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Everything posted by englishwitch

  1. is that one of the reasons why talk of the comic section fizzled away? suggested ages ago that any budding artists might want to convert fics into comics. everyone seemed for it at first, but no one talks about it anymore.
  2. We already have a system in place that send an email notification to authors when their fic gets a new review. would it therefore be much of a stretch to put another system in place that allows fans to subscribe to a fic a recieve an emails notification when a new chapter is posted up? I just thought it was a good idea. make it easier for people to keep up with their fave fics.
  3. Chaper 12 is now up.
  4. I know it's been a long time since i last updated my fic Test of the heart and for that I apologise. Late last year my laptop was stolen and with it went the backlog of chapters I had stored on the hard drive. Then early this year I started a new job and the free time I had to catch up with that backlog was massively cut. Whatever time I managed to set aside had to be spent on just one fic at a time. Fans of my work will know that I was working on my Alice in wonderland fic. Now that I’ve finally finished that I can turn my attention to this one. So expect a lot more chapters in the coming months.
  5. Hey there, just letting everyone know there is a new chapter for my Alice in Wonderland Fic. chapter 20 is the penultimate chapter so read and enjoy for Alice's adventures in New Wonderland are soon coming to an end.
  6. First of all I want to say a massive thank you to those who showed support. Secondly I'm just wanting to let everyone know that after almost a week i've finally managed to rise out of my depression and feel up to writing again. But not all the news is good. I'm still on hiatus. I want to try and re-write the entire backlog that I had before my computer was stolen. It took me two months last time so it will certainly be sometime in the newyear when I update next. It's a shame really my next chapter for Alice in Wonderland was mindblowing, a sex scene that was certainly a first for me. The next Chapter of my Incredibles fanfic was pretty good too. No more filler it was action from then on. Sorry to everyone but you'll just have to be patiant. Start checking my stuff for updates around January 5th. Thats about all i can offer right now.
  7. It will be a long time before I can update any of my fic series again. ot the Alice in wonderland, Incredibles, Lilo and Stitch or any of the others. It could be weeks, maybe even months, I just don't know. I used to write my fics on my Laptop computer. I had a nice backlog stored of chapters waiting to come online. Every Monday and sometimes on Fridays I would put a chapter of one of the fics onto AFF. But over the weekend the laptop was stolen. Partially my own fault. I set the laptop case down, juggling a bag in one hand, a coffee in the other and a wallet to pay for a bus fare and a lot of pushing people around me and keeping up a conversation with my girlfriend it was left behind as I got on the bus. I realised two minutes later and raced back but it was too late. In the ten minutes it had taken me to relaise it was missing and get back, the thing had been taken and while it was caught on camera the police have been unable to make an ID. So unless the computer turns up some other way it's gone and everything on it too. There were no backups. I had completed my Alice in wonderland fic, was almost done with my Incredibles, was making a start on my Lilo and Stitch and was planning my X-men. Not to mention lots of other single chapter fics I was going to work on at one time or another, I had made basic plot notes on a lot and put those in a 2write folder. All of them are now gone. I had many serious works on there too. Notes for novels, a finished work and even half finished stories waiting to be re-written. All of that is just gone and stolen from me. Many things in both the stories and fics were thought up and written down on a spark of inspiration that may never be duplicated. I may re-write them but they won't be the same. The stuff I had on there was good, it was great. I don't tolerate bad writing. If I have a doubt it gets erased and I keep rewriting until it's something I'm happy with. Writing was more than a hobby for me. Writing fics is how I relax, but writing itself was my way of life. Developing the chracters and the twists and turns of a great novel plot was something I loved and lived for. The only thing i'm good at. My soul went into my novels and my heart into my fics. It's not the laptop thats the problem. It can be replaced eventually. It's the fact that those works that I had created, those pieces of me were stolen. Taken with no regard or respect. Thats what hurts me the most. Yet no one seems to understand that. So I'm going on hiatus for a while. Maybe I'll get lucky and somehow, someway the laptop will be returned to me but I'm doubting that. I need some time to get myself together, get out of this down mood I'm in and then perhaps I can think about re-writing those unpublished chapters. But for now there will be no more updates on my fics. Regards Englishwitch
  8. I've never written a final fantsy fic, though i am thinkoing of it. I write all kinds of fics, any that come to mind. the ideas just keep coming all the time. I have never understood how some authors can stay writing for just one section.
  9. national
  10. Neglect. (of child, of pet, take your pick.)
  11. fenway.
  12. What would your girlfriend say if you find her G-spot? Blue, Red, Green and Black.
  13. Excessive force.
  14. I want to go there too. I have never written a decent M/M scene
  15. surprise you at all? if it does perhaps...
  16. wizard
  17. death
  18. sour
  19. 3427
  20. Neither have i. I have never been to Paris
  21. is reading someone's diary bad? my hearts on fire for you.
  22. times when being drunk might be a good thing. with the state of the world i'm not surprised that...
  23. time
  24. no, it'll be assigned randomly in a wheel of fortune style game of chance. am i the only person that remembers Red Dwarf?
  25. because their parents got horny in another country. why?
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