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Posts posted by greenwizard

  1. This whole gas situation is completely out of control. Mere weks ago there were three nearby gas stations. Now there is one, and that one has a very small space. One went bankrupt recently. The other, I don't know. They did have a help wanted sign. Now they have the gas pumps covered in blue bags. The pumps are even on and it looks like the store is open. It's confusing, but not my point.

    I needed gas the other day. I tried to go to the one that I usually do and found it still closed. It was too late to go back into town to that gas station, so I went to the small one. The whole area was just clogged with cars. There was no room to move. I thought by some chance the one that was going bankrupt might still be open. A desperate stab in the dark I know, but I had to try something. My boyfriend had just gotten off work and he was yelling at me. The stupid car is a giant oven. Even when the air thing is off, it blows hot air, and it was in the 90's.

    Anyway, I was out of luck. I had to go back to the small gas station, and by this point I didn't even have enough gas to get home. Foryunately the two cars that were blocking everything up had moved, and I was able to get into a line.

    I just find it completely fucking ridiculous that I had to go through so much for a tank of gas! And now I have to worry about the two area stations running out. Now I just saw an ad for a Nascar race. All I'm thinking is you've got to be fucking kidding me. The area I live in is running out, but it's ok to burn up hundreds of gallons on a race??? Have I been dropped in the twilight zone?

    Oh, and by the way... I'm not going to be able to buy oil to heat my house this winter. I don't know what I'm going to do.

  2. I've been having a bit of a disagreement with someone, and I'd like to hear a few other opinions on the subject. Is it ok to give a cannon character a few uncannon characteristics to make a story idea work?

    My feeling on the matter is that no one can really write a true cannon anyway. Only the creator knows how a character will really act in a situation, and no one can get into their head. And writters have this thing called creative liscence that says we can write what we want.

    Here is the long and the short of it. My story is Harry Potter, and it's about Snape kidnapping and torturing Harry. I'm told the motivation has to be believable. Well... the background is that Snape was in love with James. I also put in that James tutored him in potions and that triggered a very strange and twisted relationship. Ok, I was told that it was riddiculous for Snape to need tutored in potions, especially by James Potter.

    My argument is that Rowling only wrote about what Snape was like with Harry. Not much was written however about when he and the Maraders were in school. We know that in public James mercelissly teased Snape. We know James was a troublemaker and good at quiddich. We also know that Sirius tried to 'play a prank' on Snape and James saved his life. Who says that just because James was written as sort of a jock that he can't be really smart too? And who says that Snape was instantly perfect at potions? Everybody has to start somewhere. Maybe he had a little trouble at first and needed some guidance in school.

    Part of why I'm wondering why this is a big hangup for some is that it isn't even the focus of the story. It's a backstory. The whole basis is that Snape had his heart ripped out and stomped on, and having to see Harry everyday he snaps. Even though James was technically a bully, Snape wanted him for some unexplainable reason. I feel that having a love/hate relationship with someone is possible. So his motivation for attacking Harry is a mental break where he does to Harry what he wanted to do to James for the treatment he gave him.

    This person also talked about Snape's sense of honor. My thoughts on this are; even though Snape turned out to be good in the end, there was a lot of going back and forth. We as readers aren't really sure which side he is on until the end. My plan is that he does this because of a mental break, but even he isn't the type to do things spontaneously. He plans it. Spur of the moment isn't really his style. But some sort of event that I haven't thought of yet will bring him back to sanity land. He'll realize what he's done and feel guilty and try to make ammends with Harry.

    I know this was a long post, but I was trying to fully explain my reasoning for why I set it up the way I did. I suppose I could change the subject Snape was tutored in since that won't change the dynamic too much... Anyway, I would like to hear what all of you think. Ideas are more than welcome at this point.

  3. I can't say much about the furnishings and stuff, but I'm pretty sure a verbal notice to get out should hold. Proving it might be a bit tricky though. When she sent the letter, did she make a copy for herself with the date she wrote it? Also, was the date she gave them more or less than 30 days? Once given formal notice of eviction tennants have 30 days regardless of when the prpoerty owner wants them out. But if they haven't paid rent and have broken the lease she certainly has cause to evict them.

  4. Speaking of Snarry fics, I could use a little help with my own. The basic idea is Snape kidnaps Harry to torture and rape him. But then he'll learn that Harry is pregnant and go on a major guilt trip. Of course by no means will they instantly fall in love and live happily ever after. Serious angst is my thing.

    What I want to have happen is for Harry to be rescued, and then Snape will go on a major guilt trip. But I'm a little stuck. I'm torn between Snape turning himself in, and Dumbledore riding in on a white horse and saving the day.


    There is the link. Suggestions on where to go with this would be welcome and appreciated.

  5. Whether we want to admit it or not, we are nothing but animals that have aposable thumbs that can talk. We are driven by the same instincts all animals are driven by. There is no way on god's green earth that so many individuals will get along harmoniosly.

    And as far as sins; yeah, the Catholics invented them to keep people in line. I myself see the world much differently. In my view, the only real sins are rape, murder, and suicide. Of course there are exceptions to every rule. Murder can be justified in some cases. I guess my point here is that not everyone sees things the same way so saying that no one can commit this list of things pretty much is a government.

    My moral compass is probably much different than yours. I am in a pretty much constant state of lust. I just don't sleep around because I take sex very seriously. I can't do it with someone I don't have feelings for. And yet I know someone who fucked eight bikers in one day. I view that as very wrong, but is it really my right to say what she can and can't do with her body?

    I don't see anything wrong with shoplifting from wal-mart, because it is a giant corperation that's killing the economy and is run by a bunch of rich and greedy assholes. However, I do think it is wrong to steal a little old lady's purse.

    So in a perfect society, who decides what is wrong and what is right?

  6. I was just thinking... Roleplay isn't currently allowed to be posted, but there are a lot of people who like to do it, and read it, including myself. So what if there was a category for it? You could do it on the forums also. Again... just a random thought.

  7. I don't sugarcoat. Never have, never will. If a story sucks, I will say so, but I always tell the author why it sucks. I don't believe in coddling an author because that will only encourage more bad writing. That being said, I try to be tactful at least. Flat out bashing someone doesn't do anyone any good.

    A good beta is hard to find. If you are lucky enough to get a good one, give them lots of cookies and candy so they'll stay! Most betas will fix a few typos and tell you it looks great. Now there's a part of me that would like to believe that my writing is perfect, but I know god damned well it isn't. I have problem areas. A good beta is someone who is strong where you are weak, and will fix the weak parts for you as well as give you advice on how to improve. I'm good at grammar, and character dialogue. I suck at discriptions and character actions.

  8. I read mostly fantasy. 'The Inkeeper's Song' was really good. I like Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. The book 'Blood and Gold' was particularly good, I couldn't put it down. If you don't mind something geared toward a younger crowd, I really liked 'The Dark is Rising' series. One of my cousins gave it to me for a birthday present and I blew through those.

  9. *Shrugs* I write Yaoi in school... I think of sex 24/7... I wonder what its like to just randomly ask a guy if he wants to hav sex infront of every one... That and I want to experement with foods... And the best thing is I'm a real virgin but I talk like I'm not. You could never tell I was until I acually have to do it...

    I think about sex constantly. Pretty much anything and everything turns me on. I think the most I've masturbated in one day was 12 times though. Don't do it that much normally. On an average day four or five.

    I've snatched quite a few things from Wal-Mart. It's not like it's hard. I don't think I'm a clepto... I just think the prices they charge for stuff are bullshit and I don't want to give them any more of my money than I have to.

  10. I think it's fine unless you actually do it in real life. I recently fantasized about tying someone down and chopping off one toe, then cauterizing it with a blow torch so he wouldn't bleed to death and die on me. Then the next night I'd do another toe. Once the toes are gone off with the feet. After that the fingers and hands. I haven't killed anyone though. I just have a very active and imaginitive evil half.

  11. *Goes to get my self written book of mean, nasty, cruel, and socially unacceptable things to do to people* Yeah... I might need this. And you should've put Barney on, not Hannah Montanna....

  12. *sighs* Ok... let's look at the facts. Both pedophilia and homosexuality are sexual orientations. You can't go saying one is fine and the other is a mental disorder. As per my earlier example of my fascination with feet; people like what they like. There really is no rhyme or reason to it. Why is my favorite color teal? Why am I a borderline pyro? Why on gods green earth does anybody like proffessional wrestling? The human brain is a very tricky thing. Each individual has their own unique likes and dislikes. Chemicals in the brain can control things like mood. Disorders of the brain can make us have hallucinations involving any one of our senses. But as far as I know, nobody has found anything in the brain to account for individual likes and dislikes.

    There was an experiment that someone did to study the "nature vs nuture" theory. I remember learning about it in my psychology class. They took identical twins and separated them at birth. One went to a Jewish family, and the other to a regular German family. This was done in the 1930's mind you... Years later they brought them back together and studied them. They looked at thier likes and dislikes, habbits, and what kind of lives they lived. I don't remember all the specifics, but they were strikingly similar in a lot of ways, which could possibly suggest that ones likes and dislikes are somehow determined by DNA, at least some of them anyway. So how can you say 'well, you're a man who likes other men. It's a genetic thing that you can't help so you're fine.' Then turn around to a pediphile and say 'You like little kids. It's part of your genetic makeup so you're a very sick person and we're going to punish you harshly.' That is society trying to catogorize everything into neat little boxes and anything a specific community thinks is wrong is labeled as sick.

    Pediphila is considered wrong, but we as a society have only felt that way for the past 30 or so years. I'm not exactly sure when the laws were passed, but around like the 1950's it was perfectly acceptable for a 30 year old man to marry a 12 year old girl. And I can bet that they had sex on the wedding night, and many nights thereafter. I honestly can't see a man saying 'you're my wife, but you're under 18 so I'll wait until you're 18 to fuck you.'

    Two things led to societies views being what they are now. One of them was the women's rights movement. Women decided to stand up and say that they had just as much right as a man to get an education, own property, and vote. Up until then women were bought and traded. They were no better than farm animals. A family with a daughter had a dowry (not sure I spelled that right) that they would give the man who married their daughter in hopes that they could attract a rich man. It was anything from money, to farm animals, to property. As soon as a girl started menstrating she was up for sale.

    The second is advances in medicine. It wasn't that long ago when the average human life expectancy was around 50 or so. Now I think it's like 80. In the early 1900's it was around 40. Shorter lifespans equals shorter childhoods. A man was given the right to vote at 18, but I believe he was considered an adult before that.

    Look at dogs. They live 10-20 years or so depending on the breed. A female goes into heat at around a year old. Nobody gets upset over a dog being bred that young. Or rats for example... They live 2-3 years on average. Female rats are sexually mature at 2 weeks. Males don't become sexually mature until 5 weeks. I own a pet rat and I did my research.

    But the point of all that was that the shorter the lifespan, the younger they become adults. That's true for humans too. When you were only expected to live to be 35, if you waited until you were 18 to get married and have kids, you'd be dead before your kids grew up and became adults themselves. But now we're living into the hundreds so society suddenly was able to decide ok... 18 and over you're an adult, under 18 you're a child. And along with that came the mentality that if you're sexually attracted to anyone under 18 you're a sick monster who deserves to be put away for life and or castrated.

    I guess the whole point of this long and drawn out post is that I find it riddiculous that people now persecute something that has been around since the dawn of civilization, and only recently considered wrong. I'm not saying I condone pediphilia. I'm just saying that not everything is cut out in black and white.

  13. I think I've said this before, but I'll say it again. Pedophilia may be listed as a mental disorder, but I strongly disagree. It's like saying I'm sick in the head because I have a foot fettish. Though I will admit my fascination with feet doesn't really hurt anybody, except myself when I tickle someone's foot and get kicked in the face when they jump.

    It's a sexual fettish. There's a thread around here somewhere about fetishes... And because it is a fetish it can't be cured. That I do agree with. Nobody really knows what causes sexual fettishes, but there are a lot of weird ones out there.

    When dealing with these fetishes, there are two kinds of people. There is the kind that reads it, writes it, fantasizes about it, but never does it. Then there are the kind that actually do it. If someone decides to jerk off to a child pornogrophy story rather than go out and molest a real child, I have no problem with it.

  14. I really couldn't afford it either. I had to put it on a credit card. The guy thought I should get a root canal, but I really couldn't afford that. It would've been $400 vs $82 to yank it. I need a visit from the money fairy.

  15. I just got back from getting a tooth pulled. I really hate going to the dentist. Why is it when they shoot me up with novacaine everything goes numb but the tooth they're working on? My nose is numb... but when he pulled the tooth it hurt like hell. And yet, if I hurried, I could go get my nose pierced and not feel a thing. That makes no sense to me.

  16. My question is if you had a bad reaction to the energy drink, why did you try coke+ if it has similar ingredients?

    I myself haven't had a bad reaction to aspartame, but I do tend to avoid diet drinks. Artificial sweetners are unhealthy. They're chemicles manufactored in a labratory. Other countries won't take our food because of some of the crap we put in it.

    People talk about it on infomercials because they're trying to sell you something. But if you look at the ingredients on food they have a point. There are all kinds of preservatives and crap. And yes the FDA approved it, but how many times have they approved a drug, and then a year or so later there's a class action suit against the drug company because a lot of people had serious side effects.

    I won't get into it any further than that. I just avoid diet products because I feel that they're not healthy. I'd rather have a few extra calories and take an extra lap around the block.

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