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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2018 in all areas

  1. I think one of the most overlooked benefits of writing fan fiction is how often it leads to incredible original fiction.
    2 points
  2. Oh absolutely, I wrote like 5 books of a series that was originally a fanfiction. It basically stopped being one about a few chapters in because there were SOOOO many OCs and new plotlines. And honestly? I was cool with that. It was all very organic; it felt like a graduation. I went back later and changed whatever fandom vestiges remained to make it truly original. An original series that I could potentially sell one day? Hell to the YES!
    2 points
  3. So for a very long time now, I had an idea for an extremely extensive Sailor Moon work, spanning at least every single arc. I had a trillion ideas that I worked through in my head, but it was just a back burner pet project. So I finally decided I should sit down and start writing out outlines for characters, arcs and my changes. I even figured out ways I could work in whole new arcs, and even started working on those. Then I began a timeline of events. It was when my timeline reached page 30 and I wasn’t even a tenth of the way done that it came to me; this wasn’t just off the rails, it had jumped from and then off multiple sets and was now running across the ocean floor, well on its way to Europe. I had completely lost sight of this being a fanfic and it was becoming an original work sometimes featuring plot elements, vaguely, from an old magical girl series. Am I alone in this? If not, did you just make it into an original work?
    1 point
  4. For me it wasn’t one story, it was more gradual. Like eventually my fan fics started getting more and more distant from the canon and I couldn’t quite bend the characters the way I wanted to without making them completely out of character. I think I kept trying to steer things back into the fandom (It was a while ago, so my memory of it isn’t all that clear). And I tried jumping from fandom to fandom, because though working within someone else’s universe is somewhat limiting, I found it very comforting. It comes with its own fanbase already installed that you don’t necessarily get with originals. It comes with people who know and understand the characters, and those limits it imposes make planning just a little easier (That’s my experience, I can’t speak for others.) But I did eventually give in and start chasing those plotbunnies down the proverbial rabbit hole. For me it was scary, but it was the right move. I’ve never looked back. Honestly I think you should follow your inspiration wherever it needs to take you. If you’re pumped for this, and it sounds like you are because wtf, 30 page timeline?! Bring that world to life!
    1 point
  5. I like to do a little bit more than minimum, just so that describing “red T-shirt” isn’t obvious that it’s important, but going into an involved description into the intricacies of the stitch/weave pattern is typically beyond where I’ll write to. A little extra is fine, ie, lamp is green … I mean, do I need to remind the readers that a male character has a penis? Probably not, but I’ll still add in some mention of it
    1 point
  6. Woot it reached 80s here today and i am already suffering from heat rash. lol go figure!
    0 points
  7. Well… ten days since summer officially started, and we have snow… No joke, it was snowing this morning. Not raining, fracking snowing! Thankfully it didn’t stick, but for fuck’s sake, COME ON!!
    0 points
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