terrified, he could still have enough presence of mind to make the knock-out-the-pillars plan work. What’s upsetting her isn’t really what happened in the lecture hall; it’s what happened 75 years earlier. She knows she let Eparlegna rape her again to save Kevin from being skinned alive, but a combination of the experience and the fact that Kevin saw it means that she feels that he now knows what she “did” back in Whore of Heaven, and this has to do with her sense of self-worth and the damage inflicted to it by the torture and rapes she suffered back then. You noted that she feels more human during the car scene. To some extent, I tend to write her more human from time to time because of the moments in WoH that I really liked, where we learned that Luzurial is actually very relatable in spite of being an archangel (very human, in other words) I try to balance that with her immortality and superhuman nature, but sometimes I lean too far one way or the other. Partly, though, I think her coming across as more human here is because of the emotionally vulnerable state she’s in at this moment. If I may quote an earlier post of mine in this thread, Luzurial is... So her sexual experience is a spot in which she is emotionally vulnerable, and I think she reads as more human in this scene because of that vulnerability. Once again, thank you so much for the review!
    1 point
  2. Sorry to hear ‘bout the block. Nothing worse than tentacles that go soft and just won’t perform. “Get up that character’s ass!” “No.” “Fuckin’ tentacle critters.”
    1 point
  3. Well, I damn near had a heart attack... 4 reviews on Blood Prize... Thought I read it wrong... But nope, it was just @pippychick thoroughly enjoying them. So, <cracks fingers>, this is going to be a long one, folks... Strap yourselves in. From pippychick on March 14, 2019 Parts 1 - 5 It's all very intriguing, and I really like the characters. You've got that sense of them all sharing close quarters and yet still somehow managing not to kill each other. This feels a little like Firefly at times, and I wonder at all the various reasons the crew have for being part of this. The fictional language adds realism, and the little descriptive touches of the aliens are great! I love the engineer already. Actually couldn't help picturing the Orion woman from Star Trek TOS for Kala, but that's a good thing. The sex was hot, if a little eye-watering! I wonder to what extent Kala's physiology effects Chantal. I guess it means she can take it and still walk, lol. But it was great fun. I only wish it lasted a little longer. Aside from that, I'm sure they all know it's some kind of trap, but they're hoping to get out of it. Though I do wonder why Chantal expects the other Captain to keep her word about the pay (if they do somehow manage to pull it off). Thank you for sharing this story *** It's all very intriguing, and I really like the characters. You've got that sense of them all sharing close quarters and yet still somehow managing not to kill each other. This feels a little like Firefly at times, and I wonder at all the various reasons the crew have for being part of this. Oh, I'm getting giddy... That's still a thing, right? I'm glad you like the close quarters, not yet killed each other vibe. Firefly was definitely an inspiration (what with the failed missions and all) and another show, Dark Matter, was, too. As for reasonings, some are drawn out as the tale goes along. The fictional language adds realism, and the little descriptive touches of the aliens are great! I love the engineer already. Actually couldn't help picturing the Orion woman from Star Trek TOS for Kala, but that's a good thing. Thank you so much. I have spent a great deal on creating Straxi and I'm glad it worked well! Lol. I'm glad you love Hranik, he was intriguing to write. And Kala... Well, I'm a Trekkie (any doubt, read Star Trek Adventurer on my page... Nerdgasm!)... The sex was hot, if a little eye-watering! I wonder to what extent Kala's physiology effects Chantal. I guess it means she can take it and still walk, lol. But it was great fun. I only wish it lasted a little longer. lol. I was worried the sex was going to be awkward. Lol. And, uh, yeah, maybe I shouldn't have her walk the morning after. Lol. But why eye watering? Aside from that, I'm sure they all know it's some kind of trap, but they're hoping to get out of it. Though I do wonder why Chantal expects the other Captain to keep her word about the pay (if they do somehow manage to pull it off). I kind of hoped the idea that Chantal doesn't want to meet in a controlled area presented her suspicions, but you're right. Perhaps I should have made it more apparent. Thank you for sharing this story Thank you, Pippy, for reviewing. And I hope you continue to enjoy (as much as your next reviews suggest). *** And chapter 6: From pippychick on March 14, 2019 Part 6 Chantal is cool and capable here, but I am loving the snark between Kala and Hranik with Chantal as referee and the only adult in the room, lol. But what now? Are they discovered? I kind of thought there really was a mission, and that the other capt intended to get them later, once they'd performed their task. Glad you continue to love the snark between the two. I really wanted it to feel like just a crew that has grown to be family, especially considering what eventually happens. Lol. As for the second bit... That would be giving spoilers. Lol. *** From pippychick on March 14, 2019 Part Seven So... Kala is the "Queen in exile"? That's interesting... what is she running away from?? I don't like this head of the military, but I have a strong feeling Kala can't do anything to him. I hope she's going to be okay. That's the title those loyal to her have Kala. Well Qas Ekalta (Exiled Queen), but humans and their translation issues. As for what she's running from... lol, you ask questions that I could only answer with spoilers. Lol. And I know you read ahead, but I hope you find Detar as creepily rapey as I intended. *** From pippychick on March 14, 2019 Part Eight Never easy, indeed, but since there are so many more chapters to go, I can be confident it doesn't end here. I was worried for Kala then, especially at this point: “I thought Straxians loved pain!” It's that attitude. Of course, there's much more to it than that, but this guy doesn't really care. I wonder how they're going to get out of there. Lol. There's that. Or maybe it does and it goes to Johannes' perspective? Lol. I am glad that the concern I wanted felt was for Kala. And Detar's comment was a bit of a show of cultural misunderstanding (or, rather, in his case, just not caring about the intricacies of the culture). As for getting out... Guess you'll have to read to find out . Thanks, Pippychick, all your reviews today, unexpected, but all appreciated. I hope you continue to enjoy the Fortune crew's adventure.
    1 point
  4. Review for “Screw it, I’m posting” @JayDee It was absolutely meant to feel a bit erotic. I intended there to be a ton of tentacle sex, and then I blocked so there wasn’t. I’m glad the second one is more of a horror vibe. I did it because the first one felt too silly and I wanted something more serious and dark. As for drabbles, I admit I call anything short without a full plot arch a drabble. Like I’m vaguely aware there are wordcounts to define these things, but I never bothered to learn and decided to define them my own way lol. And for like 10 whole seconds there I actually considered trying to do a “Post it: I’m screwing” spinoff. Thank you for the review!
    1 point
  5. In fairness to said instructors, wars are such complex things that you could probably spend an entire semester just discussing one of them, and usually a class has to cover centuries worth of history, so I can see why they tend to simplify things. I imagine, then, that there will be a moment where the characters will have to...#M-420blazeit. I regret nothing! Oh, that happens to all of us. I go through my own story from time to time looking for typos, and I found two of them in my latest chapter just today.
    1 point
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