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  1. Thank you! The age thing is partly my own religious beliefs and partly due to the mixture used in the story mine is a sequel to. In JayDee’s story, there are references to the past that imply a literal reading of Genesis (the Tower of Babel is mentioned, as is the Flood), but there are also references to a scientific cosmology (the heat death of the universe is implied), so I tried to keep that up. This lead to me using the scientific age of the universe (13.8 billion years) and then accounting for the fact that Luzurial (and therefore the rest of the angelic host) is stated to be older than spacetime, so I gave her an extra 200 million years, though as she says, it was difficult to count years back then. Thanks again for the review!
    2 points
  2. I had hoped that one of the other archive mods would respond to you, since our head archive mod is on vacation this week, and I don’t know much about how the archive works. But try one more time, clear your cache and cookies, close the browser and restart it, then try to log in again, using the login option on the right hand side on the bar of the main page. If you are successfully logged in, then your username should appear in that top bar, either on the left hand or right hand side. If this doesn’t work, you can send an email to tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org using the email associated with your archive account and give as much detail as you can about the error. And please remember that we are all volunteers here, so RL does often get quite busy. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
    1 point
  3. Well, Part Two is up, and we have new reviews! Fixed! I swear, that’s what I get for posting the chapter as soon as I rolled out of bed. To respond to something you said elsewhere, you needn’t worry; your “spoiler” reviews are not too spoilery. If they were spoiling future chapters, then we’d have to talk. The funny thing is that she was originally supposed to be an English major, and then I realized that I had to introduce this whole new theology/magic hybrid discipline, and it would make things a lot easier to just have her majoring in that. It also gave her a reason to get involved in the stuff that happens later on. Well, you said a human champion bested him and his followers, but you never said the champion couldn’t have help! Yeah, I kind of chuckled at the idea of her doing that, since for the moment everyone is still treating Luzurial as just another person. Had she been introduced to her as the Archangel Luzurial, Calista never would have done anything like that. The fourteen billion exchange was one of my favorite things to write, especially Kevin’s “Billion? Like...with a B?” And yeah, I thought it was kind of cool to play up just how old an angel would be in a universe that is as old as science tells us this one is. In these early chapters, I tried to write Chloe as someone who is both highly skilled and a little nervous, though the longer the story goes on the more she adjusts to the insanity going on here. Her shooting Luzurial mid-sentence, in particular, is a mix of trying to save the world...and nerves. This extradimensional being, which she still thinks may be dangerous, just started moving toward her, after all. I also kind of chuckled when I wrote Luzurial’s reaction. If a .49 caliber hypersonic round didn’t do more than bruise her, then a 9mm handgun round isn’t going to do anything. The “Ow” is more out of a slight annoyance than any actual pain.
    1 point
  4. Rock hard, even. Yeah, it is actually rather interesting. Greek art tends toward the ideal (the sculptures aren’t necessarily what the human body is but perhaps what it should be), and yet their deities display all the flaws of humanity. It’s a neat idea. Not sure if I like that joke. You might have laid an egg there. And of course there’s how he got Danae pregnant with Perseus. Zeus came to her in the form of a shower of gold...and many laughs were had in my high school literature class. Greece: writing adult fanfiction long before the internet.
    1 point
  5. Great that you liked the story. It is not like each review need to be certain length to valuable. It means a lot for me that you liked it. English is indeed a second language for me, but some of the language mistakes can probably be attributed to lack of sleep. It is damn hard work to improve the language during later editing, but sometimes the alternative is not to write at all if I skip the late writing sessions. Speaking of other of my stories…considering what you have written in other reviews there are some of stories you should stay clear of...for instance I really doubt you would like Tales of Deception that is brutal enough that I got actual flame from a reader that did not read the story codes. My story Carmen Elisa Need to Die is also not meant to be a feel good story, the lead character is not a nice person by any measurement. On the other hand I have written a number of stories where the heroes prevail in the end so if you are looking for stories with an upbeat ending there are worse authors. Feel free to drop me an PM if you hesitate about if reading any of my stories and need input on how to understand story codes (single scene or something recurring) and if the story ends upbeat or depressing.
    1 point
  6. A Song Of Forgotten Beauty – I said recently I’d loved to write a sex scene with a winged character that wasn’t Spyro. I must have forgotten this one. I just read through it again and noticed a couple bad typos/errors I’ll probably polish, but apart from that I feel quite happy with it. So I don’t always put my own writing down! Certainly feathery! I have the story Harvest Mouse under original with a full on MM furry fuck (you don’t want to read it), but this probably is in the same ball park. Thank you for this review! It was cool to get it and actually unexpected. I actually read chunks of Hesiod’s stuff at school, what, 20 years ago now. We went through a lot of other old Greek and Roman stuff too (Tragedies, Comedies, Histories, poems… Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War had some good bits!), I really loved that material although I was never that great at Latin or Greek, and it’s rusted away almost entirely now. So, yeah, I double checked the early references and basically made the summary as a reference to how the Romans especially thought they had horrific features. So far as fanfic goes – I’ve been really wanting to do a story with Medusa, Stheno and Euryale for years and never even got around to properly planning it. It wouldn’t be incest! But folks would be getting hard. Rimshot. Would you say no to Zeus? That’s a good way to get yourself doing something inventive down in Tartarus. I think it probably depends on the monster. Some of the ones sent by gods probably did not like it, whereas those sea snakes sent by Athena to fuck up Laocoön and his sons might have had a great time. We may never know. Absolutely some dickish behavior though. Although in a way that’s quite endearing about them too, because the Greeks were happy to have Gods that were basically people, but more so. Yeah, he stuffed those birds! Ahem, yes, thanks! I’m glad it was alright. Wanted a touch of erotica at least. It’s totally within the genre! I mean these harpies just have bird-like features. Leda straight up fucked a swan and had two human kids. Ok, the swan was Zeus in disguise but even so… Basically, the Greeks didn’t have something beautiful in a myth if someone wasn’t gonna stick their junk in it, and have a kid. The trouble Jason had getting jizz out of the fleece… Thank you again for the review – I really appreciate it.
    1 point
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