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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2018 in all areas

  1. so what does a 33 year old do on her birthday weekend when she doesn’t have to work?! DRINK!!! woooohoooo party time!!!! party starts Thursday with a shot of lemonchello!!!! (birthday is friday)
    1 point
  2. CloverReef

    Back history

    Absolutely! I think sometimes it's a case of the writer not trusting their words to paint a picture without the help. Or not trusting the reader to understand or get attached without the life story. At least that's been my experience. But a character's actions and decisions are far more effective to get the reader hooked enough that they'll crave that backstory over time. I don't know if I'm making sense anymore tonight lol.
    1 point
  3. Melrick

    Author's notes

    Many writers include author's notes - myself included - which are good ways to impart information that you feel is important for the reader to know, either before they've read the story or chapter, or after it. But some people take it to extremes, so we do have rules on them. Stories are restricted to 600 word author notes per chapter, which should be more than enough. What is not included in that word count, though, is disclaimers or additional story tags. Author note chapters are expressly forbidden. Just to explain further, some people will upload a chapter which is made up entirely of author's notes and contains no story at all. People often do this so they can reply to reviews that people have left. This is also not allowed. If you wish to reply to reviews then you can set up a review reply topic in this forum. You can find more information on how to do that here.
    1 point
  4. The first thing you should know is that this forum is for promoting your own story that you’ve uploaded to the AFF archive only. That is, no stories that you’ve uploaded to other websites not connected to AdultFanFiction. With that established, the first thing you need to do is to click on the ‘Start New Topic’ button. In the ‘Topic Title’ area, the simplest thing to put is just the name of your story. The main body of your post could begin with a brief intro, telling people you’ve posted a new story, or a brand new chapter of your story. That isn’t required, but the following information is: Author: Title: Summary: Feedback: Fandom: Pairing: Warnings: Solo story or chaptered story: URL: Review Reply thread: An example of what it should look like is below: Author: Melrick Title: An Interesting Story Summary: A really interesting thing happens, and then something else even more interesting happens! (Here you can write as detailed a blurb as you want to. A catchy summary to entice the reader.) Feedback: Feedback and constructive criticism much appreciated. Fandom: Original Pairing: N/A Warnings: M/F, Oral, Anal Solo story or chaptered story: Solo story URL: http://original.adul...ion.net/FakeURL Review Reply thread: Link to review reply thread in the appropriate forum, if and when you make one. You could, if you like, finish your post by thanking people for reading, or that you hope they enjoy it. And you really should make sure that your spelling and grammar is good, otherwise it won’t exactly leave a good impression about your writing skills! And that’s all there is to it!
    1 point
  5. You’ve received a review for your story, and in the review the person has asked a question. You’d like to reply to that person. So do you just leave a ‘review’ to your own story to reply to that person? No, you don’t. Why? Because it’s against the Terms of Service, that’s why. The full reason is two-fold. Firstly, that’s not the purpose of the reviews. It’s meant to only contain genuine reviews, not discussions; it’s not a chat service or a mini-forum. Some people like to artificially inflate their reviews by leaving their own ‘reviews’ as replies to other reviews. Some people also like to carry on arguments with nasty reviewers. If you do get a nasty review that is clearly there just to be annoying then simply delete it. If the person keeps harassing you then report it to a mod here on the forum. Also, the archive website and forums are completely free to you, but they’re definitely not free for us! Therefore, saving bandwidth makes good economic sense. But you really want to communicate with your fans! How? This is how. On the main forum page, scroll down until you see the ‘Fan Fiction’ section. There are three subforums for you to look at. There’s ‘Anime/Manga (all)’, ‘NON Anime/Single Fandom Subdomains’ and ‘All Other Subdomains’. Find which subforum your story falls under and go there. For example, if your story is a Harry Potter story then you’d click on ‘NON Anime/Single Fandom Subdomain’ then on ‘Harry Potter’. Where was your story posted in the archive? If it was posted in the 'Het-Male/Female' section then click on that link, for example. Regardless, choose the appropriate category and click in it. Once there, click on the ‘Start New Topic’ button. For the Topic Title, you should write something which identifies this tread as a review replies thread for your story. For example, you could write: ‘Review Replies for <story name>’. With that done, you should give some details of your story, such as the full name, perhaps a brief summary of your story if you like (without giving away spoilers, of course!), a link to your story on the AFF archive, and perhaps any other info you feel is relevant for the opening post. Then subsequent posts would have the username of the person you’re responding to and your reply to them. You could include replies to several people in the one post. An important thing to remember is to mention this thread in your story posted in the archive, so readers know it’s there! If it’s a single chapter story, include an author’s note at the end of the story, telling people about your review replies thread, a link directly to that thread, and encouraging people to go there to see your comments! If your story is a multi-chapter story then you could include a short author’s note at the end of each chapter, if you like, to remind people of your review reply thread. But do not create a separate chapter for author’s notes or to reply to reviews! Both are against our ToS. Another thing you should never do is include an author’s note in the middle of your chapter. That makes your story look amateurish and you unprofessional. What if you’ve just uploaded your story and you’re not confident that you’ll get enough replies to make creating a review reply thread straight away relevant? What if you later do get a number of replies to which you’d like to reply to? Simple! Just create the thread in the forum as mentioned above and then go into your story in the archive and edit it to include the author’s note information! The most important thing of all is to have fun! Which includes no flaming in your review replies, but I’m sure you’d never do that.
    1 point
  6. Bear in mind with character limitations, this does include spaces. Story title - 50 characters maximum Story summary - 240 characters maximum Disclaimer - 240 characters maximum Chapter title - 50 characters maximum
    1 point
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