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  1. You’d need a Nec tag too for that...
    3 points
  2. Dreams are a great way to explore a character’s mind, wrapping up their fears, their hopes, or just to have a not-so-serious fun time.
    2 points
  3. Wooow, I’m curious now as to whether that level of detail was requested or if it just kind of happened I’m sure some women like it, but I’ve just always felt gross. I also cannot imagine doing that washing later, lmfao, I miss my cute panties now – RIP.
    2 points
  4. I actually know a woman who loooves to bang when she is menstruating. She went into great detail about how she loves how the blood stains in patterns on the white sheets when they're done. I can't really relate either, but from a writer's (and lover of all things debauched) standpoint it's an absolutely fascinating perspective.
    2 points
  5. ONE MORE TIME FF - I don't give FF enough love but FF is AWESOME! Working on plans for a story with lots and lots of this, but I don't want to overload myself with projects. It'll be new for me, for sure. Fet - Lol, isn't my entire account just a giant throbbing fetish at this point Fist - When my characters aren't fucking, they're punching each other and this is the best of both worlds, WHAT COULD GO WRONG FD - Haven't done this yet but I'd be super open to it. Might keep this in mind for my F/F story or is that cheating? GB - I did genderbend my characters for a chapter and we had some great FF go down, but I associate this tag with fanfiction so idk if that counts. Herm - I do have one, he's one of my fave characters to write <3 Hum - OH maybe this is the tag I was looking for Inc - It's for the plot, IT'S FOR THE PLOT, STFU MBP - This is a female POV, but I have never, not once, felt sexy on my period. I really can't relate to this one so it's gross/hard for me to write. "She wanted him desperately," - lol no, she wanted to rip his dick off, cry in the shower for two hours and eat chocolate cake MC - Well, see, if they were mind controlled, then they wouldn't be horrified about what's happening to them and that's the best part… MF - I do this too! MF is great! FF is great! MM - But MM is my fave! MCD - I have such a hard time killing characters, honestly I think it's a weakness of mine as a writer. When I do woman the fuck up and do it, it's usually important to the plot. Minor1 - Nah fam this makes me uncomfortable. Minor2 - Does a 50 year old vampire with the body of a 14 year old count? This one squicks me out less but it's not a fave either. I like my adult-ey adults doing adult stuff with other adults while failing to adult. Besides, actual adults can be childish and petty enough that I never have to fuck with this tag MPreg - Maybe? My herm identifies as a man so I tagged it anyway. Nec - This tag is weirdly hilarious now that I've dived into the nitty gritty of it. NoSex - I'm sorry whut Oneshot - I LOVE holiday specials, no joke. I wanna do a Treehouse of horror-esque oneshot for Halloween! Other - Oh, there's my Stockholm Syndrome tag! PWP - OVER MY DEAD BODY Rape - Oh look, it's my favorite plot device! And... Porn device, okay I'll let you have that one. Hey, JayDee said it was healthy! Rim - Squeamish about it but yes, I did write a rim scene once. Had to flavor it with strawberry jelly just to get through it SandM - Along the way, this crops up for sure. In fact, a lot of things start to crop up and I and my MC totally pretend that it's fine and we're fine and everything about us is totally normal and fine… Scat - I'm that prissy little bitch who writes anal, fingering, fisting and enema scenes while pretending the human colon is as sterile as an operating room. SH - Like, that's his entire personality tho SI - I thought this referred to a second person perspective story. In any case, why would I put myself in a story when my other characters are so much more interesting than me? Slave - Sexual and financial slavery, I've written both. I write dystopian, so it has a place in the universe.
    2 points
  6. Weird, I didn’t expect that getting the ashes back would help, but it is, a bit. Obviously, I wish I had the living cat instead, just a subtle measure of peace. He’s on the table that I’ve used as a desk for years, appropriate because he used to lay/nap underneath it a lot.
    2 points
  7. Think how triggered you’d be if you accidentally read some warm and fuzzy feelings. The horror… the horror… Edit: I’m sure I have vore tagged on some stories, but that was probably self tagging. I can’t remember it being on the old tag list either. It’s a slippery slope though. If they added Vore they’d have people are complaining the vore in one story is too violent and bloody, to be tagged just vore so then they’re having calls for “soft vore” and “hard vore” and, gods help us, “unbirthing” tags.
    1 point
  8. KassX

    On tags I've used by A Writer

    Solo - The... Fewer the merrier? Solo goes with Exhib, Voy and sometimes your character is just horny and no one else is around! I've also been experimenting with this as a way for a character's split personalities to have sex with each other, lol. It's fun. Spank - I usually go straight to the whipping, but spanking is pretty cute. TBDL - I'd just like to know why we have this tag and not a vore tag Tent - Well, I did mention all the tentacle-y things I wanted to try writing scenes with. Like hentai level tentacle monster thing? Sure! I missed a great opportunity with one the first time around. Will not be making that mistake in the rewrite! TF - Planning on adding a werewolf character so I probably have to start using this. Tort - Plain old torture happens too, sometimes it's more violent than sexual other times vice versa. Psychological torture? You betcha! Toys - I prefer to just have my characters bareback it but toys are great as a complement to that, and great for spicing things up. Trans - Crossdressing happens quite a bit, yes. UST - Ummmm, that really depends on the timeline you use to define 'unresolved'. I like to think all the sexual tension eventually gets resolved, whether that's immediately or a whole book later. I managed to keep one of my characters virgin for two books and I'm pretty impressed with my restraint if I do say so myself! Violence - Only my favorite thing ever! The violence can vary from kind of cartoony to visceral blood and gore and stuff but all of my stories have it. Voy - I did mention one of my MCs and his harem, and I'm trying to do a lot more than this with a character who has an affinity for spy bots and drones. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING by which I mean he's literally your brother and he's spying on you WAFF - I see this is anime specific, I don't really get it. I mean, a reader recently mentioned she enjoyed a cuddling scene that I wrote but I'm not gonna tag it over that lol WD - Well gee, they get so much action while they're awake that I didn't even think of harassing them in their sleep too, lol. Okay, that's a lie. When I write a dream sequence, it's usually a horrific one, not a sexual one, tho. WIP - I don't want to talk about it T_T WS - Honestly, even if I wanted to experiment with this, I would keep it out to avoid the tag. I'm not really into it and I know it's a deterrent. Xeno - I mentioned, but I'd love to do this if I got the chance! I don't have any aliens in my gay dystopian vampire harem fic, that would just be WEIRD. Aaaand I’m done!
    1 point
  9. It’s a story that took a fair stab at going through the tags.
    1 point
  10. Two tags with one stone, eh? I don’t even think I could do it for Halloween
    1 point
  11. I added an element of vigilante justice to mine to at least try to make the MC sympathetic, but yeah, some of that shit gets dark lol. Moral grey is my favorite color!
    1 point
  12. Yep, and I felt disgusted with the perpetrator, so yeah, effective.
    1 point
  13. This tag just means the plot to justify the porn is still under construction …
    1 point
  14. I challenged myself to Nec for the last halloween story, and I think I used it with great effect, enhancing the horror aspect to the story.
    1 point
  15. KassX

    On tags I've used by A Writer

    Also, this sums up my feelings about Nec pretty well, double agree!
    1 point
  16. Mal

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Even better, Sazbi, I’m releasing it right freaking now! Ok guys, Chapter 29 is up and ready for reading. This chapter as I said is all about the much touted fast-forward. As such, it is kind of summery heavy. What does that mean, exactly? Well it means there’s a lot of “this girl did this” type of stuff. The main reason I went this route is because with so much stuff going on, I felt it was important for us to keep a close eye on what each girl is up to during all four days that pass. Although the chapter is summery heavy, there are quite a few character development moments and of course good ol fashioned smut . There’s some good stuff with Taylor and Margot and Cara and Felicity. We even get a little teaser of things going on with Chloe. Bella is, sadly a little quiet, but I think there are good things in the work for her. In addition, we see a bit more of how things progress with our newest of the newbies. Chapter 30 will see the return of Emma. Yay!!! We’ll also see the culmination of a scene that begins in 29. I also plan to include a little bit of our newbies getting settled in. Because of how much stuff I have planned for chapter 30, I don’t know if we’ll get to see Taylor finally being forced to make her choice, but I do think we might get to see a tease of how this will end up playing out.The biggest event for chapter 30, I think I’ve mentioned it before, will be a scene I’ve had planned basically since the first chapter. This scene will star (section deleted) and should be filled with lots of cool stuff, including what promises to be some hot smut. Ok, just gonna quickly reply to questions and comments, I won’t respond directly to people casting votes, but I will say thank you for voting, I love hearing from you guys and please keep the comments comments coming. Pilgrim: Thanks, I’m glad to be back and glad you’re loving the story! The z: So happy you liked the one shot. I put a ton of work into it. I know its kinda dark, but I think it turned out pretty awesome. Joe: You’re hilarious! and yes its Karen Gillan Ambien: Glad you enjoyed the last chapter, I put a ton of work and a lot of headaches into that big orgy scene so I’m glad you liked it. I do plan for there to be some more fight in the new comers, but I really wanted to highlight that with Ariana cause I have some big plans for her when she finally gets dropped into the harem! Finally, thanks as always for keeping us up to date on the poll. Remember everyone this is a fan-opinion poll of sorts, a non-binding feeler… to help me decide who I should bring in for those last two spots. Having said that though I am really happy everyone is taking this poll so seriously and for letting me know your reasons for why you’d like to see those girls in. lazyninjas: Good question bud! I guess the short answer is, I have a few one shots in the works and I’ve considered doing some more work on my CHOYA story but I don’t know if I will. The main reason I don’t know if I’ll add a chapter here and there is because writing one of those chapters (the big intense ones, not so much the shorter build up chapters) requires a long 5-6 hour night to produce. Time I just feel would be better spent working on BDH or the one shots I have planned… Well: Glad you liked the pool scene. Not sure what you mean with the paper idea… Juan: I like the idea. I might end up playing with it. As always, I write organically, so its probably going to come down to more about how I feel things go down in the moment. Though I do think it could be pretty hot to have one of the girls being the one to encourage and develop a newbie instead of it all coming down to Alex...certainly could be a really cool idea. Ok gang, happy reading. Please keep up the comments and questions. Also, if you’re interested in the complex map. The hand drawn map, created by me, which shows the entire lay out of the underground harem. Just drop me an email and I’ll send it your way. Take care, you guys rock! I’m Back to the Black, Mal
    1 point
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