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Individual posts or putting them all together


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Just wondering if I should break up my one shot compilation stories into individual stories rather than grouping them all together. Especially the ones in group situations.

I don’t know if I’m shooting myself in the foot in terms of potential reviews by putting them together. Although I worry that posting them one at a time would flood the site with mine and take attention away from other stories on the site.


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5 hours ago, GeorgeGlass said:

I'd say they should be grouped together if they are related in some way (eg, characters, theme, genre), such that it would make sense to readers why you are posting them as a series of "chapters" and not separately.

Which I get and that’s sorta what I’ve been doing. But I think about it in terms of readers who like a couple of characters. Some of which is in the story. I’m also thinking about stories that are MF versus stories that are FF in terms of what’s happening. I’ve got stories that are both. The first one might be MF and the second one might be FF. People might prefer the FF to the MF and wouldn’t check it out if they see the first one as being MF.

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4 hours ago, Desiderius Price said:

It’s a collection of oneshots, right?  You’re allowed a table of contents, so use that, flag the relevant stories as M/F vs F/F vs M/M vs M/Squid.

Yes, it’s a series of one shots. I never considered putting the specific tags in the chapter title. I usually put that in the main summary in some way. However, I may want to add that.

Are you reading the Riverdale story? Because I do technically have a story involving a “squid”, though focused on a woman.

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On 9/30/2024 at 12:33 PM, GeorgeGlass said:

I'd say they should be grouped together if they are related in some way (eg, characters, theme, genre), such that it would make sense to readers why you are posting them as a series of "chapters" and not separately.

I do try to make that clear through the summary. But I have thought about grouping the FF stories and the MF stories in their own stories. That way people who like one and not the other don’t have to worry about getting what they don’t like. Some characters would appear in both.

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