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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2017 in all areas

  1. Okay calm down. There are no rules against you posting your stories on every site you come across, the only thing we ask is that you don’t use your story here to drive people to your stories on other sites. Pretty simple. Just follow the rules and you’ll be fine. There’s even a handy forum here that answers many questions new users have: FAQs As for no direct answers here…you are mistaken. I too have been on other sites and can tell you here at AFF if you ask a question you are guaranteed to get an answer. But, and this is a big one, if you ask a question in the middle of a thread on a completely different topic in the forum you’re bound to get a bunch of answers from other users which may or may not be correct. If you have a truly burning question and really need an answer, I suggest you either PM one of the moderators, (I’m one of them and I would have gladly answered your question if I had seen it but I do have a life and can’t patrol every thread in the forum looking for unanswered user questions.) or start a thread in the designated part of the forum. If you browse through you’ll see that most people waited less than 24 hours for answers to their questions. As for plagiarism claims arising from cross posting, unless you’re guilty of it, you have no need to worry. Even when we get a report of such a thing happening, we don’t automatically put you in the hall of shame. We do our research and have to have evidence that a story has been poached to do that, which includes contacting the author of the story assumed stolen. As you said, you can prove you are you and that’s the only thing we ask. You may not love everything about AFF but I can tell you this, the people here are more than happy to help and the archive is actively moderated and every user is treated fairly. If you need anything further on this feel free to send me a PM. CL
    5 points
  2. I would like to point out that if AO3, tumblr, and the ever-present Pit would care to advertise with us, we’d be delighted to let you redirect to them to your little heart’s content. However, since they aren’t supporting us, we see absolutely no reason to offer them free advertising, especially when we have advertisers who do pay for banner ads here. In keeping with our censorship-free policy, however, we won’t poke at your use of our forum to insult AFF. I will, however, point you to our Terms of Service and the Content Guidelines incorporated therein.
    4 points
  3. There are no bots, I assure you we are all human. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, unless you are rude or assume the rules shouldn’t apply to you because you are some sort of special little person (see above), you’ll always receive a polite and usually quick response from the staff. I’d rather have you ask than have to go through the hassle of warning you which eats into my writing time. Don’t feel like you need to tiptoe around, we’re really a friendly bunch here at AFF.
    3 points
  4. Hey @CL Mustafic You did in fact answer all my questions… I did think The Wall of Shame was going to be automatic. We’re all humans right I was just imagining Bots deleting everything and I was gonna be gone or something and then you guys will look at me like a criminal. I always assume the worst… I’m going to go ahead and follow you…. I have lots of questions but the thing is I get it answered once and if I’m still confused, I just assume that means I’m dumb and I have to be punished by learning the hard way, like feed me to the wolfs, I wasn’t listening hard enough the first time Thanks a lot… I do in fact appreciate it. Everything will be peachy keen! Dude, I just got scared. I was like. Cait! You’ve been warned! The clock starts NOW! Figure it out, dummy! I totally understand about the social cues in text… That’s exactly what I’m talking about! Are other people on FB, is there a group or something? I’m talking to @Tcr daily, and @CloverReef and @sweetmamajama quite a bit as well. I just been really neat talking to writers… I avoid my ‘real life’ FB friends cuz I’m super tired of talking about their vacations and their new babies and shit. Lol. I just want to ask about stuff like this… I was gonna talk to cloverreef today in private, but you guys were like FRIENDS and now I’m just gonna tell her about the awesome help I got, even though I freaked out like my usually crazy self
    3 points
  5. You pointed out no clear and obvious problems with AFF. You had a tantrum. If you’d like your account removed, please let me know, and I’ll see that it’s taken care of for you by the admins.
    3 points
  6. Someone has summoned me! S fine I get that a lot
    2 points
  7. Yepper! I've been warned in the past. I used song lyrics and didn't give credit to bands. OOPS! I also got flagged for necro once and I had to go back through my own story to find the little mention I'd written and forgot about. I don't remember which mod I spoke to, but it might have been you! I was grumpy because my story got hidden. But which ever mod it was I spoke with, was so quick to respond, I later felt like an enormous asshole for even thinking about having an attitude everything was fixed so quickly, it was professional :-) I like emoticons too lol! Your cat thing is cute haha!
    2 points
  8. No bots here! But I’ve been scarce this past week, and will be scarce next week. Most of the time, I’m around, and I make it a point to try and answer questions quickly. That’s really the part of moderating I consider most important, because we all miss something about every site, and it helps to have someone to ask. As far as warnings, even the site’s owner was warned once. We’re impartial about the rules, and staff who write will get warned like any other member if we forget a tag, or miss a part on the disclaimer. But yes, it’s HARD to get the proper context as far as tone when you’re posting and chatting. A lot of times, jokes get misinterpreted, and people wind up feeling bad because something read the wrong way. Sweetmamajama jokes with everyone, and some of the things she says might read to someone else as harsh, or rude, whereas anyone who’s taken the time to get to know her a bit knows it’s just teasing and done with no ill intent. (Sorry, sweetmamajama, for using you as the example, and I’m not poking, honest!) Me, I try to be mindful that I’m staff, and I re-read posts a LOT to make sure I don’t come off wrong. I overuse emoticons when necessary, too.
    2 points
  9. So, I’ve finally gotten a day off, after many 12 to 14 hour workdays, and guess what I did? Mostly I SLEPT. Slowly getting other stuff caught up here now.
    2 points
  10. It turns out, as I have learned, that you cannot put links to other websites in your fanfictions published here. That, of course, makes perfect sense. I mean, why would I want my readers to check other places where I am much more comfortable publishing my stories, that not only do not inhibit, but encourage posting them, thus making it much more pleasant experience? How delightfully absurd. Anyway, here are the websites: Ao3 – vastly superior in pretty much every way; all of my fics, and prompts are published there tumblr – quickest to spread, I guess. All of my fics, and prompts are published there. There is an outdated masterpost in sidebar. Fanfiction.net – oh dear god, this hellhole. Painful to edit, with completely backwards idea of publishing stories. Do not recommend. Only selected few of my stories are there.
    1 point
  11. I put one of mine on two others (AO3 and FictionPress, if anyone's interested in knowing...). One from a recommendation for a good amount of traffic and reviews (after all, reviews are great to help improve , but, also, it helps to get a wider audience...). Both sites are a bust in my case. Very few views and less reviews... While I might keep the written work up on one, the other, the one with good traffic, I'll probably delete, as that hasn't helped at all. Trying out other sites hasn't been bad though. They've shown what a great place this is. Not to mention how glad I am it was recommended to me. To be honest, my loyalty lies here. I post here first and I see views climbing. I'm quite happy with how that is, I'm happy with fellowship of writers, and with the admins. There's quite some restrictions on others (CR's example of AO3, to use it) or things are outright confusing, or the set up is... Mind blowing... And I mean explosive, nuclear detonation explosive... The admins here can be approached and talked to, active in the environment (Forums, archive), and are friendly. Perhaps others on other sites are, but on the ones I've seen, they haven’t been, which only cements my loyalty further. Okay, so, hopefully I'm not going to have chairs thrown at me... I know it was supposed to be about other sites... okay, that yam was uncalled for... At least throw an orange, I'd eat that.
    1 point
  12. Now I want to see all the writers on this thread do a collection of MPREG shorts.
    1 point
  13. You’re cool. I took this past week off from work, and it’s been nice having you on the forums. Feel free to stop by the Chatbox, the more the merrier.
    1 point
  14. I'm making a note… “questions are easier than warnings. FOR EVERYBODY.” Again and again, its proved to me you guys are not the scary monsters I’m dreaming up. I have a lot more to learn than just writing, TBH . Thanks again...
    1 point
  15. Well, looking at this user’s profile, there are no stories published here. Having said that, I get the distinct impression what we have here is a “rules are for everyone but me” thing, yet again. The archive is moderated, consistently, continuously, and most importantly, FAIRLY. It HAS to be due to the nature of the content, or we don’t exist. It’s that simple.
    1 point
  16. ok!! OMG! i just thought i’d get a private message when it came up. I’ll look at the rules again later… I simply thought i’d get in trouble for advertizing other sites. I’m so PARANOID NOW!!!
    1 point
  17. What I think is really interesting about this topic, is the ‘real world’ application. I’m posting to 3 sites including this one, but the audience is SO DRAMATICALLY different on every one of them… Yeah, I know. Genius observation. Are you guys really against cross posting? I’m being really secretive about it and not mentioning it to readers, but I just thought I’d share with ya’ll, since I do feel slightly underappreciated as well over here. I was looking for my audience though and I think I have a better idea now that I was able to connect with some other readers offsite. Also, I didn’t know this site hosted mostly PORN… I go to asstr and BDSMlibrary for that junk!!! And I search for the specific kink, scroll through anything that looks like plot, get my rocks off and then I close EVERYTHING! So nobody will ever KNOW!!! Lol. Strangely enough, absolutely NONE of my true kinks have made it into my writing. IDK, honestly, I can’t write the stuff I kink on and I’m not not gonna try, because do porn authors have a following? Yes, I guess they do. Have I ever envied that? No. Have I ever wanted to write a story, only to find out people are doing Ctrl + F to find the parts they wanna jerk too? Naw. I’m a queen of long story and plot, lots of fluff and cute, emotionally damaged boys finding comfort together… Did anyone say Yaoi? I don’t get off as intently to my plot and romance, as I do the crazy kinky PWP, but mine does include sex and the characters having sex feels like real people going through real issues. To me, that’s a lot more important to me than my 20 minutes on BDSMlibrary.
    1 point
  18. I’m not a writer, but I will tell you as a reader, that I’ve noticed that often the underappreciated stories are the superior works. I don’t get that at all. Meaning I don’t get WHY the better works aren’t as appreciated as they SHOULD be.
    1 point
  19. Finally getting my ass back to writing =n= I will keep this up, dammit! Needto get back in gear for my Camp Nano next month!
    1 point
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