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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2019 in all areas

  1. Funny thing, I actually calculated how strong Luzurial is. I wanted to have some kind of yardstick so I wasn’t making her too strong, so… In Whore of Heaven, Luzurial bites through a stone tentacle being used to gag her. Assuming the magic animating the tentacle didn’t make it any stronger than normal stone (unlikely, but this at least gives us a minimum value), and assuming physical properties similar to granite, then it would have a compressive strength of roughly 200 megapascals or 29,000 psi. Average human bite force is 162 psi, so assuming all of Luzurial’s strength scales to her bite force, that would make her (at full power) at least 180 times human strength. Even assuming she’s at like one third of that right now, that’s still 60 times human strength.
    2 points
  2. I’m not sure if it would have been Neutral Female only because Kevin and Abdul are clearly very out of their depths. However I think this also went to show how strong an Arch Angel can actually be.
    2 points
  3. Thank you for your review! Her big issue at the moment is that what happened to her (well, specific aspects of it) are what Luzurial considers her dark secret. Kevin’s not stupid, mind you, so he knows by this point that if Luzurial went through something horrible and sex-related involving a demon, then she was probably raped, but there are details that Luzurial considers to be her fault that she doesn’t want him to know about. Eventually getting to the point where she can talk to him about it is a big step in their relationship. And no, this first reunion with Eparlegna will not go well. He’s always had a very high level of self-confidence. We see inside his head quite a bit during Whore of Heaven and at no point is he even the slightest bit nervous, so I figured that would carry over here. To some extent, he’s justified; he can literally burn entire armies, but that kind of ability can go to one’s head. The speech of his is also me expanding somewhat on his motivation for coming to Earth during the first story. He simply doesn’t see the value in how Lucifer does things, and he can afford to shit-talk his boss because, hey, it’s not like he’s going to have to answer to him here on Earth. As for his strength, well, impregnating Luzurial gave him a power boost, and after he carved her wings off he absorbed them too, so that’s some more power. Finally, he’s got her sword, which as JayDee explained to me (and will come up in Part Seven) gives him yet more power due to what the sword is. He might not be quite at full power yet, but he’s way stronger than she is at this point. Well, yes and no. He is fairly high up, but his power does have limits. That’s definitely a fair criticism. I didn’t want Sabrina and Kenneth to be blank slates, so I gave each of them a little bit of “why he/she’s working for a demon” similar to Shondra and Molly in Whore of Heaven, and even used the same method to do so (Luzurial reading their minds). However, I did end up mentioning Sabrina earlier on, which probably made her out to be more important than she was. I mentioned this in the author’s note, but I did consider lengthening the action scene, but then I feared we would have had the Neutral Female problem, only with male characters this time. I could have had them pursue the characters inside the building, but there’s some other stuff waiting inside for them (Eparlegna’s “Craft Beings of Vice” power), and I didn’t want to get in the way of that. But yeah, it’s definitely kind of disappointing, and I’m sorry about that.
    1 point
  4. I am so tired of looking for an editor who understands editing is not idea tossing! As if Wes and I don’t have a plethora of ideas already? We need someone who can tell the difference between showing and telling content, or lecturing paragraphs, not someone to take over the 100 plus chapters we need to get fixed and posted for fuck’s sake!
    1 point
  5. So I’m over on Literotica reading this Erotic Horror story called “The Girl Next Door.” It’s about succubi, and it’s creepy and sexy and honestly kind of sad, but it’s carried me along for about four chapters seeing what’s going to happen next. Then at the end of Chapter 4 and continuing into Chapter 5, out of absolutely nowhere, we find out that the succubi have captured an angel, specifically the Angel Lailah, the only female angel. The first scene of Chapter 5 is then concerned with her corruption (in these kinds of stories that’s less “seduced to evil” and more “physically pumped full of evil and forcibly transformed into something villainous”). There are three explanations I can think of for why this is happening to me. After spending too much time reading Thundercloud’s G.S.P. story, I have absorbed Jennifer’s superpower of Terrible Luck. The internet has become sentient, knows I have a thing about bad things happening to female angels, and is actively fucking with me. JayDee knows Kingmaker711, and ten years ago, they were talking, and JayDee said something like “You won’t believe this email I got about my story where a female angel is raped and tortured,” and Kingmaker was like “Oh yeah?” and JayDee was like “Yeah, some guy wants to write her a happy ending,” and Kingmaker was like “Man that’s bullshit; you gotta stop him,” and JayDee was like “I mean, I already said he could, besides it’s been a while and I haven’t seen anything, so he’s probably not writing it,” and Kingmaker was like “No, dog; I have a plan. In 2013, I’ll write a story about succubi, which will be totally normal for the first 3.95 chapters or so, and then I’ll reveal that their apocalyptic plan involves corrupting a female angel, using her actual role in Jewish folklore so it fits, and they’ll succeed, but only after really dragging it out so this is as upsetting as possible, and then she’ll just be hissing villain for the rest of the final chapter and when the other angels show up they won’t try to fix her, but instead she’ll be sentenced to exile until Judgment Day, and naturally Email Guy will be wondering how she can repent and be redeemed since she was basically mindwiped and didn’t choose to do any of this, and then I’ll have the last time we see her be while she and Michael are locked in combat and he’s trying to strangle her, so Email Guy will realize that I haven’t established whether or not angels have souls in this setting and will have to contemplate Lailah being wiped from existence as punishment for things she didn’t choose to do, and just to make sure Email Guy can’t just write off the story, I’ll give it an ending with a gloriously insane action scene featuring the human protagonist, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, and I’ll give it the most amazingly happy ending of any of my stories, as in the human race isn’t destroyed and Creation doesn’t unravel,” and JayDee was like “I don’t know if I see your point,” and Kingmaker was like “Email Guy will read this just as he’s attempting to write the Happy Ending part of his Happy Ending story, and he’ll be so depressed over Lailah that he’ll get serious writer’s block. Problem solved!” and JayDee was like “Can you see the future?” and Kingmaker was like “I’m from the future!” Or maybe it was just an unlucky coincidence.
    0 points
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