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  1. Juan

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Hot stuff, Mal! I hope Chloe can do a Britney Spears “One More Time” schoolgirl kind of thing sometime. I also really like how Bella is becoming a coke addicted slut. Keep up the fantastic writing!
    1 point
  2. If you don’t read Fucking Halloween Party any time soon it’s all good, it’s mostly just Shannon solving a problem by fucking it anyhow. If you’ve got the time and motivation to write, then write, I say! Get your story storied, and if it takes days or weks or months I’m sure the ending will be sensational when it comes. I really hope it gets a lot of reads and reviews because the chapters I’ve read so far were really really good and you deserve that recognition. I was thinking of other lines around Kizzy’s nerdy fandoms, say if Shannon was filling in Lupa on Luzurial more some time, “Do you know how pure you have to be to be known as ‘The Pure,’ in Heaven? Like, really pure. I bet even Kizzy fiddles her expenses.” “Huh?” “You ever notice how many times she goes to look for evil threats to humanity at science fiction conventions?” “I went with her that one time. Those neckbeards were evil. ‘Know how many wandering hands I had to break in that crowd? Anyway, there some some asshole she was tracking. Drew or something.”
    1 point
  3. Mal

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Hey gang! I have great news for everyone who commented anything along the lines of “can’t wait for the next chapter.” Because, that day is here! That’s right folks, I’m publishing chapter 37 onto the site right now! This chapter definitely falls with in the guidelines of my newer shorter chapter format. Its only 16 pages in Word. But, don’t let that get you down. It is still chalked full of smut and interesting plot development. In this chapter that mostly takes the form of Chloe getting a “LITTLE” adjustment. I found this chapter particularly… engaging… yeah that’s the best word for it. The chapter was extremely engaging lol! In addition to Chloe, we get to see the full reaction of the Harem to Ari, and a little sneak peak of things to come for Bella. I really hope you like this chapter, I honestly think its one of my favorites as it features a fetish I’ve been dying to write for… well for a very long time. I can’t wait to hear what you guys think. In other good news. Because of some very unexpected down time, chapter 38 is almost done! I don’t want to spoil anything of what is to come. I’ll simply say that my days of putting off writing the Alex, Emma, Cara, BDSM scene, you know, the one you guys voted on like forever ago are finally over! I can’t say for certain when I’ll get it posted up. It still needs a bit of work, but I would imagine the turn around will be very short. Probably a week or so, so please do look back soon! After I get 38 posted up, I plan to put in some much needed work on my E-book, and probably won’t begin work on chapter 39 till nearer to the end of the month. I hope to have 39 done and posted by maybe 2/15 or so… Lastly, I mentioned a while back that I was on a roughly 50 chapter time table to finishing Billion Dollar Harem. Well, I going to revamp that a little. Since going to this new shorter format, and not being at a point yet where I can introduce the final two ladies, I think it only right that I up the count. By my guess, it’ll take around 60 chapters or so to finish this story up. So good news for you is plenty of BDH yet to come! Finally, I wanted to thank everyone who took the opportunity to wish me happy holidays. I really appreciated it. Mostly, I spent my holiday at work. But that honestly worked out for me because it also gave me lots of time to work on my stories. Now I’ll just address a few of the comments that were directed at the story: Joe: I enjoyed your comment. I haven’t seen that movie, or is it a TV show… Its Disney something right. (But then again what isn’t Disney at this point?) Thank you for the comment, and you’ll be happy to hear the writing is going very well and I’m very excited to be back at it! Steel: Thanks! Its good to be back here in the Black. Now I just need to find a nice Alliance friendly bar on U day! (P.S. if you don’t get the reference, a, shame on all of you, and b, you must watch Firefly like today!) Juan: Margot and Emma you know, sometimes I feel the same way. Like why can’t I just get these two chicks into bed. Then… I wake up and remember why… lol! On a serious note though, I do have things planned for them. I can’t tell you unfortunately whether those plans include them hooking back up. But I, like you am rooting for those two crazy kids! Sazbi: If you didn’t see Chloe’s reaction coming, I know you won’t see whats in store for her in this chapter. Hint: Its just a LITTLE adjustment! Romavictrix: I look forward to writing those new chapters. and I’ll try to give you guys progress reports on the e-book as it proceeds. Alrighty guys, that’s about it for now. Remember to check back soon for chapter 38! I’m Back to the Black, -Mal
    1 point
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