Keith Inc. Posted September 1, 2009 Report Posted September 1, 2009 And then comes out with an idiotic comment that the Anri should have been worried that her arm would be crushed in Mae's vagina. (BTW Mae is a CENTAUR).This is utterly ridiculous. If the female vagina can be fisted easily and accommodate a hand. I do believe that a centaur vagina (which is supposed to deal with what amounts to a horse penis) could be able to easily handle fisting. You don't seem to understand the critique. The comment was not about whether the centaur could handle it, but about whether the human could handle it. A concern that the much bigger, much stronger muscles, might inflict damage on the human's arm or joints.The person states that he/she is insulted by my fic.I feel that this is the closest that the reviewer comes to directly flaming me, but it still is enough for me.Okay, you're oversensitive about negative reviews. That doesn't make the review a flame. Quote
Guest jj19 Posted September 1, 2009 Report Posted September 1, 2009 Well, people do weird things in RL. And as long as certain precautions are taken, then it would not be a problem. Quote
Keith Inc. Posted September 1, 2009 Report Posted September 1, 2009 Well, people do weird things in RL. And as long as certain precautions are taken, then it would not be a problem. 'Kay. I think my response would have been that humans reach inside horses and cows during labor contractions and births, so an orgasm would probably be no worse. Quote
Guest jj19 Posted September 1, 2009 Report Posted September 1, 2009 'Kay.I think my response would have been that humans reach inside horses and cows during labor contractions and births, so an orgasm would probably be no worse. That's what I meant, what were you thinking of? Quote
Guest newyorican Posted November 8, 2010 Report Posted November 8, 2010 Good Lord, I've had my ass flamed to the point of me being crispy. ^^; I used to take it somewhat hard when I was around fourteen, but then I stopped being bothered with stupid shit like that. I'm more insulted with their attempt to offend me now. I actually kind of look forward to them now, simply because a lot of them lack proper grammar, spelling, or sense. Others, however, have caused me to somewhat doubt my writing. It had me thinking, "If one person cared enough to be a dickwad about it, then someone else must be thinking this. How can I improve this aspect of my story?" I've kept every single review I'd ever gotten. Some were on FF.Net, some were on FicWad, etc. wow you're a real piece of work attacking the author when she has nothing to do with any of her reviewers actions. She posted your message on her profile so everyone can see what a crazy ** you are. hahahahaha I hope you get tons of flames you ** piece of no talent trash! hahahahahahaha i hope you get writers block for eternity! This started with my leaving a comment on someone's story explaining to them that they were in desperate need of a beta. Then her reviewers started ganging up on me, which I thought was rather ridiculous. Honestly, the encouragement she received was more along the lines of, "Your sister is a winner of FanFiction awards, you're not awful, blah blah blah..." I'm sorry, but I don't think that her sister being a good writer makes her a good writer by association. >.> Review left by mahjong (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!---------------------------------- Why? Because I wrote a Harry Potter/Twilight crossover with the Edward Cullen/Harry Potter ship. Review left by ImNotRomeo ( letting a P.O.S. like this pass through without a flame or three is just...inconceivable. Look through the archive and tell me how many slash fics you can find that are still rated in the positives in the past few years. The fact that this has an exceptionally gay sparkly vampire is just icing on the fail cake. Fan-girls are stupid, fan-girls are obsessive, fan-girls know absolutely nothing about gay relationships. In other words, you know nothing, you are nothing, and quit writing because your fics aren't worth anyones time, including your own. The only Twilight cross-over fic worth a damn is here: The way I figure it, if 500+ people have this on their alert list, I must be doing something right. And not all the reviews I received on it on FF.Net are squeeee~! reviews as well, so idk. I might not be the best at writing, but I severely doubt my stories are that bad. Review left by Korisovra ( has been deleting their reviews. It says there were 4 and as there are none here, the ust have been flames. Now, if you would just delete the story, we would all be happy. This is, quite frankly, a really large and stupid pile of shit. I actually tried to read it, but was unable to finish the chapter thanks to the absolute angsty shittiness included in the dialogue. In 3 words, you totally suck. Have a nice evening! Have a nice day!---------------------------------- ((Amazingly enough, for the same story.)) Here was my response: Author's responseSweetie, I haven't been on this site long enough to even know how to delete reviews. They're still there, rest assured. As for the angsty shittiness including the dialogue, Edward Cullen is a very angsty person. However, you're entitled to your opinion and if you feel this is shit, so be it. I didn't write it to please you, so I can't say that I particularly care. =] As for deleting this story, nah. You don't HAVE to read it/open it or anything. You can just, idk, not read anything of mine. But, by all means, continue to do so if that's your volition. I certainly can't stop you. Now, I severely doubt that I TOTALLY suck. Admittedly, I'm not the most super awesome coolio person out there, but I know for a fact I don't TOTALLY suck. Have a nice life. So, yeah. ^^; I do have a question. When offering constructive criticism, a lot of authors, particularly newbies, take offense and automatically start a flame war. Do you have to be a writer/have something posted in order to write constructive criticism? Because I've written a lot of criticism on different accounts with nothing posted and the first thing these authors attack is the lack of stories on my page. Has it become a requirement over the years? Do you have to be able to write in order to say what you thought could be improved in a story? Quote
pittwitch Posted November 8, 2010 Report Posted November 8, 2010 Sadly, has nothing remotely fiery. And I want one just too keep me 'ol evil bones warm in the winter. I wouldn't report it, I would take it and love it and pet it and cherish it and, and, and ... oh well. Sorry, old witch distracted momentarily. Oddly, just had a similar conversation with someone else because I thought I perhaps had the wrong idea of what a flame is. Harsh criticism, albeit painful, is not a flame. "You suck!" is a flame. Quote
Nerys Dax Posted March 30, 2011 Report Posted March 30, 2011 (edited) It actually took quite a while before I got my first flame, despite that I write Voldemort-Hermione, which is not really a pairing that's socially acceptable. So, I was totally prepared for shit to come my way and somewhat surprised when it didn't happen. XD My first flame was on FFnet and the anon was called "go fuck yourself in the arse" (at least I can give points for the creativity of that name {something else than Anon}--although it showed the flamer read the chapter on AFFnet and apparently was unable to find the review button here): hi i would like to say thats its elven not eifin thats fucking retarded you cock sucking fuck face go fuck your own face bitch fuck you I couldn't respond because it was a completed story, so alas, I had to laugh all alone. Second "flame" for Bittersweet again; no name was inserted. DUMBLEDORE-ESQUE! OR DUMBLEDORESQUE! BELIEF, NOT BELIEVE! DISBELIEF, NOT DISBELIEVE! I said "flame" between quotation marks because I can understand the frustration over the errors encountered in that story. It bothers me, too. I just haven't gotten around to fixing it. But at the time of this "review", there was a warning placed in chapter 1 telling the readers that this story was the first thing (together with Masters) that I wrote in English (which isn't my native language) after not having written anything for ten years in English, and that it was still in need of major editing to take out all the homonyms, tense and grammar errors. So, I felt the all capitals shout out was really unnecessary. If the story hadn't been finished, I'd be inclined to reply: "Those were all the errors you found? I pity your English if it were." For my latest story "The Prisoner", however, it seems flamers have found me on FFnet. Happy's flame: There are some creepy, creepy pairings in fandom but this just might be the ickiest sort of thing written in HP fandom. A very, moral witch invloved with a more serpent than man, racist, mudering nutjob who hates everything she is and stands for. My response was that I actually copied a part of the flame and posted it in the summary. "Now come and read: "There are some creepy, creepy pairings in fandom but this just might be the ickiest sort of thing written in HP fandom." Eh, let's face it, ickiest is a compliment; it means you're Da Best at something. *sniggers* But I do wonder why someone would click on a story with the pairing Tom Riddle and Hermione Granger, and then, nag about said pairing. How stupid can you be? And my response in the AN of the next chapter was: "Happy: Thanks for the laugh. You certainly made me happy. XD" Anon's flame: "How about moving to the moon, biotch. Then you can bother no one." My response: *snnnrks* A trip to the moon! Thank you for the extremely expensive gift! *places big kisses on Anon's cheeks* You're too kind. I've always wanted to be an astronaut. *runs off to bother the man on the moon* Oh! Maybe it's Riddle? XD Then, Anon returned: Why don't you move to the moon, you fucking racist, muslim-fucking moron! O.o So I fuck muslims and perhaps call them names during? *puzzled expression* I, then, decided to ignore Anon since apparently mocking didn't get the point across how she/he was showing the world what an idiot she/he is. On FFNet again, I also got a couple of progressingly ruder demands for updates from the same anon calling herself Yw/yew. It's not precisely a flame but it's getting close. It especially annoyed me because she basically spammed me, and if she'd checked my profile page (on FFnet I use my profile page to inform readers on the stories' progress), she'd known why I wasn't updating that particular story at the moment. So, there was no need to inform me all over the web that I hadn't updated it. This "review" was the one I eventually reacted, too. "If your record with the apprentice is anything we should b getting ch 3 in a year or so." My not so nice response: "Oh, I am sooooo sorry, Yw, that you had to wait soooo long. I feel terrible now. Distraught. Despaired. How dare I not update! The nerve. The horror. The sheer insolence for leaving YOU waiting for a free story that I don't get paid for to write. *deep, humble bow* I will go sit in a corner and cry now, out of shame for the crimes I have put your highness through. I realise how inexcusable they've been. After all, I am the one who forced you to read a WIP, and then, utter fail, it's not completed and doesn't meet the required update deadline of the site. I shall mend my ways and forgo my real life responsibilities immediately after your reprimand. Yes, I take your "review" that seriously. To quote William Shatner: "Get a life"." I also got some PMs on FFnet, telling me how disgusting and sick I am for writing Voldemort and Hermione as a couple. Most of them come from new and empty profiles, which makes it clear they were only made to write an insulting PM. So, I shared the lulz with my friends and ignored them. But this one came from someone who had an active profile, so I replied to hers. You SICK BITCH! You should DIE!!! Hermione DOSEN'T belong with a twisted, evil SNAKE. Jo slaps you face. I report this SICK FUCK the admins. Stop writing and get help, MORON. My reply: O.o Hmm... so, I should die first and get help afterwards? Okaaay. Jo? I see. So, you're on a first name basis with Mrs. Rowling? *gigglesnort* And she's welcome to slap me across the face, she's just my type. Good luck with that report, b.t.w., I've kept to the guidelines of this site in my story contents. Just because you don't like the pairing, doesn't mean it's not allowed to write stories about them. And just for good measure, I've reported your insulting PM to the admins, too, since abuse IS a violation of the site's rules. Have a nice day. Two weeks later, the profile from that person was removed to my surprise since I wasn't really expecting anything from the mods of FFnet, but I got a message from them that this wasn't the first time they warned her. On my FFnet profile, I currently state the following about my reaction to flames: "If you feel the need to flame, go ahead. To quote LordVoldemort7 (from twitter): "I enjoy it when people hate me. You're spending your time thinking about me & I don't know who you are. Whose life is pathetic again?"." Because really, if flamers think their idiotic remarks will make me stop writing, they get exactly the opposite from me. XD Edited March 30, 2011 by Nerys Dax Quote
Nerys Dax Posted March 30, 2011 Report Posted March 30, 2011 (edited) I thought the Twilight message was 'Not fuckin' equals love'? Nah, you're too kind. It's "fucking equals fade out". And when you "fade in" again, you learn "fucking equals severe bruises all over the female body, Rosemary's baby eating its way out of you, destroyed headboards and feathers everywhere" in Smeyer's world and that's what "tru wuvv" is all about. O.o The "fade out" wouldn't be so disturbing to me if it wasn't followed by the disclosure of all that violence having taking place during The-Act-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named brought to the readers as love, especially since her target audience are impressionable teenage girls and it never gets condemned that Bella ended up like that. And no, Edward's self-loathing doesn't count as condemnation. XD And I am not against an author writing about a disfunctional or violent relationship, but that's not how Smeyer sees her leads. Twilight is scary, sparkling shit. Or I am flaming the author now? Edited March 30, 2011 by Nerys Dax Quote
KerantliDreamer Posted September 6, 2011 Report Posted September 6, 2011 my first flame is in my sig, but today I got this one that really made me giggle. I am so fucking tired of people writing stories that makes Ron sound stupid. So fucking tired of that fucking bullshit. All I can say is fuck this story. Giving this story a negative 10 out of 100. whereas the other 11 reviews are basically saying "we want more!" Ahh, gotta love people who only read the one chapter and nothing else by the author that actually favours the characters they've just "bashed" Quote
Dirty Unicorn Posted April 15, 2019 Report Posted April 15, 2019 (edited) If I’d realized this thread was here, I would’ve saved the flame I got at before deleting it. My apologies. But yeah, it was a flame on my Sonic The Hedgehog fic (he also trashed my other fic which was the precursor to this story) from an anonymous individual calling themselves “AntoineHero.” Now, I have no issue with negative reviews or harsh criticism. One reader pointed out an issue with my two leads, which I appreciated, someone else told me that the French I had one of them using in the same story was incorrect, and there have been times where I’ve found mistakes in my stories and felt disappointed that no one apparently wanted to alert me to them. But this “review” crossed the line into malicious territory I feel, hence why it was deleted. While some flames are funny due to being so silly or whatnot, I couldn't laugh at this one. Not just that, but a lot of their points were just plain incorrect/absurd. - AntoineHero saying that canon (the Archie Sonic comic) handled the bad blood between two canon protagonists deal so much better than my story does. That’s your opinion. I went with an AU setting in the first place because I dislike the Archie comics and how they handled characterization in general, especially that of the aforementioned two characters. My author’s note in the first fic bluntly pointed out it was going to be an AU. I’m not going to start liking some comic book just because you called me names. - AntoineHero hated my OC, who he complained “scolded Sonic like he was his mother.” Uh, if someone is constantly shitting on a friend of mine’s then yes, me and that person are going to have issues. I think most adults would. And yes, the OC is a young adult while the canons are all teens. If you think the OC’s sticking up for his friend is the equivalent of his acting like a bossy mom, then we’re just gonna have to agree to disagree there. - To continue on with that, according to this person, I am a nerd who wrote a Gary Stu power fantasy partly because the MC gets superpowers. Okay one: he was literally drained of those powers towards the end. Two, they altered his behavior and made him act like a douchebag who fought with my OC. It was all part of a story arc the MC (a person who felt like he wasn’t special) went through to understand what it was like to have power and use it wisely. Oh, and the MC’s super-hearing? Is a very passive ability that was mentioned as something he’d always had and which caused him a ton of problems. Maybe you would’ve known all this if you had actually read the story ( @KerantliDreamer, I feel you on fans who skim your work and then complaining about something they’ve taken out of context or misunderstood). And a MC getting beaten up at two points in the story and having to work his ass off and learning self-worth is a Gary Stu? That term applies to at least a few canon characters in your precious comic far more. But I guess them being overpowered and constantly getting their way by making frowny faces or whatever is fine because they’re popular characters. AntoineHero also told me the MC would be ashamed of me for writing this fic. LOL wut? The MC is a fictional sentient animal boy, dude. Unless you think you’re actually seeing him, in which case I suggest you visit a doctor immediately. Sorry, but your poor reading comprehension and fixation with canon isn’t my problem. And why should I listen to someone who didn’t even have the courage to sign in so we could have a real back and forth? Edited April 15, 2019 by Dirty Unicorn JayDee and BronxWench 2 Quote
JayDee Posted April 15, 2019 Report Posted April 15, 2019 Wait… Sonic isn’t real? Then who the hell keeps taking all my rings? Dirty Unicorn and BronxWench 2 Quote
Dirty Unicorn Posted April 15, 2019 Report Posted April 15, 2019 Wait, that happens to you too? But… I always thought it was my niece taking them – OMG. He lives. Seriously thanks, I needed that laugh. XD Sonic fans appear to have this weird tendency to carry on like these characters actually exist.I remember an acquaintance who got an IC “review” from “Sonic” himself slamming a one-shot she’d written. BronxWench and JayDee 2 Quote
AquaTonic Posted August 13, 2019 Report Posted August 13, 2019 I’m a big numbers person and wouldn’t delete reviews even if they were flames because hey, at least they reviewed! My first flame was on my first Sailor Moon/Dragonball Z crossover that I co-wrote with an old friend in 2002 when I was 14. 1 Quote Idiot, you obviously don't know that Ditto is the only thing or person that can transform to look like it's opponent. You also don't know how much training Goku and Vegeta put in to become a Super Saiyan-jin. You also don't know that Jupiter BELONGS to the Jovian Race, she is not an entiety that has lightning powers. Same goes for the rest of the scouts, who belong to their respective planet's races. All in all, I suggest you delete this story and start over. You obviously are no expert. If I recall correctly, fans of my fic messaged the flamer endlessly until they apologized. Later on, they came back (probably 6 months later) and gave a constructive feedback review that outlined how I could improve, what was wrong, and areas that I needed to work on. I appreciate that this person did come back later and give me constructive feedback. It’s probably one of my most memorable flames and later constructive feedback reviews. GeorgeGlass, CloverReef, BronxWench and 1 other 4 Quote
GeorgeGlass Posted August 14, 2019 Report Posted August 14, 2019 Quote I’m a big numbers person and wouldn’t delete reviews even if they were flames because hey, at least they reviewed! I agree, except when it’s clear that the person didn’t actually read the story and is just harassing you. Those I delete. I’ve also been tempted to delete reviews that aren’t flames but that don’t actually contain anything like a review. Like the one that was just a bunch of song titles related to each of the characters. But I haven’t given in to that temptation. Maybe my ego can’t stand to see that number in parentheses next to “Read Reviews” get lower. BronxWench, JayDee and AquaTonic 3 Quote
AquaTonic Posted August 14, 2019 Report Posted August 14, 2019 4 hours ago, GeorgeGlass said: I agree, except when it’s clear that the person didn’t actually read the story and is just harassing you. Those I delete. I’ve also been tempted to delete reviews that aren’t flames but that don’t actually contain anything like a review. Like the one that was just a bunch of song titles related to each of the characters. But I haven’t given in to that temptation. Maybe my ego can’t stand to see that number in parentheses next to “Read Reviews” get lower. It’s definitely an ego thing for me. I unhealthily used to measure myself by that number and would be disappointed when others would have double to reviews. It made me doubt my ability to write a summary or how good my writing was in general. Now it’s about the number of hits that makes me happy. GeorgeGlass, Mina-chan95, JayDee and 1 other 4 Quote
JayDee Posted August 17, 2019 Report Posted August 17, 2019 On 9/1/2009 at 7:46 AM, JayDee said: I hardly write now I posted this 10 years too early! BronxWench 1 Quote
JayDee Posted February 27, 2020 Report Posted February 27, 2020 I was looking through my old Livejournal last night. Found a comment in 2005 that I didn’t write anymore… Quote
Mina-chan95 Posted December 10, 2020 Report Posted December 10, 2020 On 8/14/2019 at 9:42 AM, AquaTonic said: It’s definitely an ego thing for me. I unhealthily used to measure myself by that number and would be disappointed when others would have double to reviews. It made me doubt my ability to write a summary or how good my writing was in general. Now it’s about the number of hits that makes me happy. That’s so true! ‘Cos just when I joined some Discord server for KOF writers, you can only upload on, so, pray for the gods, if you add the AO3 link. I never wanted to use that, but here we are. So, year ago seeing how on little annoying prick was in the center of attention while when I say same thing and getting ignored, but when that snorty bastard – everyone loved that! And the reviews...well, seeing how you get ignored and getting none surely hits below knees like a good strike with baseball bat. So, from doubting my writing skills to depression how some were more equal than other. Well, year passed I quieted that Discord server and it seems my life got better, I gave no damn about, cos this non-functioning site only endorses bullying (nowadays report spam/hate/flamming – fictionpress does not care. And you can’t delete registered user comments too – be it normal review or shitting on you.). Plus, receiving guest hate for my stories nearly made me lose my patience(I stated clearly that this story included cross-dressing, M/M, shonen-ai!) Dear, let me tell you about that bliss of ignorance and not giving a damn...Since the end of Augustus I never felt such a calmness inside and if it wasn’t for one more or less loyal reader – I would have deleted with all published works. Gee, I have AO3 and now nearly done migrating here, so, losing account of degenerative site means nothing to me. Quote
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