Abortion should remain legal.
It is the woman's right wether or not to continue the pregnancy.
The woman might have genetic problems that she does not want to be passed onto her children and she cannot get herself sterilized because the some doctors and the pro-lifers don't think a woman has the right to say what is right for her body.
The doctors and the pro-lifers are wrong, the women have full rights to do whatever to their bodies and what is good for them or not.
If the woman wants to be sterilized and the doctor says no and refuses to give her birth control pills, and the woman gets pregnant, she has full rights to abort the pregnancy if she wants.
The pro-lifers should look at how many people are alive on this planet and then look at how much food they eat and how many areas are used for growing food plants and they will see that what we need is less children born.
I happen to be 36 years of age and I do not want to have kids ever. I got myself sterilized last October 2005. My doctor was very okay with giving it to me since she knew I was childfree and didn't want any.