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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2017 in all areas

  1. I’ve got original, unfinished, stories with a load of warning tags, so, yeah, I kinda feel like my stories are underappreciated given the hit counter and handful of reviews. However, I also recognize that there’s an element of luck here, either your brilliance is found out, or not. Some marketing does help the odds, but in the end, it’s still luck.
    1 point
  2. What to do when it hits frigging 30°C… and it’s only the last-ish week of May….
    1 point
  3. I find it difficult to write too much to the audience. That is a very good way for my muse to take a powder. And my shorter stuff tends to get more approval, even if longer stuff gives me more elbow room. Try different lengths if you can.
    1 point
  4. My god, this is hard to answer, yet I feel compelled. Been writing smut 14ish years. For the first four I didn't even know I could get turned on, to be perfectly honest. I wrote out of morbid curiosity. Then I was writing m/m specifically because it was so far removed from my own sexuality that it was non threatening. It was about abandoning the expectations of gender roles to me, so the sex I was writing had meaning, but by no means did it get my engine revving. It's just recently, within the last 2 years that I really began to get into the smut I was writing on that level. Maybe I evolved, maybe I devolved, but either way it definitely changed the way I write those scenes.
    1 point
  5. I'm on my phone so I'll keep this short so as not to anger the auto correct gods. Definitely the story I loved the most failed to get the reception I expected. It didn't get silence so much as by far the most criticism out of any of my stories, and I've posted some real stinkers that received heaps of nothing but praise. So yeah it was baffling to me that something I thought of as my best work was so negatively received. I've also had ones I was so excited about posting. Thought they were so well written and I was convinced they played perfectly to the audience. Then i posted and... crickets. So that was fun lol. You'd think it would be humbling, but I'm quite good at blaming everyone but me. (Okay, so I didn't really keep it short.)
    1 point
  6. Elijah did some the voice about 10-12 years ago. I don’t know if he’s done newer, or indeed if there’s been any newer since then! It certainly wasn’t him on the original playstation game I’ve written scat! Like rimming, I guess it is a matter of taste. Sticking your tongue up an ass isn’t that terrible. Especially if you’ve bought food from a late night burger van. One thing I did write about outside of my usual tastes that lost me a lot of long time readers and generated a lot of both anger and concern was a story with loving consensual sex within marriage. To this day the only review is of a “What the fuck did I just read” nature. I doubt I’ll make that mistake again. I can’t see me ever writing a Minor1 story. I doubt I’d even feel comfortable writing minor2 characters under 16 (that being the all-genders age of consent in my locality and, for some reason, Rhode Island, USA.) I had a request once that made me feel pretty ill. And found out that “Toddlercon” isn’t a gathering of parents of young children in the same way that “ComicCon” is often a gathering of portly gentlemen with unshaven necks and well-tipped fedoras comics fans.
    1 point
  7. Melrick

    Under-appreciated stories

    Yeah, non sexy stories definitely get less love than plain old smut, usually. And original stories also usually get less attention than fan fiction, sadly. I get more enjoyment out of writing non-smut actually. I agree. I like using my imagination, for porn and non-porn, and it’s hard to do that when you’re being hand-held right through the story. I guess that’s one reason why I enjoy leaving some of my stories open-ended and allow the reader to come to their own conclusion to various degrees.
    1 point
  8. Yeah, I might have to check out “Ripples,” too. I definitely have a couple of stories that I’m quite proud of but that haven’t garnered much attention (“There’s a New Seraph in Town,” “Backward Glance”). Maybe it’s because they are original stories that are heavier on plot than on porn, and because what sex there is involves unrelated, consenting human adults. But I have other stories that I’m proud of that have gotten quite a bit of attention (eg, “Quiet,” “Activation Day”), so I can’t complain too much.
    1 point
  9. The only one I’m writing is the one I’d say I’m proud of. But I can guess a few reasons why it isn’t very interesting for most people. It’s likely very boring, too many explanations of things/monologues of people sitting around talking, pace too slow, chapters are very long, and there isn’t exactly a whole lot of sex. Arguably, not really any, although at one point there’s a bit of innuendo, and I’ve fallen into a bad habit of people winding up crying of blacking out at the end of the various chapters. One of the things I’m trying to get away from. For me, I’m just going to keep writing whether or not anybody’s reading it. It makes me happy, gives me an out for parts of my insanity, keeps me out of too much trouble. If it’s appreciation, I appreciate it. It’s fun-ish for me, and I suppose that’s all that really counts some days, right? Writing for the sake of writing? On that note, some say pride is a sin. I don’t think so. I don’t think any of the Seven Sins or Seven Virtues are those things, but rather things that need to be kept in balance, otherwise being too far one way or the other would destroy a person either mentally or spiritually. Basically, like, I have pride in my story, and you have pride in yours, and that’s okay, it’s not a sin, like some people would say it is, but we’re not really treating it like god’s gift to earth, at least I’m not, although I do wish I could get a review, but maybe that’s the way it’s kept in check. Maybe it’s written really well, and the lack of comments is the way of keeping one’s pride in check? Well, except for when it comes to me. I’m just boring. XD Anyways, my guess is, sometimes people really do like a story, but they just don’t have too much to say about it, so they don’t leave a review? Or they’re not an official registered member? Anyways, point is, maybe people really did like it, but they don’t have anything to say to express their feelings about it?
    1 point
  10. Hide your electronics, I’ve murdered again. A moment of silence for my notepad, a faithful companion who is no more
    1 point
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