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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2018 in all areas

  1. So, I’m on vacation this week. Not going anywhere, just getting caught up. Caught up the yard, and am now working on the house. And the archive.
    2 points
  2. This is something we’re seeing more and more. Thankfully, we have some very sharp eyed readers. Cretins who think because a story is old (ten years or more older, usually), and the author inactive, that it’s okay to post it back up. Under their own pen name. Sorry to disabuse you youngsters of this particular thought, but, nope. It’s still theft. It DOESN’T MATTER if it’s an old story, or even if old and from a now defunct archive. There are ways to find them even still.
    2 points
  3. And this, I have to share….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=q8zwIphm5r4
    1 point
  4. I love 9-day weekends, but they always seem to go by too fast.
    1 point
  5. Well, that’s awfully rude. Now, I will try to answer what you said as thoroughly as possible. Firstly: I do write Naruto stories. In fact, as we speak, I’m putting the finishing touches on the chapter of a Naruto story. There’s one reason I write more Sasuke stories than Naruto stories: I prefer Sasuke over Naruto. It’s nothing more complicated than that – I don’t hate Naruto, neither do I loathe him… I just prefer Sasuke. And no, I don’t ‘go out of my way to have Naruto humiliated in (my) fics’. I have about 3 fics, out of 28, where Naruto is in any way humiliated. And in those three fics, he’s not only an active participant but also gets his moments of dominance, at least in two of them. It’s fairly obvious that you haven’t read any of my stories, considering anyone who has read them can tell you that I tend to go out of my way to make Naruto either not involved in the story, or genderbent into a woman and allowed to join in the fun. It’s also worth noting that one of my favorite pairings is Sasuke/Fem. Naruto. I don’t believe I’m a hypocrite, either. Yes, I write stories where Naruto is cucked – but they’re of a completely different nature than other stories where Sasuke/Naruto are cucked. Naruto is a willing participant; and he gets just as much enjoyment from the act as everyone else. Not to mention I don’t bash him, either… in fact, I tend to go out of my way to make his actual strength and power obvious to the reader. A fact you would be aware of if you actually read my stories. Neither is my motivation ‘spite’. I was simply stating why I thought other authors began to write stories where Naruto gets cuckolded – for the most part, I write them because I have good ideas and I feel they translate into good erotica. And considering the relative popularity of those stories, I think other people agree that they are good erotica. Hopefully, I’ve answered your response in a way that’s acceptable.
    1 point
  6. As someone who’s moderated here at AFF for the past seven years, I have to say the quality of fiction posted to the Naruto subdomain has shown a recent trend into cuckold stories, so much so that we had to revive that tag. There were some amazing stories when I first began to moderate here, and although I’m not an anime/manga fan in general, there were more than a few stories which were highly creative and managed not to bash any character. Prism0467’s work comes to mind, in particular. I wonder why authors with a desire to write fiction with strong plots and minimal fetishes don’t find a welcome in the subdomain any longer?
    1 point
  7. What’s so bad is about all this that he just goes around posting the same rambles everywhere. Reviews that aren't actually reviews bug me. He’d be better off just getting a blog and posting his deep thoughts on superheroes and comics there. I’m not even sure what this devolved into towards the end there…
    1 point
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