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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2017 in all areas

  1. Hi ANON, and thank you so much I’m very glad you enjoyed it – I had a lot of fun with word choices in this little story and building that atmosphere of mental instability. It’s wonderful to hear about it when it works! I appreciate what you said about the masturbation scene, and it is likely my fault for not being more explicit about those helpless urges and the sensations inside her. Perhaps if I had added just one more little bit of development there… *nods* It always means a lot to me getting comments on the bits of horror I write, so thank you again for taking the time to leave a few words! I’m glad you could lose yourself in this little world – all writers love to hear that.
    2 points
  2. I'm scared to read more of them after she ripped my heart out... And she doesn't even care, just tries to justify how cold hearted she is by hiding behind the canon thingy whatever that is.
    2 points
  3. Though I appreciate the effort, I believe you know what type of young Thranduil I was referring to. I'm still not over the heartbreak...
    2 points
  4. Thank you so much! I ought to feel guilty that this fic keeps making people cry, but I don't. It means you invested in all the fun and games that went on before I had to put the characters back. It means you enjoyed their messing about with each other, and I can't be sorry about that. I hope the fun was worth the ending. I loved writing this threesome, and the flow between the three characters.
    1 point
  5. Thank you! They were so much fun to write. Jack is made up entirely of funny bones, and Ianto is almost as bad... *g* Glad you enjoyed it.
    1 point
  6. Believe you me, CL... I could not possibly ever outdo Russell T Davies, who invented these characters, then killed them all off at once when we'd all got to love them. Well, except Jack, who can't die. *is still not over Children of Earth, has not watched it, and never will* At least I didn't kill anyone *glares at Davies* Actually I didn't even kill poor old Maggy... Oh, don't be afraid. The rest of them are Fun with Jack and Ianto! Promise.. *g* usually with avant-garde use of stationery equipment.
    1 point
  7. Touché *bows out gracefully*
    1 point
  8. Um... Kamal, anyone? You two are neck in neck for heartless, although Pip has elves and Jack. It's a slight edge over Bosnian assassins with amputated souls.
    1 point
  9. Oh, CL, beware the Torchwood fics... they're what got me hooked on Pip's writing.
    1 point
  10. lol... CL has been reading my Torchwood fanfiction. *hugs Jack* Awww... I didn't mean to make you sad! *hugs* I had to put the characters back where I found them (it's one of the curses of writing fanfic)! I am glad you enjoyed their threesome, though. Mmm... Jack/Ianto/Andy. Been years since I wrote them. They're a lot more contemporary, and it gives a writer much more to play with in the way of props. Oh, I miss them! Especially Jack, who is definitely the 51st century equivalent of my elves, what with his poly-amorous ideas and his complete lack of jealousy. Andy made the only decision he could in the end, and so it becomes a little dream, a fulfilled item on Jack's List. Many of the items on that list involve risk in one form or another. This was a hefty one. But really Ianto will be okay – he has Jack, and Andy can't remember so he can't be hurt. Diary of Thranduil (aged 30) Dear Diary Today me and Pengolodh and Ada and Naneth went on a long journey to look at the sea. It was very boring! Pengolodh picked up some sea shells and seemed a little bit sad. Ada said to him something about Maglor. I do not know who that is, but Pengolodh was unhappy, so I told him to forget whoever it was and then we made sandcastles. I said that Ada and Naneth were the King and Queen, and I was the Prince. I told Pengolodh that he would have to pretend to be my horse. The sea was cold and iron grey and it ruined my castle. I do not care to see it again for as long as I live, but Pengolodh says I will want to one day when I am “weary” enough go to Valinor. I told him that I do not want to go there either and that I will never be tired. On the way back, I fell asleep, and Pengolodh laughed at me and carried me back inside my house... but I was pretending all the time. There you go! G rated too! From me! That doesn't happen very often...
    1 point
  11. You really do nail atmosphere well - s'the same with that Harry Potter story I reviewed before, that had an amazing sense of desolation in the ruins.
    1 point
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