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Hey y'all. I guess that since I have been posting here for a little while, I should probably introduce myself. I am Amy.

I like reading and dabbling in the art of writing. My YuYuHakusho fics are the better of what I have written. Check them out if you wish, or don't if you don't wish. I will not be offended.

I am living in the kingdom of Far-Far-Away right now and have married a wonderful Earthdawn freak. tongue.gif


Hey there. I'm Bowser.

Despite my name and the fact that I have some less-than-innocent tastes when it comes to writing fiction devil.gif (such as my own story which I recently submitted under Games) I am a nice guy.

Anyway, good to meet all of you.



I am The Thundercloud, a swedish writer that focus on eroticas of the original kind. Good plot is the main goal in my writing, and judging from feedback I have receive at other places I succeed quite well. It will be fun to hear what you AFF people think about my writing. Have two stories postsed at the moment.

Besides writing I busy myself with computer programming, roleplaying, LARPing and singing.



Hi everyone! Leonhart29 here and I have to say I haven't found a place that's made me feel more welcome. You can find me and my babies on AFF.net under the Final Fantasy section, although I'm thinking seriously about dabbling in the Harry Potter universe.

Let's see - what do I have to say for myself? Well, I'm a mother of two and yup, I'm divorced. I don't think my ex-husband would be all that cool with me being on the computer all the time. I'm a Final Fantasy Freak and will do almost anything for my muses.

I'm a complete and total whore for reviews and I'm totally into notoriety - at least anonymously. If you couldn't tell, I'm also too honest for my own good. biggrin.gif

I have a novel in the works that my family has deemed "right and proper" for the masses; I just don't know where to go to publish it. I guess I’ll figure it out in my own time.

I look forward to meeting all of you as soon as you introduce yourselves – the more the merrier is my main motto.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Burnt Flowers


Obviously I'm new, Dutch, 26, love writing and I'm a hopeless Photoshop addict. Huge Harry Potter fan, though I tend to drift to other fandoms as well. I love the dark & dirty, with a slight hint of horror and lots of angst in it, preferably with a hint of werewolves or other dark creatures. I need to get my butt back to writing, so I thought registering to this forum to dig up inspiration and motivation would be a good cause.

I love to write original fiction and fanfiction, I'm working on new stories and I hope to post them soon... but lately I've been neglecting my writing skills, for which I deserve serious spanking, I know.

Well, nice forum! Glad to be here, and now I'm off to roam the boards a bit tongue.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, everybody. New to the forum and writing (though not reading) adult fanfiction. Haven't written fanfic in quite some time, so hopefully my writing will improve from what I've got up so far. Favorite fandom is Final Fantasy (pretty much all games in the series), but I enjoy reading fic about most any RPG or game. I've posted on the board a few times, and have enjoyed myself here so far. 'Tis a pleasant forum and I hope to get to know you all better!

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey. ^^ Let's see... I'm an artist that just started writing last year, and naturally AFF was the place to go. XD I'm 24... write mainly in the hp section outside of my original stuff, because my brain can only seem to focus on one fandom at a time (although I pretty much read it all)... oh, and I'm a total rabid slash/yaoi fan. Oh, I'm a girl, too... What else? American... Tend to lean towards a mix of light humor/dark violence in my writing; don't know why, but it works for me. I'm a forum slacker, but I joined the AFF fanart group a little while back and thought I might as well poke the forums too. Seeing as I'm new to writing, I thought it might be nice to see what sort of advice was floating around from the veterans. <3 I have an annoying innate desire to learn and improve in most everything I do, so it fuels me.

Anywho, nice to meet you all. >^.^< Just ignore me if I ramble your ear off.

Guest .:Deathbringer:.
  ChimaeraChan said:
Hey. ^^ Let's see... I'm an artist that just started writing last year, and naturally AFF was the place to go. XD I'm 24... write mainly in the hp section outside of my original stuff, because my brain can only seem to focus on one fandom at a time (although I pretty much read it all)... oh, and I'm a total rabid slash/yaoi fan. Oh, I'm a girl, too... What else? American... Tend to lean towards a mix of light humor/dark violence in my writing; don't know why, but it works for me. I'm a forum slacker, but I joined the AFF fanart group a little while back and thought I might as well poke the forums too. Seeing as I'm new to writing, I thought it might be nice to see what sort of advice was floating around from the veterans. <3 I have an annoying innate desire to learn and improve in most everything I do, so it fuels me.

Anywho, nice to meet you all. >^.^< Just ignore me if I ramble your ear off.

Hey there! Love your icon by the way. X3 You ever need a beta for any of your writing or tips and tricks, just let me know. happy.gif

Other than that, hope to read your work, have fun on the boards and I'll see ya roun! XD

  .:Deathbringer:. said:
Hey there! Love your icon by the way. X3 You ever need a beta for any of your writing or tips and tricks, just let me know. happy.gif

Other than that, hope to read your work, have fun on the boards and I'll see ya roun! XD

Hi ^^ I'll keep you in mind about the beta thing--I need one, but I've been putting it off until I actually complete my fics, instead of editing as I go. And thanks about the avatar. <3 I cropped an old pic of mine to make it... Here's the full pic, if you'd like to see


Hi all,

Been hanging around the main site for a while now but only just discovered the forum, so thought I'd say hello and introduce myself.

I'm EvilWeavil, 27 and from Glasgow, Scotland. I'm a law student and work part time for a local TV company, and I've been writing fanfic for a good few years, mostly for Lord of the Rings, but I dabble in Harry Potter stuff as well occasionally.

I've a couple of things on here, some LOTR and also my Event Horizon and Brotherhood fic. I seem to have a thing for writing in obscure fandoms, lol.

Anyway, glad to meet you all.


  Leonhart29 said:
I'm thinking seriously about dabbling in the Harry Potter universe.

Oooh! Don't dabble Leonhart! Dive in head first! biggrin.gif Its the only way to join the HP freaks around here. Believe me. I know! wink.gif

Oh and Welcome everyone! biggrin.gif Enjoy the insanity!

  EvilWeavil said:
I seem to have a thing for writing in obscure fandoms, lol.

Hell, someone has to!

Out there somewhere a buncha folks'll be going "Holy shit! Someone wrote a story for this!"


Hola all... I actually joined around the time this forum opened, however, then promptly went and forgot about it (bad me), until a while ago.

I'm a Swedish/Finnish female, 25 years old, now residing in the States - Disneytown, otherwise known as Orlando, FL.

I enjoy reading adult fanfics as well as writing... I'm very inclined to read and write fanfictions involving "monsters", shall we say... being an exophile with a rather dark streak, I am fond of all those handsome orcs, uruk-hais, Predators, demons, trolls... and so on.

Different strokes for different folks, and all that... smile.gif

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi! My name is Laevi, and I've just discovered AFF.

I posted a few of my stories so far, to see how they are received here.

I write gay erotic stories (slash?) and make the illustrations for them. Of course they're sold at Cafepress... biggrin.gif

I started writing 20 years ago (I'm 39 now) and feel I'm still learning, but so far I'm pretty content with what I come up with.

At the moment I'm writing my biggest love-story, over 350 pages in paperback already, and I post chapters on Y!Gallery (must register) for feedback.

I created a group of men called Wolves. They're over 30 characters I regularly write about, I even role-played them for months, and since I developed them decades ago, they're very easy to imagine.

My stories are about love. Sometimes fluffy, when I feel I need it, sometimes pure hardcore, but never one-night stands. Maybe it's because I know my lover for 13 years already and am still in love, I don't know.

By the way, I'm Dutch, and English is my second language. So I hope it's good enough.

Thanks for this site, I think I'll like it here!

xxx Laevi

Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi
Posted (edited)

Welcome to our special little corner in Hell ^__^ We have an open bar and appetizers being passed around 24/7.

Edited by Nanaea
  • 2 weeks later...

hi. i joined the forums a little while ago and posted about one of my stories and then stayed away. well i logged in today, had some free time, and saw some interesting topics. so i posted in them and now i feel like becoming more of an involved member.

i write hetero fics. these are the kind that interest me. i seem to write mainly in the television section and read in the different anime sections. mainly dbz, inuyasha, and naruto. i think that is just because there are a lot fewer television writers aside from certain shows which get a lot. for this profile i write purely smut. i have in the past written long drawn-out romantic stories that have been rated as not the best ever written but fairly good. i admit my writing talents do not match many of the people on this site but it is good to see how my skills compare. i am 19 right now and have been writing for a while. i do have college to go to and so i sometimes take a long break between stories. and at other times i finish a couple chapters of a story in one night. just depends on how nice my professors are feeling that week. from what i have seen this forum seems really nice and i think i will enjoy it here. especially the stupid games. hope we reach infinity soon!

Guest Gaara

I'm new to this forum but not adultfan. Seems like a very interesting place to be.

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