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Posts posted by greenwizard

  1. As always.... if you don't like, don't read. Actually, it really ticks me off when people whine about characters being non cannon because keeping a character perfectly cannon is pretty much impossible. You know, if you've been writing and role playing him the way you think that character would really act, then great. But how can you be so sure that if J.K.R. herself were writing that story or role play thread she wouldn't have the character act differently?

    The only characters that have any depth at all in the Harry Potter books are Harry, Ron, and Hermione; and it mostly focuses on Harry. The only glimpse we get of Draco and his personality is when he's having a go at Harry. If you were to actually pay attention to how Slytherins are described, they are scheming, backstabbing little fuckers. Weakness is a death sentence, same as it is as a Death Eater. So who's to say that when Draco is being a prat it's not an act so he can survive in the snake pit? Are you the original author?

    And let's not forget books 6 and 7. Draco was smug the whole way through book 6, but at the top of that tower he couldn't do it. If I remember right he was actually crying. Then at the end of book 7 the Malfoy family is curled up together on the floor.

    Even after all I've just said... the most important thing to remember is that this is a place where people can get creative and write what they want about their favorite book, movie, or TV show. Yes, there have been some really bad HP fics, but you don't hear me bitching. If I start reading and I don't like it I go find another one. I repeat the process until I find one I do like. It's a very simple process.

  2. I've been following this and I'm just baffled. I can't say whether or not their story is true. I do know that most security officers don't carry guns unless they work in a museum or something and they're guarding something expensive. I do know that the community college that I went to for my English and Psychology classes had a vending machine with sandwiches and hot pockets and crap and it didn't have bars. It still would've been hard to break into though.

    But true or not, these people are definitely fucking nuts. Talk to them if you're entertained, but don't give them your address or number, and DON"T go visit them! I'm serious on this one. Even just telling the story is a sign of being seriously mentally disturbed.

  3. I don't think there's a good answer to this. Some readers want sex in every chapter, while others like a good plot. My story is currently 26 chapters I think and there are two sex scenes. I have a third in a chapter that is sitting in my beta's inbox. But I have a few fans.

    The only thing you can really do is write it how you want it and just hope there's someone out there that likes it. You should be writing for yourself anyway.

  4. Jesus fucking Christ, Obama has been in office for only a few days now and you say he's no better than Bush? WOW THAT IS SOME MAJOR BIAS THERE!!!!!

    I'm not a huge Obama fan but give the fucker a chance. Or just keep letting Rush and O'Reilly tell you what to think, I don't give a fuck.

    Um yeah.... Gotta love how people are all over Obama because everything wasn't magically fixed in a week. The man is only human people and everything is a huge clusterfuck. And I also love how Congress rolled over for Bush and gave him anything he wanted, but they are fighting Obama every step of the way. They refuse to accept any new concepts because gee... the old ones were just working so well....

  5. Well now at least I understand why you feel the way you do a little better....

    First of all, not all religion teaches hate. Christianity and Islam extremists are the main offenders. Though Christianity is broken down into different denominations and not all are alike. Catholics and Mormons are the absolute worst. My best friend grew up in a Mormon family and some of the things she's told me scare me. Catholics think they are the authority and if they excommunicate you then you can't get into Heaven. Talk about having a swelled head....

    Growing up I went to a Lutherin church, and a Methodist church. Methodists really aren't that bad. Even still, the Christian church is not for me.

    Now I will ask how much you know about other religions... such as Paganism which I practice...? To us being unique is a good thing. There is a lot of discrimination because there are a lot of misconceptions. My religion does not teach hate. My belief is that we are all here to serve a purpose. I like to think of the world as a giant machine. Each one of us is a part, and when we're put together we make this world function.

    To say killing off Christians would make the world a better place is no better than what they preach. They may be foolish, but like mosquitos, they serve a purpose. And if you're wondering what purpose mosquitos serve, they're food for bats.

    It wasn't right for your mother to shove her religion down your throat, I'll agree with that. I believe everyone has the right to choose since you're the one who has to live with it. But is it really worth wasting your energy to hate her? Most of your posts on this forum have been so negative.... Is there anything that you view positively?

  6. Ok so the bank shows I have a certain amount of points. It also says lots of other people have the exact same number in the richest bank members thing. And here's the kicker... I can withdraw as much as I want and deposit as much as I want but my bank balance doesn't change. I'm no computer expert but I think it's broke.

  7. You can still get XP from Dell? That's news to me. My boyfriend got his laptop from Toshiba and he was able to order XP with it because we too hate Vista. When the idiot that killed my Dell laptop was staying with us she got a desktop with Vista. We have wireless internet with a secured network and it took us three days to figure out how to get her computer online.

  8. You know what I hate? Friends that you let borrow your laptop while theirs is getting fixed who download porn!

    My boyfriend got a brand new gaming laptop today so he gave me mine back. I was cleaning it up and found porn, some of it illegal stuff. Plus a whole shit load of viruses and spyware.

    I know... to the casual observer it looks like my boyfriend did it. But I know him well, and he's not into that. He takes my head off for watching it after he hasn't touched me in months. He was only using it for writing because he likes writing on laptops. That's all he could use it for because it's three years old and can't handle his games.

    But... the friend I lent it to while my boyfriend was fixing hers loves porn. In fact, the laptop my boyfriend was fixing for her was killed by downloading porn and never doing a virus or spyware scan. And she's not known for being respectful of other people's property. While staying with us for a while we found evidence of her doing things we asked her not to after we went to bed, including smoking in the house.

    Anyway, I was trying to clean this thing up and came to the conclusion that it would be better just to format it. I formatted it and reinstalled Windows. But now it won't start up! It blue screens when I try to start it up.

  9. It's true that Pagans do face discrimination, but honestly no more than non white races. The biggest difference is you can't tell a Pagan just by looking at them usually.

    Foe is right, you are condemning an entire group of people because their way of thinking is different than yours. I find it funny that I can listen to the Christian zealots call me a servant of Satan and roll my eyes and walk away. I don't know what your beliefs are, but you are spewing hate.

    How much do you know about Christianity? Have you ever studied it? I have. My knowledge isn't perfect on the subject, but I do know quite a bit. Yes, there are many contradictions. That is why I left the church for something different. Hate is a poison and I don't have time for it.

  10. So basically you think that killing off a religious group will make the world better? Isn't that, word for word, what Hitler preached? I am one of those people that thinks poorly of religious institutions, but they're not all bad. Yes, I'm an atheist, but what about all those Christian groups that go out and help the poor? Just because you have religion, does not make you an asshole. True, there are some bad eggs like Chick and Phelps out there that I would just love to see burned alive, but there are people like that everywhere. Newsflash: prejudice has nothing to do with religion. It just uses religion as a shield, but even people without religion can be judgmental assholes. It's pretty much human nature and getting rid of religion will only make us find another outlit for our hatred.

    Very true. Most of the horrible things done in the name of religion were done by evil people using God as an excuse. People figure that as long as it's done in the name of God it's ok. Those people aren't truly religious. Those people are delusional self centered assholes.

    And you speak of all religion it seems PS. You name Christianity by name, and yes, that religion is pretty messed up, but there are others. I'm religious, and I'm Pagan. There are a few bad apples in every barrel of course, but most Pagans aren't bad. I guess it depends on what path you follow, but most teach tolerance.

    Religion itself isn't a bad thing; but it's bad when people misuse it. For some people it gives meaning to their lives.

  11. I hate it when a beta just reads it and say they liked it without doing any actual beta'ing. I'm good, but I know I'm not perfect. For instance, I'm a master at dialogue, but I stink at description.

    Keith's advice was good. You see it inside your head, but readers can't. Try to look at your writing and pretend to be a reader who is seeing it for the first time and think about whether or not you'd understand what's going on.

  12. I once had a dream that I was an Indiana Jones type person. This old man and his daughter wanted me to lead them through this temple that I had been there before. So we get inside and these huge stone doors open up and these little blue men run out. I was fighting them, but they ran away when the famous giant stone boulder started to roll out. The only way to escape it was to run through this doorway where there was a maze of rooms and duck into one of them and let the boulder roll down the main hallway. After the boulder was gone the little blue men came and took the girl. I searched for her and came to this room that was very pink and full of stuffed animals. On a white rocking chair was a talking evil teddy bear. I was getting ready to fight him for the girl when I woke up.

  13. I fucking swear, I only visit this place like twice a month but nothing ever changes. How can a site that thousands of people visit have such little activity on its message board.

    I don't know... I don't visit the site often either. I am doing much better though. I'm pretty much back to normal. Really fatty stuff makes me sick though.

  14. My boyfriend works at McDonalds. He came home one day and told me about a customer who wanted the pickles on his cheeseburger arranged a certain way. He'd keep opening up the sandwhich to check, and of course the pickles would move when he did this and he'd send it back and yell. He did this fourteen times until my boyfriend left the grill and threw it at him and told him he could eat it or get the fuck out. His boss didn't yell because fourteen times is a bit riddiculous and he was making a scene.

  15. I've thought about this before. Sometimes when I read a fanfic I really like I get inspired. Is it still plagiarism if you use the same idea but put your own spin on it? Like say someone wrote a really good story about Harry as an adult going back in time in his own body. What if I really like the idea and write a story where Harry goes back, but different stuff happens?

  16. I agree that political decisions should not be based on religious beliefs. Publicly elected officials are supposed to serve the people and speak for them. I'm not naive enough to believe this happens all the time, but still...

    I believe everyone has the right to believe what they choose, but I don't want their religious morals forced on me; and making a religious belief into a law is doing exactly that. I'd be forced to follow the rules of a belief system that isn't mine. When a politician wants to make something illegal because it is against God, the argument remains... who's God. My God doesn't care what you eat, drink, or screw.

  17. No one gets hurt.

    I mean, seriously, look at the news. And at Terminator movie. Arnold goes into a movie scene and empties 500 rounds into 30 terrorists, you cheer, right? Ralph Standers pumps 40 rounds into a fast food joint and the otherwise innocent people within, you get ill. If you see a pile of dead bloody bodies you probably can't react until you know if it was a Halloween trick or a Valentine's Day Slaughter.

    We are essentially gregarious, tribal-clan oriented creatures. We're conditioned not to hurt others.

    But if it's a story, if we know it's a story, if we can be sure that no amount of enjoying the story will cause any human being any discomfort, much less violate their rights or person, we're free to examine the idea independently of our social conditioning.

    That's true in a way. That's why not a lot bothers me. But why does it turn me on? There are things that don't bother me because it's fiction, but I don't necessarily care for it. However, there are some things that really get me hot and bothered in a story that 'normal' people would find depraved and disgusting.

    I'll go out on a limb here and use an example. In a story, I get seriously hot and bothered by bathroom play. I don't know why. I came across it once and really got off on it. After I was done I went WTF....??? I've had wet dreams of doing it. I've thought about actually doing it, but got a little sick at that thought. No one would get hurt, but I don't want to. However, reading about Bobby and his big brother Rick having a piss drinking contest is the hottest thing ever. Why? I have no clue. I just go with it. I too think it's unhealthy to repress desires just to be normal. If you get off and nobody gets hurt who cares?

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