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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2018 in all areas

  1. “Taste the brainbow!”
    5 points
  2. I find it helps, especially on making them different, otherwise, I’d likely make them all the same. (Though main characters in my stories develop a common liking to go around naked, maybe that says something about … me? )
    4 points
  3. Yeah but I gobbled them all up, so my head is whole again. Because that’s how it works.
    4 points
  4. Let’s see… Joint fics: 2 Fan fiction: 1 Original fiction: 2 Stuff I need to finish and send to my publisher: 3 NaNo stuff I’m ignoring because it sucks: 2 Nope, Pip has me beat!
    4 points
  5. The more stories I try to write, the harder the character creation process seems to get! I don’t want them to sound too much like each other (and since I’m almost always writing in first person, differentiating protagonist povs makes me cry fr). Maybe I’ll try that! Daaaang @CloverReef just exploded into skittles somewhere… That’s actually really cool if you can manage them well, but I can imagine all of it getting really overwhelming really fast.
    4 points
  6. Wow, I think I’m such a jealous bitch I’d rather kill my babies than let someone adopt them. You can totally quote me on that when I end up on the news someday Super impressive, and yes, I love that having multiple projects lets you work on something else for a while if one blocks you out; I’m starting to rid myself of the irrational terror of having more than one active story, haha. You guys with your 7 year hiatuses and I don’t even think I’ve held on to any single idea for that long, lol.
    3 points
  7. I have far too many cool ideas for my time and RL ability to record them. On occasion I manage to farm them to another writer in a story comment. Got one adopted just last night. I only use Excel during a complex plot or combat. For story ideas, I keep ideas in plain text files by broad topic areas. Right now I have one for original fiction, for Star Wars fics, for DA, and for NWN. I also have a folder on my desktop where I drop shortcuts for possible blog posts. These files all grow faster than they shrink. But answering the original posting (got the digest late today) I have three SW fics, one big and two smaller, posted within the last month. Two others are ready to start as soon as I close at least one down. I have a whole bunch of hiatus’d stories, that I want to continue. Most stopped from block, and some as I realized that juggling more than three brings me to a stop in all of them. Of course I don’t like having only one as swapping stories lets me sidestep block most of the time. Three stories seems to be my sweet spot. Raw Counts: Book4 choices, Book3 AMT, side novella AMT, DA2 alt, another DA2 alt, Serial original novella. And two original novels awaiting enough cash to get an dev editor. Only one or two SW are hiatused, and I know one will start the sequel before Easter. I’m getting better at keeping a lid on new stories. All hiatused are less than seven years, most less. Three active, ten hiatus, and 2 in between. I think I’ll stop babbling now.
    3 points
  8. The atmosphere in all of them is completely different, so really it’s not overwhelming… even if I think of them all at the same time. They all have a different character as a story. The two I’ve had to drop forever are the two that I don’t remember where I was going. That can happen. But it’s like having a wardrobe full of different outfits. I like that sensation of choice. Some of them I work on and don’t post, so some of them have future chapters, and are just waiting for me to write the linking chapters to them so that I can post more.
    3 points
  9. Oh sweet, you have a publisher! NaNo is rouuugh and not in a good way! If it says something about you, then it says something about me too I am not seeing the problem here, is that not how it works?
    3 points
  10. Arghh! *unhooks the phone, puts the chain on the door, severs the internet* … *...sighs and turns the modem back on again* You did? *sidles closer* Whisper it to me…? *pulls back* Wow… that bad, huh? Seriously, though… playing aside, I hope you will finish it, no matter how long we have to wait. *throws some inspiration confetti at you*
    3 points
  11. I try to keep a notebook on hand so that I can jot the good ones down when I have them.
    2 points
  12. Yeah, I had a three week block on one story as I stopped in the middle of a speech where one char was setting up a prank that tied into the final challenge and close. When I came back to the tale, all I had was the look of mischief in one character’s eyes and the sinking feeling in the POV that they might not find the learning experience was not going to be fun for them. And that was ALL I remembered about the next sentence and scene. I knew where the tale would end, but this is fluff with serious undertones, so it was no joy buzzer prank. So I really empathize with getting lost. I originally wrote most stories with rotating 1st person POV, and I got to calling each persona like a Lon ballcap I could put on, and then the next lead’s ball cap. I’ve noticed the ballcaps were stronger the characters had a stronger voice and smaller canon. The SW ones now are wispier. Anyone else remember the Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd toon where new hats kept landing on their heads and they’d swap from hunter to judge to bride and groom? That’s the way I handled it for a while.
    2 points
  13. Wish me luck on tomorrow's test! I have two chapters worth of material to test on plus fifty terms to know the meaning of for the terminology part of the test with no word bank to look to for help! Honestly, I like not having any word bank because it really gives me a little challenge to see how well I actually know the words and their meanings.
    2 points
  14. I’m not sure what I did right this time, but I managed to publish the first chapter of one of my stories “Of Light and Shadow” – very happy
    2 points
  15. Damn… well, I just had a quick look through my profile here. Discounting fic I have going that is joint fic, I have 12, of which 10 I fully intend at some point to finish (if I ever get around to it). Of my joint fic, I intend to finish all of those, which total another three. I also have a number of stories that I haven’t posted on my hard drive that I need to work on, and most of those are original, which brings the grand total to around 18 altogether. *hides* I am awful… I know. I swear I have finished some! There are some finished stories on my profile!
    2 points
  16. Happy weekend, everyone, it’s the annoying attention whore again! I’ve always had a one track mind as a writer but not everyone is like that! I’m dying to know: how many active stories do you have? Biggest number gets an AWESOME SUPER SPECIAL LIKE
    1 point
  17. Literally 99.9999% of my dragon prints are me looking for typos.
    1 point
  18. I’m trying to slowly kill that. You can give two writers, ten writers the same idea/prompt and get at least ten different stories. There are SO many stories that take different paths if X scene went differently. The more annoyed the fandom, the wider the divergence. They may be similarities, but each writer spins it differently. The plagarists aren’t that bright and don’t drift further away as the story goes on. My ideas are stories I’d like to see, and there’s plenty of writers who can do them justice. And if they don’t, I may take a crack in a few months when I get a slot open.
    1 point
  19. As one of the mods, I’d say it’s a fairly subjective thing. Clearly some stories, especially those that list every tag and mean them, do require a ++ rating, without doubt. But I would say some of the stories tagged ++ here haven’t really hit that territory. I tag ++ for things like rape, extreme brutality, and other things which might trigger a reader. I’d actually use the ++ for a forced late-term abortion, honestly, even if only semi-graphic. It’s definitely a trigger issue for readers.
    1 point
  20. Nice, I can totally see the appeal of having choice when you write. When I get burned out I have nothing else to work on which in turn makes me feel like a useless sack of shit lol.
    1 point
  21. NICE. I’m not that technologically literate so I think I’ll stick with my dinky spreadsheets lol. Is it bad that I match character personalities to the closest horoscope sign and pick a date in that range when I have to come up with birthdays?
    1 point
  22. And I’ve made a database of characters/key-events/groups, so that what helps me keep track of things. Not perfect, but it helps.
    1 point
  23. Dude. Spinoffs are so much fun but idk if readers are that interested? I almost want to do them like tv shows: like Frasier is to Cheers, self-contained but interconnected. Might even experiment in different genres that suit different characters. If clear divisions start to appear in your stories, then splitting them is probably best! (and honestly, easier) I LOVE HOLIDAY SPECIALS I’m so glad, I thought I was the only one haha
    1 point
  24. There was the original story, I pulled because I was trying to do too much and realized I had multiple stories! I split them to become Fiends/Dolbourne/Alaska. Overall, it’s better and fairer to each story. And then, backstory + holiday oneshots cause even more stories!
    1 point
  25. HA! That never happens to m- OOH PLOT BUNNY Lol, I actually really want to do some backstory novellas on some of my major characters. I’m just worried I won’t have time for it all lol.
    1 point
  26. SAME Oh great, so you’re basically magic lol. Seriously, that’s awesome I wish I was such a prolific writer!
    1 point
  27. If anyone shows up and beats him, my head will explode into Skittlez.
    1 point
  28. Let's see… I'll label them off, because yeah... lol... Blood and Honour, Come Hell or High Water, ST Adventurer, Hunted, Blood Prize, TBATB 1, 2, 3, TBATB Spinoff 1, 2, 3… CR can vouch for the TBATB ones… As for how I define active, that becomes a matter of what I am continuing and not dropping. The six TBATB are one's I don't have posted, but I plan to look into publishing. Even discounting them, that remains an active 5 stories posted here. Outside of AFF brings the total to 11. All juggled around.
    1 point
  29. Lmao, your readers must have been pretty pissed about that one. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the number of active stories you have to update? The best-laid plans, even the best-laid plans...
    1 point
  30. I guess “You!” is on hiatus so… 1? If I ever finish it. The thing is, I worked out who you are. I worked out how your story ended. You… you objected. You want a different ending. Oh, and Kate wants a scratch behind the ears. It’s a mess.
    1 point
  31. @CloverReef Then we’ll be besties on the DL Hey, you’ve actually finished something, you’ve got no room to talk! @Desiderius Price Just kind of open stuff with plans to finish, and you probably have to be updating it at least once a year, haha. There are SO MANY things I want to start and write! Curse this fragile mortal lifespan!
    1 point
  32. I happen to be quite fond of annoying attention whores! I’d say we should be besties, but my annoying attention whore friends might not like that. I’m gonna lose this competition. I have a big whopping 0 going on right now. I always go through a bit of a drought when I finish a story. Keep starting things and nothing feels good enough compared to the story I just finished lol. When I am working on something, I have a one-track mind too. I can only really work on one at a time. Sometimes I lie to myself and say I can multitask stories just to justify starting a new one when I’ve got one going already, but that inevitably ends in one of them getting dropped lol. @Tcr should have something to say about this. His ability to juggle many stories at once blows my mind. Frequently.
    1 point
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