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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2018 in all areas

  1. I have been assimilated into the world of the bespectacled. Huzzah! And… You know what? I think I like it.
    5 points
  2. Happy weekend, everyone, it’s the annoying attention whore again! I’ve always had a one track mind as a writer but not everyone is like that! I’m dying to know: how many active stories do you have? Biggest number gets an AWESOME SUPER SPECIAL LIKE
    2 points
  3. Arghh! *unhooks the phone, puts the chain on the door, severs the internet* … *...sighs and turns the modem back on again* You did? *sidles closer* Whisper it to me…? *pulls back* Wow… that bad, huh? Seriously, though… playing aside, I hope you will finish it, no matter how long we have to wait. *throws some inspiration confetti at you*
    2 points
  4. Let's see… I'll label them off, because yeah... lol... Blood and Honour, Come Hell or High Water, ST Adventurer, Hunted, Blood Prize, TBATB 1, 2, 3, TBATB Spinoff 1, 2, 3… CR can vouch for the TBATB ones… As for how I define active, that becomes a matter of what I am continuing and not dropping. The six TBATB are one's I don't have posted, but I plan to look into publishing. Even discounting them, that remains an active 5 stories posted here. Outside of AFF brings the total to 11. All juggled around.
    2 points
  5. I guess “You!” is on hiatus so… 1? If I ever finish it. The thing is, I worked out who you are. I worked out how your story ended. You… you objected. You want a different ending. Oh, and Kate wants a scratch behind the ears. It’s a mess.
    2 points
  6. Now that’s dedication. Six years! I swear, I drop shit at the drop of a hat, (which is why I don’t post most of what I write) but I’m a big fat commitment phobe, so there’s that.
    2 points
  7. @CloverReef Then we’ll be besties on the DL Hey, you’ve actually finished something, you’ve got no room to talk! @Desiderius Price Just kind of open stuff with plans to finish, and you probably have to be updating it at least once a year, haha. There are SO MANY things I want to start and write! Curse this fragile mortal lifespan!
    2 points
  8. How do you define active? I’ll typically focus on one at a time (or with a second quick oneshot). Open/plan to finish… 3 on AFF, one on FF.net, and my minds mulling over a new one.
    2 points
  9. I happen to be quite fond of annoying attention whores! I’d say we should be besties, but my annoying attention whore friends might not like that. I’m gonna lose this competition. I have a big whopping 0 going on right now. I always go through a bit of a drought when I finish a story. Keep starting things and nothing feels good enough compared to the story I just finished lol. When I am working on something, I have a one-track mind too. I can only really work on one at a time. Sometimes I lie to myself and say I can multitask stories just to justify starting a new one when I’ve got one going already, but that inevitably ends in one of them getting dropped lol. @Tcr should have something to say about this. His ability to juggle many stories at once blows my mind. Frequently.
    2 points
  10. Today shall be my first day of work as a CNA! I don't count the orientation day because that was just watching a few videos and filling out a bit of paperwork. Anyhow, I'm very over the moon to start in a few hours. It's an eight hour shift, from 2PM to 10PM. I can hardly wait to start getting to know the residents and my coworkers.
    2 points
  11. Damn… well, I just had a quick look through my profile here. Discounting fic I have going that is joint fic, I have 12, of which 10 I fully intend at some point to finish (if I ever get around to it). Of my joint fic, I intend to finish all of those, which total another three. I also have a number of stories that I haven’t posted on my hard drive that I need to work on, and most of those are original, which brings the grand total to around 18 altogether. *hides* I am awful… I know. I swear I have finished some! There are some finished stories on my profile!
    1 point
  12. It comes down to the whole character creation process. I’ve got trouble with blank bits of paper or blank documents, so I’ll create lists of randomized traits/dates/names/etc, and use those to jumpstart my shaping of the character.
    1 point
  13. Yes, that’s what I want to do! Aaaah, I’m so excited, I’ve been doing outlines and concept boards for a few days. I should just stop stressing and start one and take it from there.
    1 point
  14. All of my originals, including the halloween/holiday oneshots, are interconnected in some fashion. Of course, I try to make each one enjoyable w/o having to read the entire collected works
    1 point
  15. There was the original story, I pulled because I was trying to do too much and realized I had multiple stories! I split them to become Fiends/Dolbourne/Alaska. Overall, it’s better and fairer to each story. And then, backstory + holiday oneshots cause even more stories!
    1 point
  16. I know that feeling. Several of my main characters almost require a novella of backstory just for them alone (indeed, as it stands right now with STA, that's a very good likelihood for one character)... I've probably got a good hundred to five hundred oneshots and shorts just for the MCs, and occasionally other major and minor characters.
    1 point
  17. HA! That never happens to m- OOH PLOT BUNNY Lol, I actually really want to do some backstory novellas on some of my major characters. I’m just worried I won’t have time for it all lol.
    1 point
  18. An example of plot bunnies grabbing my attention… it started because I needed a swimming instructor for a different story …. backstory can be dangerous
    1 point
  19. Yesss, originals are my jam! I’ve been reading Jefferey, btw! I will leave a review when I’m done!
    1 point
  20. SAME Oh great, so you’re basically magic lol. Seriously, that’s awesome I wish I was such a prolific writer!
    1 point
  21. I'm not sure how I do, I just manage to store them mentally. Lol. Admittedly, most times I keep detailed character designs written up, but I just travel from one to the other without a second thought. Strangely enough... Mmm. Skittles...
    1 point
  22. If anyone shows up and beats him, my head will explode into Skittlez.
    1 point
  23. Wtfffff! Show us your ways, sempai! How do you juggle so many projects when I panic if I have to update 2 of them? Pretty sure you won my SUPER SPECIAL LIKE but I gave all of you one because you’re all winners to meeee! <3
    1 point
  24. Lmao, your readers must have been pretty pissed about that one. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the number of active stories you have to update? The best-laid plans, even the best-laid plans...
    1 point
  25. My potter fanfic, last updated six years ago… I’m still considering that active. (As I’m still STUCK at the same point as I was then….. how to portray both sides while maintaining suspense but doesn’t feel like a deus ex.)
    1 point
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