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Posts posted by greenwizard

  1. Porkchop, in your supposed infinate wisdom, did you happen to notice that pretty much every person who has posted in this topic has disagreed with me, but you are the only one I seem to have a problem with?

    Seriously, why bring every post I have ever made into this? If your theory were true, I would be attacking everyone. I'm not. Your little friend Raphella defended did you. Did I say anything? Nope.

    It's true, I've been called stupid a lot by people like you. I am so sorry I didn't kiss your ass and thank you for it. Did you also happen to notice that other people said they were sorry if they took what they said as an attack after my blow up? What did you do? Why you kept right on attacking me.

    My other post you were referring to was a rant regarding something that had absolutely nothing to do with you. Someone was agravating the shit out of me by spewing the same crap at me over and over, and I didn't want to talk about it anymore. But that person kept after me, the same thing you're doing. I would hate to think that you are friends with this person and are lashing out at me because she can't anymore. But either way, you have no buisness commenting on that unless you were actually involved in the situation, and as far as I know, you weren't.

    And apparently everyone likes their ego stroked, including you. By bringing up every post I ever made and calling me an attention whore, were you expecting everyone to agree with you and attack me right along with you?

    As far as any posts I have made, including this one, it is my attempt at interacting with a group of people. I was hoping to make a few friends but I've long given up on that pipe dream. I am settling for conversation and interaction.

    And I've already admitted that I probably did word this question wrong. Did you notice that? I honestly don't know what you want me to do about it now. I wasn't aware that I possessed the magical power to change the whole topic.

    You're right, you aren't my shrink. You don't know what my problems are. You are only making snap judgements on what you think you know. So just stop. Leave me alone. You win if that makes you happy.

  2. GreenWizard just because i say there "should" be boundries does not mean i want there to be boundries so i take your comment personaly.

    Peace out brothers and sisters of adult-fanfiction.org and may the furs be with you "WOOOOOO!!"

    Umm... I'm a little confused. If you don't want there to be boundries, then why do you say there should be? Generally, when someone says there should be something, they are for it. So you were contradicting yourself.

  3. Let me rephrase myself for those who won't simply dismiss anything I have to say on the sole base that I only went to college for two years and studied English.

    I am in no way saying that all science is bad. There have been breakthroughs that have been good. But killer bees and designer babies are two examples I have used that not everything is good.

    How can scientists not be held responsible for how their knowledge is used. That's what I really want to know. They may not encourage designer babies, but having the technology is an encouragement all by itself.

    My entire point is... when any of them get the idea to do something, they don't stop to think about the possible consequences of what they're doing. Mother nature should not be screwed with... period. Every time biologists have done so bad things have happened. I'm not talking about medicine either, though some things they have come up with have been pretty far fetched.

    And it makes me mad when everytime something goes horribly wrong the scientists involved step back and say 'wasn't my fault'. They take things too far because when people get killed no blame is placed with them.

    Some of you may sit there and think well what does it matter if a few people have to die in order to find something to help others. What if one of those people who had to die was your best friend or relative? Would you still be able to shrug it off so easily?

    Would you be able to sit at your best friend's funeral knowing he or she was dead because some scientist got the bright idea to try something that was phenominally stupid that went wrong? And how would you feel knowing your friend was dead and the scientist responsible for the bright idea was sitting happily in some labratory completely blamesless and trying some new hairbrained idea that will probably get a few more people killed.

    It's easy to say that the cost of a few lives here and there is worth gaining knowledge, up until it hits a personal note. I have never had it hit a personal not for me thank god, but it's in my nature to be against injustice. I don't think it's right for people to place a value on a person's life, then determine whether or not it's worth more than the life of someone else. It's like nobles in medieval times sacrificing peasants to dragons to save their own skins.

    I just think limits should be placed. If the idiots do wipe out an entire village, they should be made to answer for it. And saying that lives of hundresds of people in some other country is worth the slight possibly that scientists may be able to control the weather (never going to happen in my opinion) is ignorant. Maybe if they could be charged with murder they would think twice about trying something potentially dangerous.

  4. My how quickly we degenerate to insults. You show yourself to have very poor debate skills and come off as patently uneducated when you jump to that, it seems to be pretty common with you. Someone disagrees with you and you cry your poor little eyes out about it. I must question why you get on an internet forum where you know people are going to disagree with you when you have such tender sensibilities.

    If your god has such a brilliant master plan for everything, then why introduce problems that man would be unable to overcome without the aid of science? Why make him capable of reasoned thought to begin with?

    And relying on an intelligence quotient to make yourself feel better, are you serious? The value of the IQ test has been pretty much cast aside by... oh right, people with degrees, so you wouldn't care. Stop crying about how the world doesn't understand you and go to school.

    "I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." --Galileo Galilei

    You are the one who started with the insults fucktard. I don't mind being disagreed with. But you called me uneducated. That right there is crossing a major line.

    I am so fucking sick and tired of people assuming my opinion doesn't matter or I don't know what I'm talking about because I don't have a wall full of degrees.

    Is your self esteem so fragile that you have to hold your 'intelligence' over other people's heads to make yourself feel superior? It sure seems like it. You are not better than me. You are sure as fuck not smarter than me. You pretty much just called me stupid using big words thinking I wouldn't notice because I'm so stuipd. I bet you were laughing to yourself and everything. Well guess what, I do understand big words!

    Intelligence is defined as the ability to learn by the way. Not what kind of book smarts you have. And again... you say the value of an IQ test has been cast aside by people with degrees. So everyone who reads this please take note... if you don't have a wall full of degrees, according to Porkchop you're stupid.

    That is what I'm pissed off about cupcake. I tried to start a conversation, and some ignorant asshole comes along and calls me stupid because they think they are better than me.

    Agaib... maybe I did use the wrong wording. I knew what I wanted to say, I just wasn't sure how to put it. I am pretty much just talking about the ones who do stupid shit, and the fact that there is nothing in place to keep them from doing so.

  5. Ok... I seriously give up. First of all Porkchop FUCK YOU! Don't you dare go calling me uneducated because I didn't go to college for years and have all kinds of degrees. It's called common sense. It's called being able to see the broader effect of things.

    My point was, all scientists, now matter what kind, tend to push things farther than they should be pushed. They think because they can they have the right to do so. I am sorry if I believe screwing with mother nature is wrong. Things were designed the way they were for a fucking reason.

    Oh, and on the superbug thing, yes, antibacterials are causing it. If you go around your home disinfecting everything constantly, your immune system is less exposed to germs. The consequence of that is that your immune system is weaker than that of someone who doesn't use those products.

    And yes, I believe in God. But I also believe in free will. I'm pretty sure this isn't part of the master plan. But it is clear to me that I am fighting a loosing battle. So go ahead, keep destroying yourselves. Humans love their science because it makes life easy.

    I use technology myself, but do I really have much of a choice? There are some useful inventions, I will admit it. But the world is overpopulated and polluted. And why? Modern science. Scientist are trying to solve the problem with more science, but mark my words, society will eventually revert back to medieval times because that will be the only solution.

    But again, it's clear to me that I am fighting a loosing battle. I'm sure you'll start calling me crazy. My views tend to be a little extreme on some things, I know

    Though my last question is; why is it that since I don't have a college degree that you all assume I'm uneducated and ignorant? That is what gets me the most. People assume I'm wrong because they think they know more than I do because they went to a fancy school.

    I suppose you know more than me about what you majored in. But for those of you ignorant assholes that want to hold a fancy education over my head... I have an IQ of 147. The school I went to wanted to put me in the gifted program. I got in trouble in school because I was bored. The only thing that prevented me from going to college is serious emotional problems. I'm not stupid... far from it actually. So if anyone else wants to call me uneducated, ignorant, or stupid... go fuck yourselves with a sharp stick.

  6. I was discussing that very thing with my mother. She said he hasn't been impeached because all presidents lie. If we impeached every president that lied we would impeach all of them. While true... most presidents don't start a WAR!!!

    There is solid proof on paper that he made up a bunch of bullshit to get what he wanted. Why are they letting this go??? The presidents who were impeached in the past did less severe things. It just really doesn't make sense to me.

    I say this election we all vote straight Democrat. I'm not kidding. Maybe getting kicked out of government completely will give Republicans the wake up call they so badly need.

  7. I don't disagree with advances in medicine and such. But it's one thing to improve our lives, and quite another to kill us all.

    So in saying that scientists aren't doing anything wrong, you agree with some lab technician telling a pregnant woman that her baby has like a 30% chance of developing some disease through testing, ultimately causing said woman to abort the baby who had a 70% chance of being perfectly fine.

    And what about designer babies? Do you think it's right for a couple to be able to go to a doctor and pick out what genes they want their baby to get?

    Or how about the fact that the over use of anti bacterial products are producing 'super bugs'. I don't think that scientific advancements are a bad thing completely. I just think that they need to use their heads more.

    I actually have a bet going with someone that humans are going to destroy themselves with science. We live in a society where people who don't take responsibly with the knowledge they stumble across aren't held responsible when that knowledge gets out of control and destroys lives.

    For whatever fucked up reason we are living under the false assumption that we control our enviorment, and have every right to do so. If say scientists thought they found a way to control weather and were testing this theory on some island or something, and something went terribly wrong, wiping out entire villlages of native people, most people would say; 'oh gee, that's awful, but oh well, it was in the name of science'. And the scientist involved would give some fake 'heartfelt' apology and say that they were working on figuring out what went wrong so it wouldn't happen again.

    But it would happen again. Though maybe next time they might take out an entire country. What I'm saying might sound a little extreme, but honestly it isn't. And yes, if something happens that scientists don't stop, then people will bitch that should have been able to prevent it. That is human nature. The masses are never happy. But which would you rather... Mother nature wiping us all out, or people who claim to be smart doing something incredibly stupid?

  8. I was watching a rerun of Law and Order last night. It was about a bomb that went off in some clinic that did genetic research. They were doing tests on unborn fetuses to see of they had any diseases or anything so the parents could decide if they want to abort the baby. Now I know that part wasn't made up. They actually do that. Their first suspect was a couple that was told their baby had cerebral pulsy, and when they decided to abort it found out the baby was perfectly healthy. I'm sure that really happens, which is fucking sad.

    It ended up being the brother in law of the pregnant security guard that was hurt. There was some scientist that found a gay gene, and wanted to screen unborn babies for that as well. Well the grandfather of the baby wanted the father to have it aborted because the baby had the 'gay gene'.

    Thankfully, I don't think science has ever really found a 'gay gene'. My problem is they're trying to. And I know damn well last night's episode will turn from fiction into reality. Parents who are against homosexuality will start aborting babies with the gene because they don't want a gay child. It will never occur to them that for their baby to have it, one of them has to have it. And if they aren't gay, well, that blows the whole theory to bits doesn't it? Of course they'd probably argue over which one had it and get a divorce.

    Honestly, I think scientist are trying to play God, and that's dangerous. We as humans aren't meant to have that kind of knowledge. Didn't anybody learn from the movie Jurrasic Park? Yes, I know it was a book first, but the movie was more popular as always. I completely agree with what that Ian character said. They were so focused on thinking about whether or not they could, that they didn't stop to think about whether or not they should.

    Killer bees are a good example of science out of control. Scientist were trying to make a more agressive honey bee so they would increase honey production. The bees got loose. Now people are coming across these things and getting killed. I really think that scientists just need to learn to leave things alone.

  9. I still say cut your losses now, but maybe I've been burned one to many times myself. But she really won't change unless you take some sort of action. You could always try confronting her. If she doesn't take you seriously, then she doesn't love you.

    I know how it feels. I've been hurt too many times to count. No relationship is perfect, but there are signs to tell you when to get out. What if this Cole guy asks her out a few months down the line. She said herself she might go out with him. I'm not trying to make you more paranoid, but these are the things you have to consider. I don't trust easily either, so I understand completely what you're going through. You want to trust her. But from everything you've said, it doesn't sound to me like she's done anything to earn your trust.

    Maybe breaking up with her will give her a major wake up call. Then maybe after she's matured a little, you can try it again. There is no law that says if you break up with her now you can never see her again. If she really does care for you at all, she'll go out with other guys and realize what she lost by playing mind games.

  10. My old one was a zen stone that was black. It was a good player. The only things I really didn't like about it was how small it was, and that it didn't have a display window. I like my display window. But I did like the fact that it had an internal batery you could charge rather than always having to replace batteries. The downside was forgetting to charge it. Those also now come in pink and are cheaper. My new one is also a Creative.

  11. I say fuck labels! Seriously... Growing up I thought that being a guy I was supposed to like girls. That's how the world works right? Except that in Kindergarden I had a bit of a crush on another boy. That had me confused.

    I am mostly attracted to men. Most people would throw the label of homosexual on me because of that. I prefer men for many different reasons. However, I can, and do appreciate the female body. I've had crushes on a few girls. I've gone out with a few girls. I even tried to give a girl oral sex once. It wasn't my thing. I'm much better at blow jobs.

  12. I think we all have our limits. I have a friend who was with an abusive husband for a long time. Then she left him when she caught him cheating. That doesn't make sense to me. As soon as a man raised a hand to me, not only would I have left, but I would have fought back.

    You say you don't want to be just friends with her because it would hurt to watch her get a new boyfriend while you have no one. It really does sound like you are only still with her because you have low self esteem. You may not see it that way, but an unpartial third party can. If it helps, I don't think you're a bad guy. I think you really do deserve better.

  13. Ok, so my boyfriend has this prepaid visa that he's been putting a little of each paycheck on for a while. He decided to call up to see how much was on it because he hadn't used it in a while. There was a lot more than he expected.

    We decided to go to Wal Mart and blow some of it. He bought a computer game (why do I attract gamers?) and I got a new mp3 player. The one I wanted came in black, white, and pink. Now here is what I don't get... The pink one was $3 cheaper. It's the exact same player, it's just pink. So I am now the proud owner of a pink mp3 player. I don't like pink, but I saved $3.

  14. My advice... you deserve better. You had a rant of something she did a few months ago. Everyone told you she was going to do it again. Well, she just did it again. And this shit is just going to keep happening over and over again. The question you have to ask yourself is... is she really worth it?

    I'm not trying to be mean, only honest. There really is something fishy about telling people you're her friend. And talking to you about other guys... She's probably trying to make you jealous. That isn't ever going to stop. And her feelings are NOT more important than you're own. Somebody constantly hurting you like this is not a relationship.

    Sure, my boyfriend and I fight. We hurt each other sometimes. But then we make up. You don't seem like a bad guy to me. You're worth more than this. She's having her cake and eating it too by you letting her do this shit to you and not saying anything because it might upset her. YOU'RE UPSET. What she's doing is emotional abuse plain and simple. You aren't imagining things. Whether or not she's doing it because she's a manipulitive bitch, or is just too immature to be in a serious relationship I don't know because I don't know her. But either way, it doesn't sound like she's worth your time and energy.

  15. There is this law, I think it's a state law, that when you drive through a construction site you have to have your lights on. Now I can see this in like the evening when it's starting to get dark, but broad daylight. It's a beautiful sunny day. I can see them, and I'm pretty sure they can see me.

    Let's move on to why I hate this law. It's the reason I have no transportation right now. I went through a construction site this morning. I turned on my lights because there was a story on the news about cops cracking down on people who don't do this. Why? I have no fucking idea. As I stated above, this has got to be one of the stupidest laws I have ever heard of.

    I go home, and like the blonde that I am, I forgot to turn my lights off. Well, the battery is now dead. I know, I should have remembered to turn the lights off... Believe me, I am beating myself up about it. But without that stupid law, I wouldn't be having this issue.

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