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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2017 in all areas

  1. Oh, you have absolutely succeeded! As I read, I’m hearing the voices of the characters, and it’s brilliant how alive they are in your story. They aren’t out of character at all. This is exactly how I would expect them to react, and to behave. It’s perfect, really!
    1 point
  2. Commencing read through of Chapter Nine.
    1 point
  3. Thank you so much! Yeah, I think they fulfilled their objective. She won’t be forgetting that night in a hurry. But there’s lots more for them all to do, and lots for her to learn. While all this is going on, I’ll be subtly advancing the plot. You might notice certain little bits here and there. Jon Snow might get a couple of little cameos of his own soon. Maybe even before Tyrion does. I’m afraid those bits might come off as sheer author manipulation on my part, but I’ll try my best to make them seem… plausible. But I want something in particular to happen. First, I want to really annoy Clegane, just because he’s hilarious when he’s fucked off. Then, I want to give him the best present he’s ever had in his entire life, and I don’t mean Brienne. I hope he’ll appreciate it. He’s already expressed a wish for it in canon. Well, tv canon at least. Brienne teasing? Well, I think I had to let her, after the way they were both going on when they woke up. She thought it was hilarious, though somehow I don’t think they’ll fall for the same trick twice, so she’ll have to get quite creative if she wants to keep that up. Thank you… you’ve literally made my day. I am walking on air here! Next chapter: Before the fight scene, Clegane and Brienne eat breakfast to win. Seriously.
    1 point
  4. Thank you! I really wanted this to work. Tormund wouldn’t let that pass – not at all. I see him as very astute as well. He sees a lot, and says very little about it. When it matters, I think he’s very capable of sorting out a great deal of trouble. And not just by ‘being good at killing people’ though he is quite good at that as well, clearly. It’s not Jon Snow who rescues the wildlings from the white walkers, really… it’s Tormund. He is the one who really convinces them. After that, convincing both Brienne and Clegane that the opinions of a bunch of dickheads are worth precisely nothing… piece of cake. As for Brienne, I watched and rewatched that scene where she confessed what happened at that ball to Pod, when she told him what Renly did, and she’s lived a lot of her life since then. I feel like even though she felt as though Renly saved her from it, he didn’t challenge it enough, and it would have set in her psyche. You can hear it in her when she speaks: “… and I knew then that I was...” *sighs* Poor Brienne. All this time, every snicker, every jeer. Just imagine. She’s hardened herself to it, sure. But only by believing in it and making a conscious decision not to care, if that makes sense. By breaking that belief, she’s being made vulnerable, and that’s frightening for her. It means that not only can they hurt her, but the world outside can too. I’m not sure how this will play out further down the line, if at all. Time will tell, I suppose. It depends how well they build up her confidence in those particulars. For the record, I personally think Brienne is beautiful, and I so would. Although, sadly, I suspect that like Clegane, she’d kill me soon as look at me. Oh, woe... *giggles* I’m really glad you’re still enjoying it, even the massive chapter dump. I’m afraid they are going to slow soon. I’m coming up to another one of those fight scenes. They’re outside right now – practising, with an astonishing relaxed, sexually satisfied Brienne. They’re lucky right now, I suppose. Just wait until they’re out there facing sexually frustrated Brienne. I don’t think they have a clue what’s going to hit them when that arrives. *gulps*
    1 point
  5. Thank you, again! I know I’m kind of knocking these chapters out, and I’m not poring over them for days at a time, debating word choices, sorting out my sentence fragments and such. I’m a bad writer at times. But I’m happy to writing something at the moment to be honest – anything, really. One of the things I love, though, is character. Go with character, and the story will follow most of the time. I don’t just want to write porn with the names changed. I want to write Clegane, Brienne and Tormund. I want to write the silly bits that apply to them in particular. I want to write the bits that other people don’t usually write, the bits that happen to real people, that happen to rest of the human race. I want these characters to be real, at least for as long as I’m looking at the page with them on. I want them to be human. I want them to exist. And then I want them to have it off with each other while I chronicle it. I hope, however fast and obsessively I crank the chapters out, that comes across. Your reviews always make me feel like I’ve succeeded at that. Thank you.
    1 point
  6. Thank you! Oh, I shouldn’t worry. I’m gonna be rather cryptic here, and say that the Gods, or the Lord of Light, or whatever... really isn’t interested in whatever they do with their spare time, as it were. Which means that all the dirty shenanigans they get up to will need to be navigated almost entirely without divine guidance. If only Clegane knew, it would probably make him feel a whole lot better. Oh, well. It’s one of those things. I didn’t even know it was going to happen until I’d written it, and then I was like: “Ahh… ! Yes! That’s how it works!” And then I kind of laughed evilly… but, you know, away from the ordinary muses. Lest they suspect anything.
    1 point
  7. Thank you so much, Bronx! I’m so happy to see this, mostly because I know that it means things have calmed down for you now with Freyja, and everything is well, leaving you time to read, and to write, and all the good stuff life is made of. *hugs tightly* And I’m happy you liked it, and thank you so much for reading through it for me, since I was afraid I had lost my way a bit. Ah, I seem to have picked it up again since… must have got hidden in the snow for a moment *g* I thought, while writing this, if they could meet somewhere they understood each other, however slightly, it might be there. He thought so too. It’s not his fault he gets it all twisted like that. She’ll have to let it pass. I’m sure he’d kill me as soon as look at me for even thinking it, but I think it shows a teeny tiny bit of a romantic soul hidden away in there. I really do.
    1 point
  8. Thank you so much! *bounces about happily* I’m glad you’re enjoying it. And that next chapter is already well on the way, as I’m on nearly 2000 words so far. Probably by the end of the day if you’re in the US.
    1 point
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