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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2017 in all areas

  1. Maybe it’s just my attention span, but I need the story to draw me in quickly, because otherwise, I’ll put it aside. In the era of you-tube/TV/movies, perhaps the attention span’s shorter and thus the publishers are well justified in wanting that early hook.
    1 point
  2. Desiderius Price


    I’ve tried writing PWP, but then a plot formed, and, well, I’ve got my series of stories still chewing on those!
    1 point
  3. NO problem. That’s the thing about writing. Keep your eyes open and you;lkl always find something interesting to play with.. Even the story structures we see so commonly aren’t that way because that’s how it’s done, they’re that way because that’s what publishers can easily package and market. Inb fact you’ll find that accounts for a lot of trends. Take the old gem that you need a strong opening paragraph, chapter, page. That’s not something the readers decided. Nope. In truth, readers re quite okay with stories that take their time to start slowly and build. That rule is basically there to make it easier for publishers to comb through their submission piles. They can’t afford to waste time reading 3 chapters in. If you don’t grab them wiuthin 10 pages, they toss your manuyscript to one side and grab the next one in the pile. As for literary tools. Well , nowadays people call them tropes but i call them tools. The same way, grammatical constructs and punctuation are in fact tools It’s why they say a goiod writer is well read. Reading and thinking about the works of others, gives you insight as to how the various tools are used to different effect and how you might use them in your own work.
    1 point
  4. JayDee

    romantic sex scene

    probably best to leave out a Dirty Sanchez / donkey punch combo. And certainly no ass to mouth.
    1 point
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