DemonGoddess Posted April 25, 2013 Report Posted April 25, 2013 Recaptcha FAQ for you to eyeball Kurahieiritr 1 Quote
Danyealle Posted April 25, 2013 Report Posted April 25, 2013 Actually, if you hold the ctrl button down then scroll up with the mouse wheel, it enlarges everything on the page, including the recaptcha. This from someone that doesn't see the greatest either and needs to enlarge things! If you use Firefox, there is an extension for it called No Squint. It, also, will take the size of everything up or down on the page with a + or - bar up on the top toolbar of it. Works very well and is safe. Quote
Kurahieiritr Posted April 27, 2013 Report Posted April 27, 2013 Thanks for the input everyone. Demongodess, I checked out the FAQ link, and put it in my important links book mark in case I forget anything I read. I'll get everything figured out shortly. Thanks for the extra Tip Danny, I switched to Firefox a month ago. I am still figuring that out also. I will get there eventually. Snicking@myself on this one. Quote
DemonGoddess Posted April 27, 2013 Report Posted April 27, 2013 heh, it can take awhile to learn a new program Quote
Guest Posted April 28, 2013 Report Posted April 28, 2013 (edited) So personally I don't mind if people don't review. Because I don't always review myself. I appreciate it whole-heartedly, like seriously I go nuts, and if they review my story I will review theirs. But... I would rather send a PM if I can rather than posting it on the story. And if they request I will happily post something on the story itself, which will still be honest but not glaringly pointing out the faults. Yeah I feel like a total hypocrite. I usually only review if I like the story. If I don't, then I don't want to offend the author, so I just move on. That said, I just posted a chapter and no reviews yet....argh. The unloved feeling won't go away but intellectually, I'm berating myself for caring. I'm just imagining that people hate my story so that's why they're not reviewing it. On the other hand, maybe they just don't care and thus I shouldn't care. AFF does not offer PM's and I'm not comfortable with sending it to the forums because not everyone is active on them, so they might miss it. I created an email just for AFF in case readers don't want to use the forum. That might help you... Edited April 28, 2013 by magicmau5 Quote
Danyealle Posted April 28, 2013 Report Posted April 28, 2013 (edited) Mau, I would suggest that you go back a couple pages here and reread what was said about authors killing chances at getting reviews. In your case, it's probably a contributing factor. Edited April 28, 2013 by Danyealle BronxWench and RogueMudblood 2 Quote
BookMaggot Posted April 29, 2013 Report Posted April 29, 2013 I won't fanpoodle, though. That is just beneath me, and anyone over the age of twelve, actually. You want blind adoration, get a dog. I'm more of a dragon myself. But... butbutbutbutbut.... I like fanpoodles Lol, just kidding. No I completely agree with what you said. We need reviews to tell us we're doing fine, they give us comfort and security. In how you present yourself through PM's and A/N depends also on whether you get reviews. Which is a factor not a lot of people consider or realize. I am not a big chat-fan per se... I talk to much at home lol, so I don't always say a lot at forums and stuff >_>. But at the end of the day reviews have to be appreciated for good or bad. Especially those long essays that blatantly expose every insecurity you've ever harbored. But then again those silly fan-drooling posts where they act all silly and make you feel like the awesomest writer ever... it really does something special to the cynical bastard inside us all. Like shuts it up for a few minutes Yeah I feel like a total hypocrite. I usually only review if I like the story. If I don't, then I don't want to offend the author, so I just move on. That said, I just posted a chapter and no reviews yet....argh. The unloved feeling won't go away but intellectually, I'm berating myself for caring. I'm just imagining that people hate my story so that's why they're not reviewing it. On the other hand, maybe they just don't care and thus I shouldn't care It's always the dillema I think we all face. That mix and match feeling of anger and depression when we don't get any recognition for the work we put into a story. Oddly enough when we wait that long for a review we usually appreciate them alot more, even if they're a two word review along the lines of 'Dis AWESOME!". And at the same time when we get instant gratification, like they review two minutes after you post, you feel great but unless it's a long review, we usually feel a little peeved and cheated. Like mostly we think... "why aren't you telling me how awesome my dialogue is?" It's not wrong it's just most of us are very insecure about these types of things! O_o I think all fanfiction writers (maybe men excluded) will always have that self conciouse and insecure teenage girl inside of us. It's like the night before prom or some other big dance. Eveyrone's telling you you look fine and you look great, and some of us will say "No! Are you an absolute twat? EVERYONE is going to be there, I need to look good!" Others will say, "I don't really care, let's just get going," and some more might even say "I look great, I'm going to be soooo pretty!" But when you get there all of us turn into that insecure one. Because we want to look good, and part of us want to be noticed and when someone drops a comment on our dress. It feels awesome. Not because we're vain but we went through a lot of trouble to look this good, and its nice to be noticed, even by a passerby. And it's always special when people you don't even know tell you you look beautiful. But no matter how many times we go through it, everytime you put on a new dress and get ready for the next dance or wedding, the same butterfiles will come, the same insecuriteis and until someone tells you you look good, you won't be able to breathe. *clears throat* I think this post ran away with me >_> BronxWench 1 Quote
Kurahieiritr Posted May 2, 2013 Report Posted May 2, 2013 (edited) Laughing so hard as I catch up on this thread right now. I took all of several years worth of reviews from the two sites I posted on, the good, bad, and ugly. Now I am completely revamping a whole series at the moment and moving them to this site in the Initial D archive section. Looks like I must warn everyone that I helped a dear friend who is a reading fanatic to get onto this site. She doesn't write, but she will review anything that catches her eyes. Every single chapter . . . Not even kidding here. She and I met when I was an active Urbis contributing writer who royally sucked at the time. For 10 years, any site I start posting on, she starts combing through looking for gems to entertain herself. She's partially paralyzed and something of a shut in so she does have plenty of time. The reason she has stuck with me for so many years is she likes my way of turning phrases. She has helped me get even better at finding new ways with words. Please be nice to OldOwl if she does review your work. She's one incredible asset if you look at her review with an eye for "maybe I can fix that little problem" mindset. She tells me every single typo and every grammar problem, and I absolutely love her for it. She's helped me improve my writing greatly over 10 years. Sometimes she goes on character kicks, and sometimes she's a grammar Nazi, but OldOwl is one of the greatest assets any writer could ever befriend. She broke me of the horrific bad habit of not being well versed in which character was talking to the other. Now I have that trait down pat. She is the reason I learned to use idioms, catch phrases, and other tricks like stuttering and other personality keying factors to make the character personalities clear through the way they spoke to each other. I can assure everyone she is worth listening to when she does tackle a project. After all, I'm pig headed and she tackled me and won me over. ROFL. Frankly, this is the first time she has reviewed any of my work without growling that she should have known which character was talking without the proverbial Character 1 said and Character 2 replied tags. Edited May 2, 2013 by Kurahieiritr Raymy, BronxWench and BookMaggot 3 Quote
RogueMudblood Posted May 2, 2013 Report Posted May 2, 2013 On a side note: I hate the phrase "grammar Nazi" - it marginalizes a series of events that cost over 10 million people their lives, and nearly destroyed several nations as well as introducing a terrifying amount of power into play that shaped the formation of politics and world events for the next sixty years (and continues to do so). I'm not a fascist because I think someone should respect the language in which they write and attempt to communicate effectively in it in order to tell their story. I know that's off topic for the thread, but semantics generate reviews, accuracy generates reviews, and the ability to effectively communicate generates reviews. And now, back to your regularly scheduled discussion. Kurahieiritr, Cuzosu and BronxWench 3 Quote
Kurahieiritr Posted May 2, 2013 Report Posted May 2, 2013 On a side note: I hate the phrase "grammar Nazi" - it marginalizes a series of events that cost over 10 million people their lives, and nearly destroyed several nations as well as introducing a terrifying amount of power into play that shaped the formation of politics and world events for the next sixty years (and continues to do so). I understand completely. I do not use the term to degrade the nightmare of World War 2. It is not my favorite phrase either, however many authors have referred to OldOwl as "The Grammar Nazi" for a decade. Her infamy began in the Urbis website feedback arena. Thin skinned vermin posing as authors have fits such as the ones I've seen in this thread over her reviews. Many foolish egomaniac pretenders scream foul about her input. The sad fact is "Grammar Nazi" is the fastest way of giving the Moderators posting on this thread a heads up because "Oh poor abused little me! I got told I'm not a writing God. Boo-hoo! Waaah!" type authors will throw tantrums once Owl figures out this archive. I've seen OldOwl leave reviews for stories that were so horrid she simply wrote: "Please learn the rudimentary uses of your Grammar Checking/Spell Checking features within your word processor program. They are valuable tools of your trade." OldOwl's meaning; "Please study and master the basic structure of the English language." Owl knows the difference between conscious use of grammar glitches to advance characterization, and genuine ignorance. She understands the purposeful use of bad grammar, namely in dialog. She knows that people do not speak in perfect syntax, Grammar perfect English. In fact I have seen her leave reviews where she told writers; "people do not speak perfect English in the real world. Relax grammar in dialog to give the character more personality." OldOwl is a tenacious reviewer when she sees an author has promise. She looks for strengths in every writer's creation. In my case it was plots and unique word descriptions for characters/backgrounds/items. Because I do evoke emotions well, Owl began pushing me to polish my weak spots. I whimpered and cried 10 years ago, but I've never regretted considering corrections she advised. The funniest thing is that Owl will leave a rehash in a review if the overall feel of the chapter fits the character point of view to perfection. If she leaves opinion reviews and rehashes instead of please correct this, that, and the other, it means she felt the chapter was a perfect reflection of the character's world lens. Old Owl's only major reviewer flaw is she gets character names wrong if they are Japanese, Russian, or similar ethnic roots. She has warned me that she inserted pronounceable names in her head to keep track of the cannon Keisuke and Takumi characters because she can't pronounce their names. Otherwise, Owl is an incredible Beta Class reader that should be respected. If you want to fix your problems in writing, she is the best reviewer I've had for a while. She's the reviewer to watch for over the next few months. Quote
BronxWench Posted May 2, 2013 Report Posted May 2, 2013 Personally, I love to get reviews like that. When I do, I'm delighted. I won't improve without knowing what works and what doesn't. I also don't have a beta reader, so I sometimes miss an error like a wrong tense (has/had) where spell check doesn't pick it up. Knowing about those little errors is also very helpful, so I can go in and fix them. Then again, I treat my writing seriously, so I welcome serious concrit. A publisher's editorial staff isn't there to pet authors and make them feel good, either. Me, I'd be delighted to have her input. Kurahieiritr and RogueMudblood 2 Quote
Kurahieiritr Posted May 2, 2013 Report Posted May 2, 2013 Personally, I love to get reviews like that. When I do, I'm delighted. I won't improve without knowing what works and what doesn't. I also don't have a beta reader, so I sometimes miss an error like a wrong tense (has/had) where spell check doesn't pick it up. Knowing about those little errors is also very helpful, so I can go in and fix them. Then again, I treat my writing seriously, so I welcome serious concrit. A publisher's editorial staff isn't there to pet authors and make them feel good, either. Me, I'd be delighted to have her input. I can let OldOwl know of Author names to look up as she gets settled into the groove. I know she has been one of the best assets I've had since she does hold my nose to the grindstone as hard as any professional editing staff to publish something readable. I have a question also. Owl sent me an email saying that she is getting limited on the number of chapter reviews she can give here. She can only give five, or maybe six per day as far as she knows. Is there a specific reason for that shut off limit? I told her I figure it may be due to spam bot blocking software, and that I would find out more about the situation for her. Or is the setting intended to put limits upon the number of concrits to a specific author per day? If that is the case, I can tell her to shift focus to a couple writers each day so she can keep herself amused. Thanks so much for the information in advance. Quote
RogueMudblood Posted May 2, 2013 Report Posted May 2, 2013 I'm not aware of limits like that. I did get an error once when someone was submitting a review at the same exact time I was. I waited a few minutes before going back into the story and leaving the review. (I write mine in notepad and then move them over to the review text window.) If she can take a screenshot of the error she's getting and contact DG may be able to tell her why she's receiving the error. DG will need details such as her OS and browser (which one and version number) as well as her Java version to make sure everything is up to date. That data will also help DG to recreate the problem if it is something that can be recreated. Quote
DemonGoddess Posted May 2, 2013 Report Posted May 2, 2013 There are definitely no such limits. I need the specific error that she's encountering so I can figure out what is happening. Quote
Kurahieiritr Posted May 3, 2013 Report Posted May 3, 2013 OldOwl says her husband pays for America Online service as their main internet provider. She hasn't got a clue what kind of Java set up it uses. Neither does her hubby it seems. She is on Windows 7. To be honest, I think that must be the main problem. I am aware of how much of a pain the Aol program can be when it comes to setting limits on people's usage. I stopped using them for my internet provision over a decade ago because the program is set up to be so controlling over the users when it is control of their internet access. I will talk her through the process of turning on Internet Explorer specifically when she is visiting AFFnet. Hopefully that will resolve the problem she's having. If Aol continues to cause interference, we will have to try and talk her stubborn hubby into going with a different internet provider. Unless you have some idea of how to bypass aohell's bull? Big hopeful smile as I daydream of slaughtering A.O.Hell. . . . I really learned to hate that friggin program years ago. Quote
RogueMudblood Posted May 4, 2013 Report Posted May 4, 2013 Is she using the AOL browser (I thought it was defunct?) or IE 10, Firefox, etc? She can send an e-mail to and talk to DG directly and give all her details so you don't have to post them in open forum. Quote
DemonGoddess Posted May 4, 2013 Report Posted May 4, 2013 Actually, AOHell's browser, whether cobranded IE, its own, or whatever, is garbage. Have her download Chrome. It's fast, works very nicely with EVERYTHING. Quote
Kurahieiritr Posted May 5, 2013 Report Posted May 5, 2013 Thanks so much for the input. I will relay the message to OldOwl ASAP. Looks like I need to make a trip to Catalina to fix her computer and teach her about navigating online. She does not know how to download anything and Her Hubby is as ditzy as her about computers. Both need serious computer basic classes. I'll get things fixed as soon as I can schedule in the hour long trip each way. Quote
DemonGoddess Posted May 5, 2013 Report Posted May 5, 2013 LOL. Well, as long as she can follow directions, perhaps I can save you a workish trip, and just make it a friends visit? Quote
Kurahieiritr Posted May 5, 2013 Report Posted May 5, 2013 Chuckles. It is okay if I make it a work trip. Her newest son in law thinks he knows computers and it takes me hours to undo the nightmares he creates all the time already. It won't be long before I have to resurrect their computer at any rate. On average I do it 4 times each year. I'll schedule in the added Chrome on my next visit to fix his stupidity. Quote
DemonGoddess Posted May 5, 2013 Report Posted May 5, 2013 *snickers* Did some research, and yes, AOHell still has a browser of sorts, and yes it doesn't like java. Soooo not surprised at that. Because it doesn't like java, java dependent sites, which are MOST of 'em (as Ajax is ALSO java) that means most interactive sites, whether minimal, or more; will give your friend issues. Kurahieiritr 1 Quote
Kurahieiritr Posted May 7, 2013 Report Posted May 7, 2013 Why am I not surprised to read that AOHell is even worse than It was when My aunt worked for the company in the early 90's? Snorting over here. The horrid ideas sent my aunt packing from that place long ago. She said that the main powers wanted a lot of control over people, and it is not surprising that they still do that crap. Oh well, we came up with a side plan. Owl said she is working with you also on how to get around AOhell. She said comcast is giving her better access now that she knows how to get that open instead. Grins. Thanks so much for your patience and help, Demon Goddess we both appreciate it a lot. Quote
Crystalandra Posted August 1, 2013 Report Posted August 1, 2013 I guess that I can say as a newbie to writing that since I am not receiving many reviews and lots of hits must indicate that my story is perfect and needs no improvement. *snickers...Oh the old saying says, 'beggars can't be choosers' and I should be thankful that at least people are reading my work...Although it would really be nice to receive a praise here and there that they like my plot and where it is heading. Does that make me selfish to say that? I don't mind criticism in fact I am use to receiving negative comments since I have developed a thick skin over the years. I have come to accept the fact that some people will like your work and others will not. Kurahieiritr 1 Quote
Kurahieiritr Posted August 2, 2013 Report Posted August 2, 2013 (edited) I guess that I can say as a newbie to writing that since I am not receiving many reviews and lots of hits must indicate that my story is perfect and needs no improvement. *snickers...Oh the old saying says, 'beggars can't be choosers' and I should be thankful that at least people are reading my work...Although it would really be nice to receive a praise here and there that they like my plot and where it is heading. Does that make me selfish to say that? I don't mind criticism in fact I am use to receiving negative comments since I have developed a thick skin over the years. I have come to accept the fact that some people will like your work and others will not. A: Welcome to AFFnet forums, Crystalandra. Having a thick skin is a must have trait because there is no such thing as a perfect story without need for improvement. *Chuckles* You can ask any of the published authors on this site about their experiences with professional editors shredding their stories line by line to get it up to standards before their books hit the bookstore shelves to get that confirmed. You are also correct about beggars not being within a position of choosing who is still willing to give reviews. If you do ever receive a concrit review, don't delete it and others might start giving you reviews once they notice that you are willing to accept all your reviews without rancor. The sad lack of reviews you also experience is probably, in part, the result of so many concrit reviews getting deleted by immature writers who continue begging for reviews with each chapter they upload, but delete every serious and thoughtful review that points out easily repaired errors. As a reader, I know I feel deeply insulted when reviews I have given others get deleted because it was not an empty fanpoodle. To be perfectly honest, I've become quite disheartened by the delete rate so have withdrawn from giving many reviews this last 6 weeks because I can no longer stomach the rudeness of such writers. Perhaps someone can devise an easy poll where readers can vote about the number of reviews they have given that got deleted because it contained constructive pointers someday. I would love to know just how many readers have gotten insulted until they quit leaving reviews for strangers. Edited August 2, 2013 by Kurahieiritr Quote
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