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  1. Bahahaha. Nope not into Zombies, ghosts, yes XD Got me there.
    1 point
  2. Maybe it’s just my attention span, but I need the story to draw me in quickly, because otherwise, I’ll put it aside. In the era of you-tube/TV/movies, perhaps the attention span’s shorter and thus the publishers are well justified in wanting that early hook.
    1 point
  3. SirGeneralSir


    I can only speak for myself, that if the story, plot etc are not engaging enough, I will walk away from it and not think twice because I got board. You can have some of the most intense sex in the top 10 stories, but if I dont care about the characters, why its so important that they have the sex, its just another Tuesday to me, its nothing special. BUT if they were both long time in love, did everything to keep away from each other only to be constantly drawn back until they admit their feelings that leads to the sex, I will probably stay and read more. but thats just me.
    1 point
  4. Well I guess I can try. But the emotional impact wouldn't be there as if ur actually with the characters the was it is in writting
    1 point
  5. The way you described the stories to me. That’s your script. There was plenty of drama and emotion in it – and thats how most oral storytelling works, like a story around a campfire. You’d just need to edit it a little then read it out.
    1 point
  6. CloverReef


    I wish it just depended on the plot for me, @SirGeneralSir. I admire that. For me, though, I can be super inspired for a plot in a genre I’m not comfortable in, and everything I write will feel not-good-enough so it turns into a chore to write out. @Melrick I looove writing erotica. It’s funny, because I used to hate it, but now I love writing sex scenes. In my most recent stories, the sex scenes were the easy parts to make fun and interesting and the other stuff was tough lol. I have been trying to step away from erotica though because I was hoping to write something that I could show my friends and family, but that’s just not as fun, lol.
    1 point
  7. I think a lot of writers feel this way. Like it’s a little easier to say you write just for writing itself and don’t require feedback if you’re getting ample feedback, you know? Like rich and comfortable middle-class people saying money doesn’t buy happiness. Some writers, of course, might be perfectly happy just writing without feedback, but I think the majority are right there with you. And some are like me. I don’t write a lot. But I looove writing. And even though I love writing, and don’t feel like it’s a chore most of the time, I still write to be heard. I won’t mention graphic novels again… But I got a new idea! Podcasts! You should totally tell your stories that way!
    1 point
  8. NO problem. That’s the thing about writing. Keep your eyes open and you;lkl always find something interesting to play with.. Even the story structures we see so commonly aren’t that way because that’s how it’s done, they’re that way because that’s what publishers can easily package and market. Inb fact you’ll find that accounts for a lot of trends. Take the old gem that you need a strong opening paragraph, chapter, page. That’s not something the readers decided. Nope. In truth, readers re quite okay with stories that take their time to start slowly and build. That rule is basically there to make it easier for publishers to comb through their submission piles. They can’t afford to waste time reading 3 chapters in. If you don’t grab them wiuthin 10 pages, they toss your manuyscript to one side and grab the next one in the pile. As for literary tools. Well , nowadays people call them tropes but i call them tools. The same way, grammatical constructs and punctuation are in fact tools It’s why they say a goiod writer is well read. Reading and thinking about the works of others, gives you insight as to how the various tools are used to different effect and how you might use them in your own work.
    1 point
  9. Desiderius Price


    World building’s easy…. bbl, need to work on that database tracking mine….
    1 point
  10. Melrick


    I think that’s when we really find out exactly where our writing level is at, when we push ourselves outside of our comfort zones. Staying in your comfort zone is safe but I personally think your writing can stagnate if you do that. Writing for different genres forces you to think differently, approach things in a way that you wouldn’t have before. My biggest Achilles Heel is coming up with plots that I’m happy with. I find it very, very difficult, which is frustrating. I’m glad you enjoyed my story. And you should definitely have a go at writing horror one day. It’ll be good experience if nothing else.
    1 point
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