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Everything posted by Solaris

  1. I know, if I ever got rich as in a millionaire, I'll be sure to send enough money for the site to be secure for a good year or two. I know how much this site means to people. When we needed $500 before the end of one month, I got over three dozen letters with checks and money for the site that ranged up to a thousand dollars. I sent that money to Nexcess to cover us for couple months and even though I am no longer the owner of the site, I still get the occasional letter with donation funds in it and I send them onto Nexcess after changing them into a check or MO. I really love our members. They pulled us through tight places and the site is huge because of them and their love for the site. Beth
  2. I love Halloween more than Thanksgiving and Christmas combined! To me Halloween is special to me and means more then those two holidays. Beth
  3. Please format your promotion of your story like this: Title: Author: Rating: Summary: Feedback: Fandom: URL: Thanks! Beth
  4. I don't usually dream about the site but this afternoon, I did. For some reason, I was wearing my Adultfanfiction.net t-shirt from Cafepress and was talking with some guy about fanfiction archives. He made mention of being a fanfic writer and we started to talk. He said he was fucking sick and tired of having to find a Beta to get his story ready to be posted on sites,m unless he was ready to purchase his own domain name and host to post his stories to his own website. The other archive sites wanted you to write up to a certain level like R but he wrote R and NC18 stories and almost no archive sites out there allowed both on their sites anymore. I suggested to him, join adult-fanfiction.org. He asked me questions like, do I need a Beta reader to post there? I told him no you do not. Can I write stories from R to NC18 without being censored? I told him no you are not censored at all. Any kinks, any gender, any beast stories you write is very much welcomed here. He asked, you mean that site allows you to post all that? I told him, yes, and it is user funded meaning all donations made to the site stays on the site for either server upgrades or to pay the server host our monthly bill. He asked, does this site restricts postings unless they are approved by the moderators? I said, no, no restrictions in posting ability once you join you are able to post your stories immediately, no stories are waiting for approval. He then asked, what do you not allow on the site? I then replied, no minors, plagues or trolls allowed. They are hunted down and removed immediately. This site is for those over the age of 18, not 16 or 17 years of age, but those who are over the age of 18 years. He asked, do I need approval from a moderator or the admin to join? I told him no. He smiled and asked, Where do I sign up? I think I found the archive site for me. I told him where to go. He asked, does the owner take checks, money orders or carefully hidden cash in envelopes? I said, she take them all including PayPal. Why do you ask? He then smiled. I have about five thousand dollars that I want to donate to an archive site that is worthy of having it. I smiled and said, you are speaking to a former owner of the site and this site is very much worthy of it. He then asked, what is the owner's home address as I want to send the money to her immediately. I told him, hold on, I'll get Jaxxxy on the phone and told her what's up and that I have someone who wants to donate a great deal of funds for the site. He would love to have your home address to send the funds to. She was speechless and then she told him where to send the funds and she told him that the funds that he sent will be put to use for the site itself. And just as I was about to hear his response, I woke up from my nap. But wasn't that a wonderful dream on AFF? I rarely, if ever have one about the site itself. It was a wonderful dream but I wish it would happen for the site. It so needs a good wad of donations for backup reasons alone let alone as a huge safety net. Beth
  5. People tend to have writers' block on their stories and pause to get it back but there are many, many authors logged in and reading stories if not posting. AFF will always be popular in one way or another. Besides, where can you go to get your kinks, any gender, any stories of all type posted without worrying about a moderator validating your story before it is posted live on a site anymore. This is the only site that I know beyond Livejournal that you can do this beyond your own personal website. People will come back to the site and post and read. Just hang in there. People will return, even the ex-forum mods will return to see what the site is doing. They can't help it, they think we're going to crash but we're not. We have stronger codes and two techs who truely knows their coding shit better then the previous coder did. Beth
  6. Eve, in the past several posts, you never said you had issues working with Jaxxy and you're a mod so if you do have issues working with her. Let her know them. Also, if you have a problem with another member, whether or not they are a mod or a member, PM them and talk it over. Don't blast them publically. Beth
  7. For most of my stories, they come from real topics and just plain thinking about what could be a good story idea and seeing if it would work. So where do you get your ideas from? I would really love to hear it. Beth
  8. Knorg, you have made me laugh this morning when all I want to do is unleash myself from my restraints and attack! Thanks for the laugh. Beth
  9. Is it Christmas or Thanksgiving? If you haven't noticed by the commericals that are airing on TV now, you would be saying that the next holiday is Christmas. But it's not, it's Thanksgiving. I have noticed in the past few years that right after Halloween, the ads start playing for Christmas, not Thanksgiving turkey tips or food that you would be buying for Thanksgiving but Christmas toys for the kids and tissues for your running noses with a snowy theme to it and you can see Christmas decorations hanging up. It's not even that time of the year and yet, the ads are promoting it early once again! I can remember a time when it would be after Thanksgiving day was over that the commericals for Christmas presents were shown, not before Thanksgiving. And the stores have skipped decorating their stores with Thanksgiving stuff since it is about 20 days away but Christmas stuff, that holiday is like forty three days away from now! No wonder I am starting to hate Christmas! Everyone is pushing it too soon and it is making those people who have holiday blues start feeling blue sooner then they should! And normally, I do not mind the holiday, since I get to see my cousins another time before the end of the year comes but geez, the promotion of Christmas is just too much and much too soon! What are your opinions on it? Beth
  10. Or say so in the request that you are writing a story for that catagory, so once your story is done, the catagory is up and ready for it. Beth
  11. I'm still here and I'm one of the oldies of the forum. I was gone after the first couple of weeks on the forum dealing with other things then dealing with the forum till about the second week of October. I won't be leaving, hiding away and not posting possibly but I'll always be here lurking about the forums. Beth
  12. Depends on which Kevin Smith you are looking to snowball. There is at least two or three Kevin Smiths out there. There is Kevin Smith of Hercules and Xena fame - sadly, he is deceased. I would fuck him if he was alive. And there are two others that I am not familar with and yet I have heard about them. Beth
  13. Title: Too Close To Home. Author: Beth Brownell or Solaris on AFF.net Rating: Adult+ Summary: A female appears in the woods of Rivendell, but why she’s there has startling problems for Estel. Child abuse is revealed in this story. Feedback: Desired. Fandom: Lord of The Rings. URL: http://lotr.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544182786 I've been hit with Writer's Block on this story so it hasn't been updated in a bit but I am hoping to work on it soon. Beth
  14. I am promoting two of my Bleach stories. They are Anime and I hope you find them entertaining. Title: The Captains' meeting. Author: Beth Brownell Rating: PG13 to R. Summary: The Captains meet to discuss what to do with Rukia and the human she gave her powers to. Feedback: Desired Fandom: Bleach URL: http://bleach.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600010097 Title: Shinigami trouble. Author: Beth Brownell Rating: NC17 Summary: A new Shinigami comes to the Urahara Shôten, an accident happens which scares the young Shinigami. Can Kisuke and the others help her? Feedback: Desired. Fandom: Bleach URL: http://bleach.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600010053 Thank you. Beth
  15. Sometimes the woman doesn't expect to have DD cups, but if her genes say that her mother has them, most likely they will be passed to the daughter which in my case is true. My mom had 34 DD till old age reduced them to 24 C. I am still 44 DD. Beth
  16. I find most of the time, people will flame you because of that mere fact. Some of my characters has bits and peices of myself in them but I do not consider them to be me. Some traits of mine are in the characters but are the characters really me, no, I never write them to be me. Or am I wrong in my thinking and the characters are really self insertions? Beth
  17. Solaris


    And I have just found out that there is a catagory for the Movie Transformer 2007 so as soon as my story is done, it will be posted there. It was an old fic that I hand wrote over 26 some years ago, sis, I'm just revamping it to suit this year and the movie that came out this year. Transformers was my first fandom that I wrote fanfiction for and I didn't even know that what I was writing was fanfiction! Beth
  18. I post my stories everywhere but for my NC18 stories, they are posted here. The rest even my R's are posted elsewhere like my website, LJ, FF.net and on other websites. Beth
  19. Solaris


    I've already requested it(and for the cartoon one too) since I am doing a story on Transformers already. About drug and booze abuse and end result of actions done by a movie character. Beth
  20. 9431
  21. I hadn't seen the \'s in stories in many years, usually happens in the titles of the stories, never the stories themselves. Weird. If they reappear after you edit them all out, then report back, stating which story it is and we'll have the techs take a look at the coding of the story to see if it is your coding or maybe it could be something else. Beth
  22. 9424
  23. For me, it is that when I get angry at someone I will not hold back with my tongue or fingers or something do not get in my way, let me cool off on my own. My mom knows that all too well, I hit the wrong button on my computer at the time being the year 1993 and I didn't know how to restore what I did and I started to get very angry and started to bang my chair on the floor, she came to stop me from doing that. My hands went from the chair to my mom's throat and started to strangle her. Yes, I did that. It took a punch to the head from my younger brother to get my hands to unlock and my dad couldn't even pull them off of my mom's throat. Needless to say, when they see that I am angry, they let me have a wide berth till I am cooled off before asking me what was wrong. Beth
  24. Just go to this link and check it out. You will be either laughing on the floor or rushing to send this link to your friends. Is it a penis? Beth
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