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  1. This is less about content in some story or on some web site, this is that timeless phenomenon of people wanting to force their morals, which they probably don't actually follow themselves, on others simply as a way of excersizing power and control over another. Censorship isn't about protecting teens from evil pornographers, it's about conditioning people to obey, can't stop the unwashed masses from thinking for themselves if they can read whatever they want on the Internet, just ask Kim Jong-Un. It starts with banning adult themed content and before you know it they're burning The Cat In The Hat because that darn cat is obviously a criminal element we don't want out poor innocent children exposed to! Ok, I’ll get off my soapbox again, sorry for the rant but censorship is a touchy subject, I've dealt with it before from parents and school board idiots, did you know I had a mother object to us reading Winnie The Pooh to the kids one year? Evidently talking animals are an affront to God, personally I doubt SHE cares
    4 points
  2. OMG it’s Desiderous Price’s story! It’s all his fault! Get Him! Sorry, I just wanted to incite some mindless mob violence, I never get to at home Lizzie says its not lady like...
    3 points
  3. Censorship is a blunt tool, wielded for different reasons, with stifling unwanted intents/desires/thoughts from the populace being a desired outcome. Dictators will dissuade rebellion/revolt/disloyalty. Clergy want you to stay faithful to their religion (and power), so dissuade blasphemous thoughts. And parents wanting to be lazy and have the schools do their parenting for them. And while it may have collateral damage, censorship exists because it can be effective in some situations, delaying the inevitable (and that can be good enough). Overall, I like AFF because it’s generally supportive of freedom in writing, and the few rules that do exist are to starve the lawyers. Because, like you, I loathe censorship, that’s why you’ll see the topic appear in my stories from time to time.
    3 points
  4. At this point, for anyone in the UK reading this thread who is worried about the proposed law, or the regulations imposed in 2008, here’s a link to Backlash. Their mission statement: https://www.backlash.org.uk/
    2 points
  5. Stargirl: Black Bred White Bread Thank you for your review! There’s defnately a range of content over the stuff I wrote. From cuddly and almost romantic to dismemberment. Some of which was also cuddly. Sorry about the errors – I worked without a beta and did the best I could but fucked up here and there! I’d love to write more and will hopefully have time to do so again someday, even if it’s just little short stories. Thanks again.
    1 point
  6. DirtyAngel

    Magusfang's Corner

    we actually didn’t get any, we’re kind of in the boonies. We did have a house full of teenagers though, Magus took mouse and Monky trick or treating while us girls had a party sounds fair Magus made us a huge breakfast about an hour ago, it was awesome, I think he did it so all the girls would think he was cool, there’s still like twenty teenaged girls here.
    1 point
  7. Kiss was worth it, so remembering that Mwahahahaha
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Little Red Riding Hood From Magus and DirtyAngel (That’s me ) is up, its short but fun, hope you like it.
    1 point
  10. DirtyAngel

    Rejection letters

    Sound like some self important troll who is obviously a legend in their own mind, probably too stupid to know they're stupid. I love your story, well would have liked it better if Val hooked up with a blonde pixie instead…
    1 point
  11. DirtyAngel

    Magusfang's Corner

    While I don't like flag burning, I think people should be more grateful for what we have, I am proud that this is one of the few countries in the world where someone can burn the flag and not end up in front of a firing squad. Try burning the Chinese flag in Tiananmen Square and see what happens. Ok off my soapbox, just thought I'd pop in and and let everyone know how the big guy is doing. Everything seems ok, he's still kind of tired all the time but he seems to be doing better. He’s reading to the kids right now, that always makes him smile or maybe it was the kids teasing him when I gave him a big kiss earlier they're all “ohhhhhhhhh, Miss Kari is kissing Mister Stevie!” He always blushes, it's so cute well that's the saga soap opera here, hope everyone out there is doing good on national hype your kids up on sugar day I brought candy for the kids today too, parents are gonna hate me today lol. Well gotta go, time to start the party...we have cake too
    1 point
  12. angeldust

    Magusfang's Corner

    You cannot have freedom of expression for you alone, too many gave their lives for that right. If you don’t like how others think or act write it off & move on. I’m sure many think the same way about some things you do, say or allow others to do. Life is too short to worry about the small stuff.
    1 point
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